March 2024 Minutes

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Minutes of Meeting of Bridge of Allan Community Council

Held on Tuesday 19th March 2024 in the Allan Centre.



Present: Amanda Coulthard (AC); Leslie Harkness (LH) Secretary; Alasdair Taylor (AT) Treasurer; Inga Bullen (IB); Rosemary Dodds (RD); Karen McGregor (KMcG); Linn Kleinman (LK); Jenny Smith (JS);

Apologies: Mike Watson (MW) Chair; Anna Doeser (AD) Vice Chair and Communications Officer; Shumela Ahmed (SA); Graham Robertson (GR); Councillor Alasdair Tollemache; Councillor Ewan Dillon; Alexander Stewart (MSP); Alyn Smith (MP); PC Paul Gilliland; PC Ross Barclay;


In attendance: Councillor Robin Kleinman; Councillor Thomas Heald; Graham Russell (Chair, Friends of Bridge of Allan); Douglas Neilson (Secretary of Friends of BOA); Valerie Sinclair ( Chair of Causewayhead Community Council

); Hamish Taylor ( Lib Dem PPC for Stirling and Strathallan); Gavin Drummond (Former Chair BOA CC); 13 other residents; Brian Bullen (Minute Secretary);



Annual General Meeting (AGM), Bridge of Allan (BOA), Community Council (CC), Common Good Fund (CGF), Stirling Council (SC), Wallace Monument Stakeholder Advisory Group (WMSAG), Discover Bridge of Allan (DBOA) , Residents Against Greenbelt Erosion (RAGE); Community Action Plan (CAP); Local Place Plan (LPP); Friends of Bridge of Allan (FBOA); Community Right to Buy (CrtB); Prospective Parliamentary Candidate (PPC)


B 2318. Welcome, Apologies and Conflict of Interest

In the absence of Mike Watson (Chair) and Anna Doeser (Vice Chair) , the Chair was taken by Amanda Coulthard In her welcoming remarks, AC welcomed those present.

The apologies were noted as indicated above. There were no expressions of conflict of interest.

AC indicated some of the agenda items would be covered in a different order.


B 2319. Approval of Minutes, Matters Arising and Action Log

RD proposed the February 2024 minutes be approved , Seconded by LK.


Matters Arising (LH)

In relation to Item B 2300 and the Common Good Fund, Gavin Drummond wrote initially to the CC to express what he felt to be the need for clarity on a proposal to be considered by the Civic Panel to transfer the Memorial Park and the War Memorial to the CGF as assets of the fund. Both Councillor Kleiman and Councillor Tollemache indicated that they would be raising a number of concerns about this issue at the February meeting of the Civic Panel.

Subsequently, as the CC started to focus its attention more sharply on the operation of the current CGF procedures, Mr. Drummond sent two further communications whose key points included the view that SC had failed to follow the Scottish Government’s statutory procedures in relation to the publication of the proposed transfer of assets to the CGF, the fact that SC CGFs were deregistered as charities on 31st March, 2023 because they no longer met the charity test, and the view that online research on the CGF, using the SC website, is next to impossible. With regard to the deregistration, Mr. Drummond, in one of his communications, provided a helpful link to the OSCR report on the matter. Councillor Tollemache wrote to the CC to stress that, once legal opinion on the CGF had been secured, next steps would have to be considered; in addition, he reminded the CC that he and Councillor Kleinman had a dual role as Civic Panel members and as ward councillors.


Concerning Item B 2314 and the issue, raised by Gavin Drummond, of the core path from the electricity sub station at the bottom of Alexandra Drive, Councillor Kleinman has confirmed that the path was closed some weeks ago for safety reasons and that, although the path is on council land, the ownership of the damaged wall is not clear and is being checked by council officers as a priority, particularly since irresponsible persons have removed the barriers and warning signs. Since then, Mr Drummond has written again to note that it is possible that the path owner is also the owner of the wall


With regard to Item B 2303 and the temporary closure of Sunnylaw Road, the homeowner of the collapsed wall has contacted the CC to report that people are repeatedly breaking open the barriers around the damaged wall despite the fact that the corner wall is unstable and that the fencing is there to protect it. The resident has indicated that their builders have to regularly reinstate the fencing. In response, AD has drafted an appropriate post for the CC’s social media to discourage irresponsible tampering with the fencing.


Action Log (LH)

In terms of the Action Log, the Secretary’s had two action points. The first was to forward AC’s submission on the Sunnylaw Road bid to Stephen Bly with a request that it be forwarded, for purposes of information, to the relevant SC officer. The second was to include in the March minutes two suggestions emerging from our discussion on road safety issues, one being the formation of a small road safety working group, and the other being to provide SC with community feedback on the Sunnylaw Road closure after the council’s April review. Both actions have been effected. In addition, between the last meeting and now, the Secretary was asked to write to the Chief Executive of SC to endorse Dunblane Community Council’s submission to the council on the budget proposals. The Secretary also included in his letter a reference to concerns voiced by residents about the impact of the possible closure of the library.



Action Log (AC)

AC reviewed the other actions which are not covered by agenda items for this month:


  • B 2302: Ongoing
  • B 2306: Councillor Kleinman confirmed an SC officer will attend the April meeting to discuss access issues to the tennis courts. A representative from the LTA may also attend.
  • B2309: AT confirmed that standing orders can be setup to pay into the CC bank
  • B2311:


B 2320. Common Good Fund Assets Transfer.

Councillor Kleinman reported on the February meeting of the Civic Panel at which the proposal to transfer community assets into the Common Good Fund was discussed. Councillors Kleinman and Tollemache insisted that the CC be consulted. A decision was deferred to a subsequent meeting of the Civic Panel, with legal matters being considered. There was some discussion as to the liabilities that might fall upon the CC as a result of registration of an asset in the CGF e.g. for maintenance of open spaces.


B 2321. Police Report


PC Paul Gilliland had emailed the Police Report, which is reproduced here:


Introduction / synopsis of previous month:

This report should provide sufficient information of the police activity since the last community council meeting. If you have any further questions about the police report or any incidents that you are aware of that are not included in this report then please email us direct on the above email address and we will answer your questions.


If anyone has any information on any incidents that we have been unable to identify a suspect then please let us know by email, 101 or by contacting Crimestoppers.

The report encompasses all relevant crime and other matters which have occurred between 20th February and 16th March 2024 inclusive.


Current Priorities:

Our current priorities in the Bridge of Allan area continue to be Anti-Social Behaviour, Housebreaking, Road Safety and Community Engagement and Reassurance.


Main Report:

Between the 20th of February and 16th March 2024 a total of 11 crimes occurred within the Bridge of Allan area. The crimes detailed below are those that are of relevance to the local community.



On the 3rd of March two youths stole some noticeboards from the grounds of the University and later threw them into the loch. This is crimed as Theft with positive lines of enquiry to be progressed.



On the 20th of February a male was found within university accommodation with herbal cannabis. The male will be issued with a Recorded Police Warning in relation to being found in possession of a controlled drug.



None reported.



On the 29th of February a pedal cycle was stolen from a bike rack within the grounds of University of Stirling. All lines of enquiry have been carried out, no suspects have been identified and at this time the theft is undetected



On the 29th of February an elderly male from the Bridge of Allan was the victim of a scam having been duped into transferring a money to a suspect bank account for a deposit on a vehicle advertised for sale on Facebook Marketplace. After transferring the money, all correspondence was withdrawn from Facebook Marketplace and the seller stopped communicating with the victim. The male has since been reimbursed by his bank and the incident has been crimed as Fraud.


On the 2nd of March a road traffic collision occurred in Fountain Road. Following enquiry, a male will be reported for Driving a Vehicle without Insurance and the registered keeper will be reported for Cause and Permit a Person to Drive without Insurance and for a further offence linked to an item found within the vehicle.

On the 9th of March a motorist was stopped within the grounds of the University and was found to have no Insurance. The individual concerned will be reported to the Fiscal.



None to report.



Between the 20th of February and 16th of March 2024 there has been a total of 94 calls to the Bridge of Allan area (this includes some calls to the University, Causewayhead and Cornton). A breakdown of some of the calls are as follows: 2 public nuisance calls, 2 drugs/substance misuse calls, 1 damage call, 2 theft type calls, 5 assault calls, 4 fraud type calls, 5 assist member of the public calls, 6 concern for person calls, 3 missing person type call and 12 road traffic related calls.


Activity for forthcoming month:

  • Carry out patrols in areas where antisocial behaviour is reported (University of Stirling and Henderson Street)
  • Carry out patrols in areas where crimes of dishonesty have
  • Carry out patrols in areas where vehicle related complaints are occurring (in and around Bridge of Allan Primary School).


Efforts will be made to carry out these activities, calls, abstractions and annual leave permitting

Community Police Email Address:


B 2322. Resident's View


Royal Hotel:

A resident queried the situation of The Royal Hotel. It was believed to still be owned by Fairview.

It was reported that the cost of repairs exceeded the sale value. There was concern over broken windows, though it was suggested they have been broken when interior assets were removed.


Centenary of Memorial Park – Picnic in the Park:

Graham Russell announced that the FBOA were organizing an event “Picnic in the Park” to mark the centenary anniversary of the completion of the (Pullar) Memorial Park. The event will be on 15th June,

11am to 3pm.



Blairforkie Drive Closure and Diversion via Pendriech Road, March 13/14.


Many residents of the area of Bridge of Allan that currently (due to the Sunny Law Road closure) can only drive to Henderson street via Blairforkie Drive where forced to take a diversion via the Pendriech road – going up to Drumbrae Farm, and descending down via Pathfoot to Henderson street. A resident from Allan Walk would have a nearly 4 mile diversion to travel the few hundred yards to the Allan Water roundabout, of which nearly 2 miles was on a single track lane with limited passing places (at road or farm track junctions) – there being no signed passing places. No advance warning was given of the 2 working day closure. Many residents complained to the Secretary, who was also had to take the diversion.

LH mentioned IB's suggestion that it looked possible to arrange the fencing around the fallen wall to permit a single track passage. Councillor Kleinman reported the current temporary traffic order closing the road ran until 3rd June. He will ask an SC officer to attend the June CC meeting.


Action: Regarding SunnyLaw Road, Councillor Kleinman to invite SC officer to June CC meeting.

There was a suggestion that from the experience of Dollar Community Council in submitting a detailed assessment of risk to Clackmannanshire Council could result in SC giving priority to specific road safety concerns.

B 2323. Sunnylaw Land Bid.


AC reported on the activities of the Sunnylaw Action Group, and progress towards making a bid to purchase the land. AC indicated that an update had been posted on the CC website. AC is working on the bid proposal to show the positive benefits to the seller. An online survey had roughly 400 respondents. Though CC cannot use the CGF to help with the purchase, a number of very generous local residents have pledged financial support (pledges have been lodged with a local solicitor, and can be anonymous). DBOA will act as 'holder in trust', but the land will be owned by the community. DBOA is in the process of becoming a local development trust; DBOA membership is open to all residents of the FK9 4 postcode area, and residents who join will be to vote on developments.


B 2324. Local Development Plan: “Call for Evidence” Outcomes / Local Place Plan


The two agenda items(7 and 9) were merged into one.

Over a period of 12 weeks, from August to October last year, the council initiated an in-depth public consultation survey, the “Call for Evidence “ survey, whose outcomes will be used to assist in the first stage of the preparation process for the authority’s next Local Development Plan.

The three summary documents sent to the CC were one for the Stirling Locality, one for Bridge of Allan, and one representing an analysis of the views of Stirling locality residents on housing sampled across the individual community council areas including Bridge of Allan. Inevitably, there is a fair degree of overlap across the three reports.

It is important to remember that the number of respondents is disappointingly small and so it is important to exercise caution in extrapolating the findings to reach conclusions about the views of a larger group of residents. Nevertheless, the takeaways from the Bridge of Allan summary do appear to reflect to some degree what residents tell the CC and come as no surprise.

The Stirling Locality document echoes many of the findings contained in the Bridge of Allan report including:

  • protecting the green belt areas;
  • sustainable transport; and
  • considering the knock-on effects, for potential flooding, of building more


The Bridge of Allan findings in the Housing Analysis report are particularly interesting with respondents in favour of:

  • more affordable and smaller private sector houses;
  • more affordable rented social housing;
  • more homes for disabled and elderly people; and


  • more homes created from reused


The Bridge of Allan report’s responses should come as no surprise since we, as a community council, have heard similar views expressed often by residents.

. Some of the key responses are:

  • protect the green belt;
  • Improve flood defences and reduce flood risk by reducing hard landscaping in gardens;
  • reuse previously developed land and buildings;
  • avoid properties remaining empty and becoming eyesores e g Royal Hotel;
  • deliver new affordable energy- efficient homes;
  • have a bypass road to reduce Henderson Street congestion;
  • reduce business rates to attract independent businesses and ensure a thriving town centre;
  • improve bus services;
  • bring back a post office and a

Presumably, some of this aspirational ‘wish list’ for Bridge of Allan might well appear in the new Community Action Plan and in the Local Place Plan.


AC reiterated that very few people had responded and that a wider consultation must be made for the Local Place Plan.

IB and AC had just come from a meeting with DBOA regarding the LPP, with discussion about a proposed community survey. The survey will give residents the opportunity to comment on things that matter to them, things that are good, and things that need to change. The CC LPP subgroup will incorporate the survey with an understanding of the key assets of the area, and also incorporate the findings of the 'Call for Evidence'. The CC will act as the custodian, but the whole community must contribute.

There was some discussion about having meeting residents at the Picnic in the Park, and other ideas such as a knock and drop paper survey, in which a survey leaflet is delivered with a knock on a householder's door, and which the household can complete and leaving sticking out of their postbox (after say an hour or so).


B 2325. Tennis Courts.

GD reported that CSET have approved the application for funding the MUGA upgrade and awarded the full cost to BOA CC and SC jointly. The acceptance letter must be signed by representatives of both BOA CC and SC and returned within 4 weeks (offer dated 14th March).


Councillor Kleinman reported that SC indicate that work on the resurfacing of the tennis courts should commence on 25th March (subject to weather etc). Appropriate signage re dog fouling and car parking will be erected.


AT queried the conditions of the CSET funding, mentioning having to maintain the MUGA for a period of at least 3 years, and also having insurance. As the MUGA is owned by SC it was considered that SC would be responsible for maintenance and insurance, but the CC needed confirmation of this in writing. This is urgent given the timeline for acceptance. LH reminded CC that the SC Liason Officer may take 10 days to respond. It was agreed that CC office bearers can sign the acceptance once the liability has been confirmed with SC.


Action: AT to write (asap) to SC to confirm that SC will bear financial responsibility for the MUGA. Action: CC and SC to jointly sign acceptance by April 11th.

B 2326. Succession Planning/ Co-opted Vacancy

LH spoke on the need for a recruitment campaign for the current membership vacancy. AD had circulated an email to all members earlier in march with a call for volunteers, one to chair this meeting and one to lead a recruitment campaign to fill the vacany. AC had volunteered to chair, but no one had come forward to lead the recruitment.

LH suggested the minimum would be a notice on social media, but there should also be a poster. A timeline is needed with a closing date for nominations. Members must be notified atleast 14 days before a meeting of the CC at which a vote will be taken. AD's email included details of the procedure, eligibility of nominees, and a timeline from a prior recruitment process.

LH suggested the June AGM would appropriate meeting for a vote.

There was discussion about whether to start recruitment immediately, especially given the relatively high turnover rate of members, however given the current activity with Sunnylaw and also the LPP survey it was felt appropriate to delay until after the Sunnylaw land bid is completed, hence aiming to start in mid April was agreed.

LH will re-circulate the communications from Anna.


Action: CC to start co-opt recruitment process in mid-April.



B 2327. Christmas Lights.

AT confirmed that donations could be made on a regular basis by standing order. The Saturday 23rd Nov was confirmed with FBOA as the date of the Christmas tree lights switch on. Mention was made of the Dollar Development Trust that have a 'Friends of the Trust' scheme by which individuals commit to make a regular donation to support the work of the trust. In addition the trust offers free membership to residents of Dollar, and on the website is information about making either a one off donation or a regular subscription. The FBOA have on their website information about becoming a member of FBOA and taking out a subscription with a minimum amount. It was suggested the CC could do something similar to raise funds.


Action: CC to publish bank details on website for one off/subscriptions for Christmas Lights.

B 2328. Planning Report.

IB reported there was no significant planning applications, and as SC had'nt sent their weekly report last week she had checked on the Planning Portal. MW had been contact by a representative of GUALA who confirmed that the company was leaving their BOA site within the next 2 years, and that they were keen to meet with a representative from the CC to discuss the future of the site. IB indicated she would contact them and AC suggested DBOA be invited.


B 2329. Chair's Report.

AC said that all relevant issues were covered elsewhere on the agenda.


B 2330. Secretary's Report.

Communications from Councillors

Councillor Tollemache raised with SC the following:


  • the issue of the resident who was nearly injured by a cyclist riding on the pavement on Fountain (On behalf of another constituent, he has asked SC to consider initiating another walkabout with SC officers around Bridge of Allan to look at the dropped kerbs for disability access);
  • the issue of flytipping and the appearance of a den in Mine (In response, MW has suggested that an issue of concern in terms of the potential for flytipping, is the recent introduction of a booking system at the refuse facility);
  • the closure of Blairforkie Drive without giving prior warning, forcing motorists to use a significantly unsuitable diversion. (IB has proposed relocating the safety fencing alongside the damaged wall in Sunnylaw Road to create a section of single-track road which would allow the road to be re-opened).


The councillor has also reported that, over two days, volunteers of the Stirling District Litter Pickers{1} collected two bags of litter from lengthy stretches of Airthrey Road and Cornton Road.


In response to a communication from Gavin Drummond expressing concern about the potential dangers posed by the storm-damaged trees at the electricity substation at the junction of Well Road and Alexander Drive, Councillor Kleinman has indicated that he will pursue this issue with SC.


Councillor Kleinman confirmed that SC officers have visited the site and assessed that the trees do not currently present a hazard.


Communications from Residents

A resident sent the CC a copy of a letter she had sent to the elected members expressing heartfelt concern about the impact on the community were the library to close, and, in a broader context, she also underlined her fears that Bridge of Allan was in danger of losing its identity.


Communications from SC

The following were received:


  • an invitation to a webinar on empty homes;
  • an invitation to send feedback on a proposed June 2024 orienteering event in Mine Wood


General Communications

The CC has received the following:


  • forwarded by Councillor Tollemache, a briefing note from SC’s Traffic and Road Safety Team on the removal of school crossing patrols;
  • the minutes of the February meeting of the Friends of Bridge of Allan;
  • the February edition of the Scottish Community Councils Newsletter;
  • an update on the outcomes from last year’s consultation on area forums;
  • a copy of a letter to SC from Dunblane Community Council outlining its concerns about SC’s upcoming budget decisions;
  • a belated season’s greeting card from Fairview International School’
  • the March newsletter of Alexander Stewart, MSP;
  • the February newsletter of Scottish Rural Action;
  • a copy of the Community Ownership Roadshow slide presentation forwarded by Inga Bullen;
  • notification of the AGM of RAGE(Residents Against Greenbelt Erosion)


Councillor Kleinman reported he will attend with a SC officer on a walkabout to look at (accessibility) issues with pavements.


JS commented on the deplorable state of the pavement on Alexander drive, and that she had swept it herself recently.


B 2331. Treasurer's Report

AT reported a quite month in terms of financial change. The detailed report is at Appendix 1. r


B 2332. AOCB.

Dog Fouling:

The issue of dog fouling was discussed. It was suggested a poster be erected (on lampposts etc). Apparently there was a poster which had been displayed in the past.

Councillor Kleinman confirmed SC have a dog officer, who can visit specific issues.

Action: CC to resurrect Dog Fouling poster Cash Machines:

KMcG reported on her investigation into cash machines. She had contacted the provider of the cash machine outside the Co-Op (Cashzone). They reported the level of transactions (about 2,000 per month) would not justify a second machine in the village, however CC could hire one for about £400 per month.


Rubbish bin outside Right Medicine

A resident complained about the rubbish bin on the wall of the Right Medicine pharmacy. This apparently was for used receipts from the cash machine that has since been removed, but the bin has been left. It was stated that it was nothing to do with the pharmacy as the landlord had rented the frontage separately. However CC will contact the pharmacy about removing/clearing the rubbish.


Action: CC to contact Right Medicine pharmacy re rubbish bin.

B 2333. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting is Tue 16h April 2024, at the Allan Centre, 7.30pm.




Action Log Summary:

  1. (from B2322) : Regarding SunnyLaw Road, Councillor Kleinman to invite SC officer to May CC



  1. (from B2325) : AT to write (asap) to SC to confirm that SC will bear financial responsibility for the


  1. (from B2325) : CC and SC to jointly sign acceptance by April 11th.



  1. (from B2326) : CC to start co-opt recruitment process in mid-


  1. (from B2327) : CC to publish bank details on website for one off/subscriptions for Christmas


  1. (from B2332) : CC to resurrect Dog Fouling poster for


  1. (from B2332) : CC to contact Right Medicine pharmacy re rubbish



Appendix 1 – Treasurer's Report March 2024




NOTES – useful links to clarify items


1 Stirling District Litter Pickers – voluntary group litter picking in the Stirling Council area: