August 2024 Minutes

Minutes of Meeting of Bridge of Allan Community Council

Held on Tuesday 20th August 2024 in the Allan Centre.


Amanda Coulthard (AC) Chair; Leslie Harkness (LH) Secretary; Anna Doeser (AD) Vice-Chair); Alasdair Taylor (AT) Treasurer; Inga Bullen (IB) Planning; Kathryn Chadwick; Rosemary Dodds (RD); Karen McGregor (KMcG); Graham Robertson (GR); Jenny Smith (JS); Mike Watson (MW).


Councillor Alasdair Tollemache; Shumela Ahmed (SA); PC Siobhan Rennie.

In attendance:

Alexander Stewart(MSP); Councillor Thomas Heald; Councillor Robin Kleinman; Councillor David Wilson;

Graham Russell (Chair, Friends of Bridge of Allan); Douglas Neilson (Vice-Chair Friends of Bridge of Allan); Gavin Drummond (Former Chair BOA CC); Jen Clarke (Secretary, Bridge of Allan Allotment Association); 11 other residents; Brian Bullen (Minute Secretary);


Annual General Meeting (AGM), Bridge of Allan (BOA), Community Council (CC), Common Good Fund (CGF), Councillor (Cllr), Stirling Council (SC), Wallace Monument Stakeholder Advisory Group (WMSAG), Discover Bridge of Allan (DBOA) , Residents Against Greenbelt Erosion (RAGE); Community Action Plan (CAP); Local Place Plan (LPP); Friends of Bridge of Allan (FBOA); Community Right to Buy (CrtB); Prospective Parliamentary Candidate (PPC); Lawn Tennis Association (LTA); School Crossing Patrol (SCP);

Clackmannanshire and Stirling Environment Trust (CSET)

B 2389. Welcome, Apologies and Conflict of Interest

Amanda Coulthard (Chair) welcomed those present.

The apologies were noted as indicated above. Councillor Tollemache asked the meeting to note that he would have been able to attend virtually if the Allan Centre had made provisionfor Wifi service.

There were no expressions of conflict of interest.

B 2390. Approval of Minutes, Matters Arising and Action Log

JS proposed the June 2024 minutes be approved , Seconded by LH.

Matters Arising (LH)

In relation to Item B 2372 and the Co-op development, Councillor Tollemache raised with the Co-op Property management the issue of the uncut vegetation obstructing visibility at the Fountain Road entrance. The Co-op management agreed to address this. In addition, the councillor suggested that, during the recent resurfacing works at the car park exit, pedestrians be directed to the entrance in the top car park and that appropriate signage be provided to allow safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians within the car park.

The councillor has also raised an additional range of concerns with the council, including the number of abandoned buildings, the state of the entry to the village after the recent road works, a bus stop concealed by a hedge, the condition of the footpath entering Bridge of Allan; the number of overgrown hedges and the issue of grass maintenance. Classification: Public. Page 2

In its detailed written response, the council made the following points: that it has no legislative powers to deal with abandoned buildings other than those involving statutory nuisance, rodent infestation and building defects; that, in relation to the entrance to the village from Dunblane, resurfacing of the bridge would be carried out as soon as possible; that the hedges outside the abandoned Henderson Street building have now been cut; that the bus stop concealed by a hedge will be attended to; that Street Cleaning has carried out a deep clean of the footpath entering Bridge of Allan; that the weed spraying of the footpath is carried out annually in July by SC’s Land Services; and that, on the issue of grass maintenance, while the frequency of cutting has been reduced due to budgetary restraints, grass cutting in all council-owned areas remains a priority.

B 2391. Police Report

PC Siobhan Rennie had emailed the Police report which follows. .

Introduction / synopsis of previous month:

This report should provide sufficient information of the police activity since the last community council meeting. If you have any further questions about the police report or any incidents that you are aware of that are not included in this report then please email us direct on the above email address and we will answer your questions.

If anyone has any information on any incidents that we have been unable to identify a suspect then please let us know by email, 101 or by contacting Crimestoppers.

The report encompasses all relevant crime and matters of note which have occurred between 17th June- 16th August 2024.

Current Priorities:

Our current priorities in the Bridge of Allan area continue to be Anti-Social Behaviour, Housebreaking, Road Safety and Community Engagement and Reassurance.

Main Report:

Between the 17th of June and 16th August 2024 a total of 36 crimes occurred within the Bridge of Allan area. The crimes detailed below are those that are of relevance to the local community.


On 14/07/2024 a local resident was within the vicinity of their home address when they were the victim of threatening and abusive behaviour. The perpetrator has been traced and a report has been sent to the PF.

On 20/07/2024 youths were causing issues within Stirling University campus, one of the youths smashed a computer screen and another stole cleaning items from within. Enquiries are still ongoing to trace the youths.

On 28/07/2024 a local resident reported a vandalism whereby a firecracker was discovered within their garden which had caused damage to their solar lights. Enquires were carried out however the perpetrator was not identified. Any information in respect of this incident, police to be contacted quoting reference number CR/0280356/24 refers.

On 31/07/2024 a disused building on Henderson Street was vandalised by youths, one of the youths kicked a window causing it to smash. Enquiries are still ongoing to identify those involved.


None reported.


On 21/06/2024 a delivery driver was assaulted whilst delivery goods at a local shop, this was over a dispute regarding parking issues. During the assault, part of his delivery equipment was vandalised. Enquiries are still ongoing into this incident.


On 09/07/2024 a local resident placed their phone on their car bonnet while carrying out work within their garden, at this time their phone has been stolen. Enquires were carried out into this incident however no further lines of enquiry have been identified. Classification: Public. Page 3

On 20/07/2024 a theft occurred outside CIAO, Henderson Street. Two bikes were stolen after the perpetrator cut through the bike lock and him and another male thereafter cycled off on the stolen bikes in the direction of the Dunblane area. These were high value bikes. Any information in respect of this incident, police to be contacted quoting reference number CR/0265906/24 refers.

On 22/07/2024 a local resident was the victim of an attempted fraud after receiving a text message from a person purporting to be from the Evri delivery company, requesting additional details. The local resident inputted their details, including bank details, however prior to any funds being taken, they suspended their account.

On 26/07/2024 a local resident was the victim of a fraud whereby someone has contacted them purporting to be the fraud team at their bank requesting them to transfer a four-figure sum to their account, which they have. Enquiries are still ongoing into this incident.

On 07/08/2024 a female was the victim of a theft by finding, this occurred when she was helping a local resident who had fallen off their bike, when she believes she has dropped her engagement and wedding rings. She was unaware at the time however later discovered this and contacted police. Enquires are still ongoing.


On 23/06/2024 police were on mobile patrol, when they observed a vehicle driving along Airthrey Road, Bridge of Allan. The vehicle was signalled to stop and as a result the driver of the vehicle has been charged with several driving offences and a report has been submitted to the PF.

On 24/06/2024 police received a call regarding a road traffic collision. Police attended, the driver was traced and has been charged for various driving offences and a report has been sent to the PF.

On 10/07/2024 a vehicle has crashed into an open reach cabinet at Stirling university, causing damage, the driver of the vehicle failed to stop or provide details. Enquires are still ongoing to trace the driver.

On 03/08/2024 a call was received regarding a possible drink driver. Police attended and traced the driver within the vehicle. The driver was charged, and a report has been sent to the PF.


On 11/07/2024 a member of the public was the victim of a racial crime, where racial remarks were shouted at them. Enquiries are still ongoing into this incident.


Between the 17th of June and 15th August 2024 there has been a total of 141 calls to the Bridge of Allan area (this includes some calls to the University, Causewayhead and Cornton. A breakdown of some of the calls are as follows: 5 public nuisance calls, 1 drugs/substance misuse call, 3 disturbance type calls, 5 neighbour dispute calls 6 theft type call, 12 assault calls, 3 fraud type call, 4 domestic incidents, 13 assist member of the public calls, 7 concern for person calls, and 11 road traffic related calls

Community engagement and reassurance:

Drop in session conducted at the local library on 14/08/2024

Activity for forthcoming month:

To be determined.

Community Police Email Address:

Issues Raised At Community Council Meeting

MW noted the increase in anti-social behaviour reported.

MW also noted that the speed warning signs on the approaches to the village are not working.Classification: Public. Page 4

B 2392. Allotment Association Presentation.

Jen Clarke (Secretary, Bridge of Allan Allotment Association) addressed the meeting. She reported that the Association is now fully self-managed and had been recognised as a charity in january. They will shortly have signed off on the lease from Stirling Council. They have 65 plots on their site. They are planting an orchard on the currently unused section of their site (between the allotments and the river). The aim is for community engagement.

Membership of the Association is open to the community at large, there is no need to have a plot. Some fundraising events are planned (for purchase of saplings). 8 trees have been planted by the Scouts so far, with a target of 150.

There was discussion of the risk of flooding, and clarification of where exactly the orchard will be.

A website is forthcoming. In response to a query about possible nuisance picking of fruit Jen responded that they hoped not to limit access to the orchard. Jen said in response to a query about available plots, that they had no space for more plots, and had a waiting list of people wanting a plot. In response to a query about inactive plots, Jen explained they would encourage a buddy system where people might offer help if someone was temporarily unable to manage their plot. A formal mechanism would be possible if plots languished over time.

As an objective for becoming a charity they were developing the orchard to benefit the community as a whole, rather than allocating more plots. GD commented he had helped with planting willows on the riverside to slow flow of floodwater. Jen said the Association had support from the Forth Environment Link charitable company (as one of their food projects{1}).

AC thanked Jen for her presentation.

B 2393. Residents’ View.

A resident asked about the police station. MW replied that he had been in contact the the site owner, who had indicated they had prioritized other projects.

ACTION: CC to express concern to owners of derelict buildings.

B 2394. Sunnylaw Meadow.

AC updated the meeting on progress with DBOA purchasing the Sunnylaw land, which she hoped to report completion at the next CC meeting. The joint Management Group with DBOA also incoporates representatives from the Scouts and local residents. The Group is considering various issues including the membership of the Group. AC reported that several residents had been doing voluntary grass cutting, with some paths and also a spiral, and a square section.

IB added that the group needed to work out funding, possibly crowdfunding. In response to a query about costs, AC replied that a full cut had been quoted at £550, with a possible 10 cuts a year.

The Chair of the Management Group would continue to be a Director of DBOA.

LH reported being queried by a couple of local residents about who had authorised the grass cutting. AC enlarged on the need for the Management Group to encompass views representative of the entire community.

B 2395. Local Place Plan and Local Developments.

B 2395.1 Local Place Plan.

AC reported on the community engagements over the spring and summer. A CC subgroup is working with representatives from DBOA on a joint action and long term development plan. She reported on some of the feedback from the engagements, various positives and some negatives. The themes and feedback from the engagements will be incorporated into the LPP. More engagement to come towards end of year. LPP has to be ready by April 2025. The statutory requirement on Local Authorities is to take account of LPPs when developing their next Local Development Plan. As this is a new requirement there is some uncertainty regarding how much influence LPPs will have.

B 2395.2 Local Developments.

MW reported on the Tennis Courts. He reported a lack of clarity as to the court management. He was expecting to see details of some free access time, and some coaching, as well as court maintenance. He reported the Director of Active Stirling saying that Active Stirling will not be involved

ACTION: Cllr Kleinman was asked to clarify who will be managing the tennis courts.

B 2395.3 Sunnylaw Road Closure

AC reported that Cllr Tollemache had been in contact with SC who said that the road would remain closed until a risk assessment indicated that it was safe to re-open. There was a TRO (Traffic Regulation Order) for closure until 5th Nov 2024. Cllr Heald reported he was due to have a meeting with SC and will report back to CC.Classification: Public. Page 5

B 2396. Weeding.

KMcG reported on her involvement with FBOA, undertaking weeding on pavements around BOA. She commented on the positive experience of working with other volunteers and the meeting members of the community whilst working. She had also been cleaning bins with Douglas Dodds. She said the work has generated hope as the state of the town improved.

Cllr Kleinman added that SC have recently performed weed spraying. Any areas of outstanding green weeds should be notified to him.

KMcG praised the work of FBOA, and explained that CC itself could not organise weeding because of insurance issues. FBOA have insurance for their activities that only covers their members.

B 2397. Proposed Telecommunications Upgrade.

Cllr Kleinman spoke about the proposed upgrade of the mast that is in fields to the north of Easter Cornton Road ( closest to the Easter Cornton road towards it’s West end where it ends with a level crossing over the railway). This was to improve mobile coverage2 in the area. Cllr Kleinman had received news earlier in the day of this meeting that the upgrade is not going ahead. For the immediate future at least, no new mast.

B 2398. Planning Report.

IB reported there was no new planning proposals of concern. For information, she comment on two proposals.

One was to convert disused Victorian buildings behing the Five Rivers Restaurant into a terrace of 3 dwellings, retaining current external appearance.

The other was an extension of a bungalow at the junction of Churchill Dr and Carlie Ave.

B 2399. Chair’s Report.

AC reported on the investment for the MUGA upgrade with the money coming from CSET {3}, and will the work will be managed by SC. Plans will be on the CC website. AC thanked CSET on behalf of the community.

It was suggested that the opening of the MUGA be a joint occasion with the formal opening of the Tennis courts.

Cllr Kleinman thanked GD for his work in obtaining the CSET funding.

AC reported on CC membership. Of the two vacancies one was filled in June (KC), and one is vacant. SA (Associate Member) has requested a leave of absence due to work commitments. Members agreed to a 6 month absence.

AT announced that he will be moving out of BOA and hence will need to stand down. He said that he will provide his succcessor with handover assistance for as long as necessary. AC commented that CC members should start thinking of a new Treasurer.

AC reported on CC development session in July. One proposal was to start the monthly CC meetings at 7pm.

LH noted this would mean the AGM needing to start at 6.30 which might be too early for some.

After discussion it was agreed that instead to keep the 7.30 start, but aim for a 9pm finish.

B 2400. Updates from Bridge of Allan Community Groups.

AC explained the benefits of hearing from other Community Groups, such as DBOA, and that in forthcoming CC meetings it was proposed to invite groups to give a presentation about themselves and their activities.

AC reported that CC had nominated FBOA for an award in the Environmental category of the SC Inspire Volunteering Awards 2024, and that the FBOA were on the shortlist (of 3) for the award. There had been 60 nominations. The awards will be announced at an event in the Albert Halls on 18th Sept.

B 2401. Secretary's Report..

.Communications from SC Elected Members

Councillor Tollemache wrote to report that, in relation to the Orchard Street play park, SC has confirmed that the fencing will be repaired, that the hedge and the tree will be trimmed back at the entrance, and that a new multi-unit is to be installed. The councillor has also taken up with SC the potholes identified by MW, a disabled parking bay marking at the Right Medicine Pharmacy, and a tree down in Sunnylaw Road. wrote to report that, in relation to the Orchard Street play park, SC has confirmed that the fencing will be repaired, that the hedge and the tree will be trimmed back at the entrance, and that a new multi-unit is to be installed. The councillor has also taken up with SC the potholes identified by MW, a disabled parking bay marking at the Right Medicine Pharmacy, and a tree down in Sunnylaw Road.

Councillor Kleinman raised with SC the issue of community-led weedkilling on SC land. In its response, the council has stressed that, despite the community’s positive intentions, any volunteer would require both insurance cover and Classification: Public. Page 6

proven competency certification. The council has also pointed out that its herbicide spraying contractor would be starting work, initially in Stirling city centre, from July.

Communications from Residents

A resident has written to Councillors Kleinman and Tollemache, copying in the CC, to note that the activated speed signs covering traffic through Bridge of Allan were not working, and also to voice concern about the dangers to pedestrians and cyclists from the overhanging vegetation along the section of Airthrey Road from Mount Hope to the Meadowpark. Councillor Tollemache has taken up the issue of the signs with SC while Councillor Kleinman has taken up the vegetation issue. The same resident contacted Councillor Tollemache about the unremoved cones, rubble and asphalt pile left by SC on the carriageway of the Allan Water Bridge, and also on the need to clear the weeds from the Airthrey Road cycle track. Councillor Tollemache has continued to raise the issue of the cones, signs and unremoved asphalt pile with SC, and in a very recent response, the council has confirmed that, due to unforeseen issues at the Henderson Street site, the resurfacing work has been pushed back in the council’s capital program; the

council has apologized both for the daily inconvenience for residents and also for the lack of effective communication with the community on this matter.

One of our members has noted that the walkway on Upper Station Road is overgrown with nettles and brambles. Councillor Tollemache has raised this with SC.

A resident voiced concern about the potential impact of the intention to direct traffic for the Highland Games along Ann Drive.

Gavin Drummond wrote to inform the CC that SC has agreed that the ‘Burgh’ sign will be removed for refurbishment.

Communications from SC

Nothing has been received.


General Communications

The CC has received the following:

the July newsletter of MSP Alexander Stewart;


the July edition of the Scottish Community Councils Newsletter;


a communication from the Dr Welsh Trust reporting that, after persistent efforts by the Trust, and by others, including Councillor Kleinman and former councillor, Douglas Dodds, SC has permitted the trust to replace the signs proclaiming Lower or Lesser Westerton Wood incorrectly as Mid Wood with signs from the same manufacturer in a similar style and using the correct name;


a communication from Public Sector Executive about its podcast on AI in Local Government;


the summer 2024 Newsletter of the Scottish Flood Forum;


details of Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise’s Third Sector Breakfast Club networking event on August 27, 2024;


details of a resident’s plan to open a Secure Dog walking Park in the village;


an intimation from the University of Stirling about its proposal to display a Welcome Home congratulatory banner for returning Olympians on the railings of the Provost’s Park;


the most recent Scottish Rural Action newsletter.


Cllr Kleinman commented regarding the replacement of the Mid Wood sign, that it would be paid for by the Dr Welsh Trust.

B 2402. Treasurer’s Report.

The Treasurer’s detailed statement is at Appendix 1. The Treasurer explained that the Cornton Church were taking over the finances of the Larder, so he has transferred the Larder funds (£5,156.89) in the CC bank account to the Church. £40 of ‘cash in hand’ funds held by the Larder during COVID is assumed spent and written off.

B 2403. AOCB.

B 2403.1 Scottish Water Top up Taps

KMcG spoke about Top Up Taps that Scottish Water have been installing at public locations across Scotland {4}

There is one in Dunblane (High Street) and she suggested one be installed in BOA.Classification: Public. Page 7

ACTION: KMcG to contact Scottish Water for installation of Top Up Tap.

B 2403.2 Defibrillator at Haws Park.

JS reported that the defibrillator at the Haws Park pavilion is broken {5}. It was mentioned that the Shinty club are now using the pavilion.

ACTION: CC to explore returning Haws Park defibrillator to working condition.

B 2403.3 FBOA representative.

MW reported that CC needs to nominate a reprentative to attend FBOA meetings. MW agreed to do this.

B 2403.4 Remembrance Sunday Memorial Sevice

MW reported that he had organized the Memorial Service but it was now appropriate to hand this on to someone else.

ACTION: CC to find volunteer to organize the Remembrance Sunday Memorial Service

B 2403.5 HMP Stirling Prison

MW raised the issue of the new HMP Stirling Prison and the noise and anti-social behaviour causing disruption to residents of the adjacent housing estate. This was a significant problem of concern to the CC.

Alexander Stewart MSP addressed the meeting on this issue. He and SC are engaging with the SPS (Scottish Prison Service). He has raised the matter at the Scottish Parliament and continues to pursue it with the Scottish Goverment’s Cabinet Secretary for Justice. Continued publicity on this matter is important.

Cllr Kleinman reported that he and Cllr Tollemache have a meeting with the SPS on Sept 2nd.

B 2403.6 Sewage in Allan Water.

LH reported on a communication received this morning from Cllr Tollemache regarding a report from a resident of sewage being discharge into the Allan Water near the Fire Station. SEPA had investigated and found no evidence.

B 2403.7 Speeding

RK raised the issue of speeding. It was agreed that the pop up Policeman be deployed.

ACTION: CC to deploy pop up Policeman.

B 2404. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting is Tue 17th September 2024, at the Allan Centre, 7.30pm.

Action Log Summary:

(from B 2393): CC to express concerns to owners of derelict buildings.


(from B 2395.2): Cllr Kleinman was asked to clarify who will be managing the tennis courts.


(from B 2403.1): KMcG to contact Scottish Water for installation of Top Up Tap.


(from B 2403.2): CC to explore returning Haws Park defibrillator to working condition.


(from B 2403.4): CC to find volunteer to organize the Remembrance Sunday Memorial Service.


(from B 2403.7): CC to deploy pop up Policeman.

Classification: Public. Page 8

Appendix 1 – Treasurer's Report August 2024NOTES – useful links to clarify items


Forth Environment Link (FEL) food project map -

The upgrade to the mast on Grahams Diaries field was to improve coverage for the O2 network.3

Clackmannanshire and Stirling Environment Trust ( .4

Scottish Water Top Up Tap website -

Website showing location of registered defibrillators -