April 2024 Minutes

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Minutes of Meeting of Bridge of Allan Community Council

Held on Tuesday 16th April 2024 in the Allan Centre.

Present: Anna Doeser (AD) Vice Chair and Communications Officer; Amanda Coulthard (AC); Shumela Ahmed (SA); Inga Bullen (IB); Graham Robertson (GR); Jenny Smith (JS); Rosemary Dodds (RD); Karen McGregor (KMcG);

Apologies: Mike Watson (Chair); Leslie Harkness (Secretary); Alasdair Taylor (Treasurer); Linn Kleinman; Councillor Thomas Heald; Councillor Ewan Dillon; Alexander Stewart (MSP); Alyn Smith (MP); PC Paul Gilliland


In attendance: Councillor Alasdair Tollemache; Councillor Robin Kleinman; PC Ross Barclay; James Aikman (Projects Officer, Land Services, Stirling Council) ; Kris Henderson (Lawn Tennis Association); Graham Russell (Chair, Friends of Bridge of Allan); Douglas Neilson (Secretary of Friends of BOA); Gavin Drummond (Former Chair BOA CC); 15 other residents; Brian Bullen (Minute Secretary);



Annual General Meeting (AGM), Bridge of Allan (BOA), Community Council (CC), Common Good Fund (CGF), Stirling Council (SC), Wallace Monument Stakeholder Advisory Group (WMSAG), Discover Bridge of Allan (DBOA) , Residents Against Greenbelt Erosion (RAGE); Community Action Plan (CAP); Local Place Plan (LPP); Friends of Bridge of Allan (FBOA); Community Right to Buy (CrtB); Prospective Parliamentary Candidate (PPC); Lawn Tennis Association (LTA)


B 2334. Welcome, Apologies and Conflict of Interest

In the absence of Mike Watson (Chair) the Chair was taken by Anna Doeser (Vice Chair);

In the absence of Leslie Harkness (Secretary) the Apologies, Matters Arising and Secretary's Report were given by Amanda Coulthard.

In her welcoming remarks, AD welcomed those present. The apologies were noted as indicated above.

There were no expressions of conflict of interest.

AD indicated some of the agenda items would be covered in a different order from the published agenda.


B 2335. Approval of Minutes, Matters Arising and Action Log

IB proposed the March 2024 minutes be approved , Seconded by AC.


Matters Arising (prepared by LH, reported by AC)

In relation to Item B 2319 and the closure of Sunnylaw Road, Councillor Tollemache raised with SC the CC suggestion of creating a temporary singletrack section of road alongside the damaged wall and, in response, the Road Maintenance Team Leader indicated that while, given that single way working usually leads to higher vehicle speeds and that there is a high volume of pedestrians and cyclists at this location, he had concerns but would discuss the option with Traffic colleagues before making any final decision on the single way option. In addition, since the review date for the closure order is June 3rd, Councillor Kleinman has arranged for Robert Fleming, SC Road Maintenance Team Leader to provide an update at the June meeting of the CC

In terms of Item B 2319 and the issue of road safety, a former member of Dollar Community Council who had attended the March meeting forwarded a copy of a road safety report he had prepared for Dollar Community Council and which had led to action being taken by Clackmannanshire Council. He also included a summary of the key points in the report. Presumably, the report will be considered by the Road Safety group once it has been initiated. The gentlemen also formally apologized for having mentioned the name of a political party during the meeting.


Regarding Item B 2330, and the removal of school crossing patrols, SC wrote to the CC to confirm that work to install a zebra crossing between the driveways of 8 and 10 Pullar Avenue would start on would be stared on Tuesday 2nd April. This decision has subsequently been amended.

GR informed the meeting that a resident living by the existing crossing was given notice the prior friday (March 29th) of the work (effectively one working days notice). The resident contact a solicitor and chartered surveyor and was able to get the work suspended, with the crossing moved to the position that the lollipop person operated.

Councillor Kleinman reported that the new zebra crossing will go ahead. AD requested that the CC be notified of this.



Action Log (AD)

AD reviewed the action log.


  • (from B2322) : Regarding SunnyLaw Road, Councillor Kleinman to invite SC officer to June CC


(from B2325) : Covered under agenda item on Tennis Courts.

  • (from B2325) : Covered under agenda item on Tennis Courts
  • (from B2326) : CC to start co-opt recruitment process in mid-April. AC
  • (from B2327) : CC to publish bank details on website for one off/subscriptions for Christmas Deferred
  • (from B2332) : CC to resurrect Dog Fouling poster for KMcG to progress.

(from B2332) : CC to contact Right Medicine pharmacy re rubbish bin. KMcG reported bin cleared.


B 2336. Police Report


PC Paul Gilliland had emailed to announce his retirement from the Police service at the end of april, and had also sent the police report which is reproduced here. PC Ross Barclay attended the meeting and spoke to the items in the report.

Introduction / synopsis of previous month:

This report should provide sufficient information of the police activity since the last community council meeting. If you have any further questions about the police report or any incidents that you are aware of that are not included in this report then please email us direct on the above email address and we will answer your questions.


If anyone has any information on any incidents that we have been unable to identify a suspect then please let us know by email, 101 or by contacting Crimestoppers.

The report encompasses all relevant crime and other matters which have occurred between 17th March 2024 and 11th April 2024 inclusive.


Current Priorities:

Our current priorities in the Bridge of Allan area continue to be Anti-Social Behaviour, Housebreaking, Road Safety and Community Engagement and Reassurance.


Main Report:

Between the 17th March 2024 and 11th April 2024 a total of 13 crimes occurred within the Bridge of Allan area. The crimes detailed below are those that are of relevance to the local community.



On the 21st of March a vehicle then travelling within Inverallan Road was struck by stones or similar causing damage to the vehicle. Following investigation, a male will be subject of a report to the Fiscal in relation to Culpable and Reckless Conduct.


On the 10th of April police attended a property in the Carse of Lecropt area following reports of a male acting aggressively and damaging property. A male youth was later arrested in relation to various offences including being in possession of a knife, Vandalism and Section 38(1) Criminal Justice & Licensing Scotland Act 2010 offences and will be subject of a report to the relevant authorities. Of note no persons were injured and this incident was isolated to the property.



None reported.



On the 30th of March police attended a disturbance call to Avenue Park. A male was subsequently traced in a communal close and was thereafter arrested in relation to a Section 38(1) Criminal Justice & Licensing Scotland Act 2010 and resisting arrest offences.


On the 4th of April police attended a domestic related incident at a property in Lister Court. A male was later arrested in relation to Assault and will appear at court at a later date.



Sometime between the 28th and 29th of March a quantity of tools were stolen from a site at the University of Stirling. This is a theft type crime which is currently being investigated.

Sometime between the 1st and 3rd April a section of drainpipe was removed from the side of a business premises in Henderson Street. This is crimed as Theft and is under investigation at the time of update.



On the 16th of March a vehicle then parked within the grounds of Stirling University sustained accident damage caused by another vehicle. The vehicle failed to stop, and the driver has not reported the accident as required. This is crimed as Fail to Stop after accident and is under investigation at the time of update



Sometime between the 4th and 5th of April a cat belonging to a resident of Hopetoun Drive returned home injured. The cat later passed away and it has since been established that its injury was sustained as a direct result of having been shot by an air weapon or similar. This has been crimed as an offence under Section 19(1) of the Animal Health and Welfare Scotland Act 2006 – Cause A Protected Animal Unnecessary Suffering and enquiries are ongoing at the time of update



Between the 17th of March and 11th April 2024 there has been a total of 76 calls to the Bridge of Allan area (this includes some calls to the University, Causewayhead and Cornton). A breakdown of some of the calls are as follows: 3 public nuisance calls, 1 drugs/substance misuse call, 5 disturbance type calls, 3 neighbour dispute calls 1 theft type call, 5 assault calls, 1 fraud type call, 2 domestic incidents, 9 assist member of the public calls, 2 concern for person calls, and 7 road traffic related calls


Community engagement and reassurance:

Visits carried out to elderly victims of Fraud.


Activity for forthcoming month:

  • To be



Community Police Email Address: DunblaneBridgeofAllanCPT@scotland.pnn.police.uk


PC Barclay added that regarding the shot cat that the police have made a media release, and some calls have come in. Also they have carried out door to door enquiries in the Hopetoun road area.


The resident who was the owner of the cat spoke on two points. One being about the health and safety issues not just concerning animals, but including young children and others when a weapon is discharged as in this incident. He reported the incident had occurred around 9pm on the 4th of April.


AD thanked the resident and offered condolences.

AD also asked PC Barclay to pass on the CC thanks for his work for the community.

B 2337. Tennis Courts and Muga.


B2337.1 Kier Street (Memorial Park) Tennis Courts

AD welcomed James Aikman from SC, who then spoke about the current status of the project. He explained he worked within the SC Land Services department as a Projects Officer. The tennis court contractor has been on site resurfacing, but there have been technical issues. Kris Henderson of LTA explained that the weather needed to be


warmer for the paint to be applied. It was now hoped to start the last week of april, with a green surface and blue surround, with white court markings. An opening ceremony on the 15th June would be possible, before the Picnic in the Park Memorial Park centenary event.

Aikman spoke regarding the charges to use the courts. The LTA funding was conditional that the courts should be maintained, with repainting expect every 5 to 10 years. The funding is from the Park Tennis Project delivered by the LTA to refurbish tennis courts around the UK {1}. Councils in Scotland are charging from £1 to £12.50 per session. SC will charge £5 per session, and £50 for family membership per year.

AD asked about free times provision. Aikman said this was a question for Active Stirling. The access system allowed for free sessions to be allocated at set times.

Henderson commented that there would be Free Park Tennis on weekend mornings at 10am, similar to Park Runs, with volunteers delivering social tennis.

AC asked if the revenue from the charges would be ring fenced for future maintenance. Aikman replied this is something SC needs to work out details.

A resident asked about access control. Aikman explained that a mechanism at the gate would have a pin punch pad. The LTA ClubSpark booking system provides for advance booking via a phone app for a session at a chosen time.

The player is sent a code valid for a set time. This security will mitigate vandalism of quality courts.

JS asked about cleaning of the courts, debris from trees etc. Aikman explained that SC would find a solution, for period cleaning. Henderson commented that the LTA recommended putting aside £1200 per annum for maintenance.


B2337.2 Kier Street MUGA

Aikman explained the delay in SC jointly signing the CSET grant award with CC. SC have internal processes and procurement rules to follow. Senior Management need oversight and to approve. In this instance there are technicalities regarding the insurance aspect. Discussions between SC and the CC Chairman will progress issues. GD expressed concerns that due to the delay the contractor (SPORTEX) may require a retender. Aikman reiterated that SC are in contact with CSET, and that the grant signing deadline will be rolled forward.


B 2338. Resident's View


Public Toilets:

GD asked if in view of the SC budget proposals if there would be an entry charge to the public toilets.


Action: Councillor Tollemache to relay the query regarding public toilet charges to SC.


B 2339: Guala Meeting

IB read her report – reproduced here:

The Community Council were contacted by Allan Currie who is contracted by Guala to look into options for the site when Guala leave Bridge of Allan as proposed in 2026.

Leslie Harkness and I met with Allan Currie for an informal chat on Wednesday 3rd April. He was very open and informative. He outlined some of the main constraints and asked for our opinions on various suggested uses. He has agreed to attend our CC meeting in May. He also offered a guided tour of the site.

The site is 32 acres west of the river, accessed off Inverallan Drive, lying between the river and the railway line. The factory sits on 9 acres at the north end, the rest of the site is undeveloped and floods regularly. There is an area which has been used as a recreation ground, the south end which is lower, has been used for grazing.

The main constraint is that it is floodplain and is unlikely to be allowed to have residential development. SEPA Flood Maps show the riverside and south part of the site as High Likelihood of flooding (each year a 10% chance of flooding), the north part is Medium likelihood (0.5% chance). Business use may be allowed as there is less risk to life. The current factory footprint will be protected by the proposed Bridge of Allan Flood protection scheme, we were not clear

whether housing could be considered on this part of the site. There is also a financial constraint, Guala would prefer that selling the land would pay for the cost of removing the factory and asbestos within the site, but they may effectively have to pay to leave.

He was not hopeful of finding an industrial buyer, and planning consent cannot be assumed. The existing factory had grown up on the site before planning controls were implemented. We suggested that there could be a need for small business units/workshops/starter businesses, he thought that this would need subsidy as the current buildings are not suitable for reuse.

Renewables were suggested, would solar be allowed on floodplain?

Different housing options were discussed, large expensive housing would create the best return for Guala, but is unlikely to get planning consent due to the flood risk. Affordable housing and housing for social renting on the factory site was also suggested, but may need subsidy which is apparently difficult in Scotland. A later life facility with a care home and some sheltered housing was mentioned. Student accommodation also mentioned.

We expressed a preference for a riverside park, with perhaps a wildlife/biodiversity area at the


south end which floods. A play park was suggested, and reusing the recreation ground. Improved access from the footbridge and paths to fit in with the new flood protection infrastructure would be welcomed.

Other suggestions were community food growing, a retail park / supermarket, car parking. We explained that we are in the process of creating a Local Place Plan which would include a wider view from the community on future use of the site.


IB reported on attending the SC Flood Protection Scheme for Bridge of Allan drop-in session at the library this afternoon. In an informal discussion it was commented that there were many unknowns regarding the possibility of housing on the factory site. The proposed flood scheme, however, would protect the factory site {2}


A resident queried why local living near the site had'nt been consulted, and pointed out that the entrance was on a blind bend (on Inverallan Rd).


GD commented that when John Player vacated their factor they left money to the Stirling Enterprise Park {3}, which was able to convert the factory into business units.



Action: IB to arrange a tour of Guala and put their consultant in touch with STEP


B 2340. Sunnylaw Land Bid.


AC reported that the community bid to purchase the Sunnylaw land was been successful. Solicitors representing CC and DBOA (Mailers) are progressing the legal aspects with the vendor's solicitors. DBOA will hold the land in trust for the community. The Sunnylaw Action Group (with members from CC and DBOA) will continue to meet and plan for the ongoing management of the land, with a management committee being formed in due course.

The recent accouncement on the CC website {4} included an invitation for volunteers to get in touch for helping with maintenance. The overwhelming view of the almost 400 responses to the community survey was to keep the the land as a nice green space.

Future decisions on use of the land will be progressed through DBOA, and all residents of the FK9 4 postcode area may join DBOA for free, and be involved in the decisions.

The Community Land Scotland organization had been in touch to congratulate us, and to ask for the purchase to be the subject of a case study. AD asked if the survey data could be published.


AC suggested this would be an action for the forthcoming management committee, to collate the suggestions and publish,.



B 2341. Local Place Plan


AC gave an overview of the progress with the LPP. The CC made an agreement last Oct to work with DBOA. DBOA are focusing on a Community Action Plan, though Community Owned the CAP does not formally feed into the SC Local Development Plan, whereas SC have a duty to consider the LPP. A joint working group of DBOA and CC have progressed a survey of BOA residents as the first step of the LPP. DBOA have CGF funding to hire a contractor to execute the survey “Our Bridge of Allan” {5}

CC will have stalls at three forthcoming events, at which members of the community can engage with CC representatives.

  • Classic Car Show – Sun 12th May (and by Paterson Memorial Clock by Westeron)
  • FBOA Plant Sale – Sat 18th May
  • Memorial Park Centenary (FBOA) Sat 15th June


Information about the survey will be on our social media and website, as well as posters to be distribution around the village. Paper copies of the survey will be available and can be returned at: The Library, Strathallan Pharmacy, Right Medicine Pharmacy and Allan Water Papers.

Survey to be closed 12th May, but may be extended (currently extended to Fri 31st May). Additional funding may be needed for the next steps.

Volunteers from the CC are needed to man shifts at the various events.

A resident suggested having paper copies and a secure box for returns at the Church halls.



ACTION: CC to supply paper copies of the Community Survey to Church Halls


B 2342. Succession Planning/ Co-opted Vacancy

AC reported on the aim of publizing the Co-opted vacancy and attracting interest from the wider community. KMcG volunteered to help distribute posters. It was suggested some info about the role of CC members be made available on social media, and also to suggest that interested people come to the CC meetings.


B 2343. Weeding / Litter issues.

KMcG reported first on litter. She had joined the Stirling District Litter Pickers {6} volunteer group. She will post on their facebook page to ask for volunteers for some activities in BOA.

On the issue of weeds on pavements, apparently SC will do one herbicide spray a year.

She suggested CC could ask businesses to clear (weeds) outside their shop. It was suggested perhaps the Scouts could help tackling weeds, particularly in the town centre.

A resident reported that the area around New Street and also the Allan Centre needed attention.

Regarding sprays etc, the “Keep Scotland Beautiful”{7} offers advise. It was reported that SC have a portal for reporting issues {8} such as litter.

AD noted that regarding insurance cover, that CC will need to extend public liability insurance.


B 2344. Banking / Post Office Provision.


AC commented on the delay in the Co-op rebuilding. AC mentioned the mobile bank and post office services in some rural communities. She was hoping to further discussion on the potential for mobile services.

Councillor Tollemache reported on his meeting with the Co-op Regional Manager. There were complications as the car park is owned by SC. Building needs to start within 3 months.

AD commented that businesses do need a Post Office, some can no longer accept cash.


B 2345. Recycling Bin Provision.

GR spoke about the lack of public recycling bins in BOA. It as mentioned that perhaps the general waste bins do get sorted after collection by SC. SC have two separate departments, one for waste collection from Bins, and one for the Waste and Recycling. It was suggested to ask the SC Recycle Manager to a CC meeting.

It was also suggested to consider outcomes from the Community Survey as to the need for recycling bins.


B 2346. Well Road-Alexander Drive Footpath.

JS reported that the footpath had been cleared ,but of course twigs and leaves were falling from the trees so it would need doing periodically. Councillor Kleinman said he had informed SC and the path will be listed as a priority path.


B 2347. Planning Report.

IB reported there was no significant planning applications of concern to the community.


B 2348. Chair's Report.

AD said that all relevant issues were covered elsewhere on the agenda.


B 2349. Secretary's Report.

Communications from Councillors

Councillor Tollemache has reported that he has received a communication from a resident about the recurring flooding at the bottom of Blairforkie Drive, flooding which can, on occasion, render the road impassable for pedestrians. The resident has written to Keith Brown to express concern both about this and about the implications of the ongoing closure of Sunnylaw Road. The councillor has also raised with SC the failure to remove the faded Cyclists Giveway paint markings on the Cornton Road pavement.


Communications from Residents

A resident contacted the CC to ask if the possible installation of traffic lights at the Keir roundabout had been considered by the CC. Councillor Kleinman responded to the resident and confirmed that, while the option of traffic lights had been considered, the decision subsequently taken was that the existing traffic management was adequate.


Communications from SC

There is nothing to report.


General Communications

The CC has received the following:

  • the March edition of the Scottish Rural Action newsletter;
  • the minutes of the March meeting of the Friends of Bridge of Allan;
  • the April newsletter of our MSP, Alexander Stewart


B 2350. AOCB.

Fallen royal mail storage box:

KMcG complained about the hazard from a fallen Royal Mail storage (pouch) box and post on Graham St.


ACTION: Councillor Kleinman to notify Royal Mail regarding hazardous storage box.


Allotment Association:

Councillor Tollemache reported that Cornton road allotment holders have setup the Bridge of Allan Allotment Association (as a charity). Anyone can be a member (no need to have an allotment).


Appreciation of FBOA:

A resident expressed their appreciation of the work of FBOA, particularly the Memorial Park.


Traffic on Henderson St:

A resident complained of the busy traffic and speeding on Henderson st. The road built in 1920 was now used by much larger and heavier vehicles. KMcG spoke of the survey she was involved in (in 2019) of residents on Henderson St (from the Museum Hall towards the centre) and support for a 20mph limit. SC wished to keep the 30mph limit on that stretch.

Councillor Tollemache explained that though SC have proposals for slowing traffic the implementation first delayed by the Covid pandemic, continues to be deferred. He will be attending a meeting with SC re this issue.

AC commented that traffic management should be in the LPP. The meeting ended at 21.25.

B 2351. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting is Tue 21st May 2024, at the Allan Centre, 7.30pm.


Action Log Summary:

  1. (from B2338) : Councillor Tollemache to relay the query regarding public toilet charges to


  1. (from B2339) : IB to arrange a tour of Guala and put their consultant in touch with


  1. (from B2341) : CC to supply paper copies of community survey to Church Halls


  1. (from B2350) : Councillor Kleinman to notify Royal Mail regarding hazardous storage



Appendix 1 – Treasurer's Report April 2024

No report this month.


NOTES – useful links to clarify items