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Minutes of Meeting of Bridge of Allan Community Council
Held on Tuesday 18th January 2022.
Due to Covid-19 this meeting was held remotely via Zoom.
Present: Mike Watson (MW) Chair; Janie Meikle Bland (JMB) Interim Vice Chair; Alasdair Taylor (AT) Treasurer; Anna Doeser (AD) Communications Officer; Alastair Heron (AH) Planning Officer; Sandra Davidson (SD);
Apologies : Leslie Harkness (LH) Secretary; Andrew Drummond Baxter (ADB); Bill Fortune (BF);Siobhan Hencher; Vicky McDowell (VMcD);Duncan McDougall (DMcD) Associate Member; Moira Randall (MR) Associate Member; Alexander Stuart MSP); Alyn Smith MP; PC Paul Gilliland; PC Ross Barclay; Lucy McCormick (LM) Minute Secretary;
In attendance : Councillor Douglas Dodds; Councillor Graham Houston; Councillor Alastair Majury, Councillor Alasdair Tollemache; Councillor Jeremy McDonald; Fiona McLean (FM) SC Culture & Events Manager; Graham Russell ( Chair of Friends of Bridge of Allan ), Douglas Neilson (Vice Chair of Friends of Bridge of Allan); Inga Bullen (Resident), Robert Franks (Resident)
Abbreviations – Bridge of Allan (BOA), Community Council (CC), Common Good Fund (CGF), Stirling Council (SC), Annual General Meeting (AGM), Wallace Monument Stakeholder Advisory Group (WMSAG)
B 2002 Welcome, Apologies and Conflict of Interest (MW)
MW chaired this meeting. MW opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those in attendance via Zoom. Apologies were recorded as noted above and no conflicts of interested identified.
B 2003 Approval of Minutes, Matters Arising and Action Log (MW)
The minutes of the November 2021 CC meeting were confirmed and were approved by SD and seconded by AT. Matters arising
In relation to Item B 1995, Councillor Tollemache forwarded SC’s response to concerns about the signage for the Darn Walk bridge construction. The council has confirmed that it had asked the contractors to refresh the signage plan and to highlight that the diversion route could be challenging for some users. He has also recently sent confirmation that the present condition of the Cocksburn Bridge was only intended to be temporary over Christmas and that the project has yet to be completed.
Regarding Item B 2000 and the extended footways at the junction of Westerlea Drive and Cornton Road , Councillor Dodds raised this with SC and, in its detailed response, the council confirms it has investigated the concerns and remains convinced that the footways do lead to improved safety for cyclists and pedestrians and to improved visibility for motorists exiting from Westerlea Drive. SC also believes that the improved rail safety features allow motorists to remain safe even where minimal queuing does occur this is an inconvenience rather than a safety issue. SC points out that additional signs warning of possible delays have been installed in Cornton Road, Henderson Street and Causewayhead Road. SC will continue to monitor the situation but sees no requirement, at present, for additional parking restrictions. In response to SC’s view, Gavin Drummond sent the CC a copy of his email to Councillor Dodds in which he set out an alternative view indicating that, for motorists, it is sometimes difficult to see the kerb in conditions of low sun or snow. In his email, he also noted that the new bollards at the entrance to the village are difficult to see in the dark, particularly since those closest to Dunblane are outwith the area covered by streetlights. Mr Drummond also sent the CC a copy of his feedback for the SC Spaces for People consultation.
In relation to Item B 1998 and the passing place on Pendreich Road, SC has informed Councillor Tollemache that the Traffic Management Officer will investigate with a view to producing an improvement plan. The council has also indicated that several narrow and single-track roads in the Stirling area require improvement and that these will be prioritized as budgets allow.
In relation to Item B 1990 and the Flood alleviation Scheme, LH wrote to Maria Lucey immediately after the last CC meeting and requested a copy of her presentation slides which she duly did. In addition, she sent a copy of the final draft of the proposal for engaging with the community and asked for feedback from the CC. She also asked for the CCs’ views on the value of a formal community leaflet/letter drop.
Further to B 1997 CC Recruitment – two people have been identified as interested, AD has been in touch with them directly and is working on the recruitment communications which are expected to go live 22nd / 23rd January giving candidates until 12th February to respond at which point the CC nominations will go forward to SC for eligibility checks. This timeline would allow for the CC to formally vote on 15th March 22.
In relation to B 2001 AOCB – Increasing local usage of the Allan Centre ; MW has raised the issue and queried whether the use of CC communication channels would be beneficial. SD and Councillor Dodds are both members of the new management group and SD confirmed that advertising of availability was discussed at the most recent meeting; there will be an entry in the next Local magazine that gets delivered to residents and JMD suggested that LoveLocal may also be able to help along with offering to send out comms via the CC social media channels. SD will present these offers to the group at the next management group meeting.
B 2004 City of Culture Bid (FM)
Fiona provided an update on behalf of the Stirling City of Culture Bid, advising that SC submitted an Expression Of Interest for the UK City of Culture and has been longlisted to the final 8. A full application needs to be submitted by 2nd February 2022, the shortlist will go down the 3 by March and providing Stirling is still in the running, there will be visits to the area by the panel by Easter with the winner being announced in May.
All the bids are required to demonstrate how places and communities are putting culture and creativity at the heart of covid recovery plans and are required to demonstrate how a strong programme can drive positive economic and social outcomes with a focus on building local, national and international partnerships; strengthening communities and building sense of place; boosting local pride grassroots arts and culture; attracting new investment and driving tourism. The Stirling bid is not just the city centre, every community is different must be taken into account with a detailed cultural programme and activities being produced to align with step changes SC is planning. Focus areas include volunteering opportunities (applying to Spirit 212 fund), working with young people encouraging participation and opportunities in cultural activities and apprenticeships; being dementia friendly; employment and skills pipelines and environmental legacy.
Engagement has been tricky with covid restrictions but as these ease, the bid team are developing and building a programme to ensure input from local communities to help shape what’s appropriate and relevant for the area with a request for the CC the get involved in upcoming events over the next year. FM opened the discussion to members for questions:
· AD questioned how much can we expect still see the benefits if Stirling is not shortlisted? FM noted that a lot of the participating organisation in the local area are already working better together and a number of projects have been identified that should be taken forwards regardless. National organisations e.g. National Theatre now have Stirling on the radar and may now be more likely to host productions here rather than just Edinburgh and Glasgow
· JMB observed the synergies and alignment with VisitBOA objectives including identifying local assets & what’s unique about BOA and highlighted activities such as revisiting engagement models with local facilities e.g. Allan Centre & large events at the Games Park. BOA should on the radar as a potential host / venue for hosting some events as part of the bid and can support getting young people from the community involved. FM confirmed Visit BOA model has been input as an example of community led tourism in the bid
· MW offered use of the CC communications channels to support the bid / engagement with communities
· AT observed that significant benefit can be achieved simply through going through this process of understanding what’s available to the community and communicating effectively on how to access it
· Being inclusive and accessible is something we’ve made a start on in BOA with the playparks and dropped kerbs etc, but dementia friendly hasn’t really been a focus (FM offered a separate meeting to discuss)
FM will maintain ongoing contact with the CC and Visit BOA through JMB.
B 2005 Police Report
Police Service of Scotland
Community Council Meeting
Community Council: |
Bridge of Allan |
Month: |
Meeting – 18th January 2022 |
Officer completing: |
PC 775 Gilliland |
Email address: |
Introduction / synopsis of previous month: |
This report should provide sufficient information of the police activity since the last community council meeting. If you have any further questions about the police report or any incidents that you are aware of that are not included in this report then please email us direct on the above email address and we will answer your questions. If anyone has any information on any incidents that we have been unable to identify a suspect then please let us know by email, 101 or by contacting Crimestoppers. The report encompasses all relevant crime and other matters which have occurred between 16th November 2021 and 15th January 2022. The community policing team are unable to attend the meeting as we do not have access to zoom. |
Main Report:
Between the 16th of November 2021 and 15th January 2002 a total 15 crimes occurred within the Bridge of Allan area (which also covers University of Stirling). The crimes detailed below are those that are of relevance to the local community.
On the 9th of December a vehicle then parked in Union Street was damaged. A male was subsequently and charged with Vandalism.
Between the 8th and 9th of December a church window at Fountain Road was damaged. A male is being reported to the Fiscal in relation To Vandalism.
On the 3rd of December a male was traced within university accommodation in possession of herbal cannabis. He was thereafter issued with a Recorded Police Warning with regards to Possession of a Controlled Drug.
None to report.
On the 11th of December a Theft by Shoplifting occurred at a retail property in Fountain Road, Bridge of Allan. To date this undetected, PS-20211214-2222 refers.
During the afternoon of 4th of December a Theft by Finding occurred at Henderson Street whereby a rucksack which was temporarily left unattended was stolen. The rucksack was later recovered missing some property, PS --20220104-2428 refers.
On 17th November at Pendreich Road a motorist was stopped and found to have no vehicle
insurance. The driver is being reported to the Fiscal for No Insurance and possession of a controlled drug.
On the 19th of November a vehicle was stopped in Well Road. The driver was over the drink drive limit and was not insured and will be subject of a report to the Fiscal.
On the 15th of December road policing officers were directed to a complaint of a vehicle driving recklessly within the grounds of Stirling University. The vehicle was later seen on the A9 between Dunblane and Bridge of Allan and failed to stop for police. A male was later traced and is being reported for Dangerous Driving and other traffic related offences.
CPT officers are aware of recent incidents in the Dunblane area whereby elderly residents have been contacted by telephone by persons claiming to be from the bank. They have then advised that their bank accounts have been compromised.
On occasion fraudsters after gaining the victims trust have arrived at properties and obtained monies or duped their victims into attending at the bank to lift or transfer money with the intention of the money being passed over to them or deposited into a fraudsters bank account.
The individuals involved are professional and advise their victims not to disclose to banking staff or family members why they are either lifting large sums of money or attempting to deposit large sums of money into other accounts.
The fraudsters are often working as part of a team, some making phone calls claiming to be from the bank and others arriving at properties during an arranged follow up visit claiming to represent the bank or police.
Please note that police and banking staff will NEVER call you via telephone and ask for your bank details. If you ever receive a call from an individual claiming to represent the bank and intimating that your account has been hacked or financially compromised ask for their details including name, telephone number, position and organisation they claim to represent.
Do NOT call these individuals back on numbers provided by them nor allow them to access your bank account online.
Do NOT accept a home visit following a phone call such as that detailed above.
If someone arrives at your door following a phone call such as this Do NOT under any circumstances allow them access to your property.
Ask them to remain outside until you carry out your own checks (again Do NOT call any numbers provided to you), secure your door and call the police and/or your bank.
Do NOT be coerced, pressurised or persuaded into allowing these individuals into your house.
Alternatively attend at your bank in person or have a trusted family member do this on your behalf and make enquiries with your bank providing ALL relevant information to them. Do NOT hold information back.
Again Do NOT allow someone you don’t know to accompany you to the bank.
Please do not hesitate to contact police should you have any concerns – we are here to help you as is your bank.
Since that last community council meeting in mid November 2021, there was a total of 141 calls to the Bridge of Allan area. Please note this also covers parts of the Cornton, Causewayhead and Stirling University.
A breakdown of some of these calls is as follows, 14 were concern for person type calls, 3 were public nuisance calls, 6 calls were drugs/substance related, 6 calls were noise related, 5 were disturbance type calls, 1 call related to a neighbour dispute, 6 were theft type calls and 14 were road traffic related calls.
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Hand held Radar checks have been carried out within Henderson Street and 2 motorists advised regarding vehicular speed.
Mobile patrols carried out in and around Bridge of Allan Primary School with one motorist warned regarding inconsiderate parking.
Concerns raised relating to the recent increase in scams, particularly targeting elderly residents. The CC agreed to continue sharing any relevant information on the social media platforms as it becomes available and encourage residents to speak with friends, neighbours and those not on social media to increase awareness. Feedback to the Police that other methods of raising awareness to a wider audience should be considered e.g. articles in the Observer.
B 2006 Christmas Lights (AD & AT)
MW congratulated the team for ensuring the village was able to have Christmas lights considering the position towards the end of last year. AD confirmed that discussions are ongoing with the Visit BOA CIC to handle the more business- focused elements of storing and managing the lights going forwards. The refurbishment process has left the lights in much better condition and provided some insight into the ongoing maintenance requirements which will help to shape the plan. AD will schedule a meeting to discuss future arrangements and longer-term financing model once conversations with Visit BOA have concluded.
B 2007 Henderson Street traffic management (Cllr Dodds)
Approx 30 comments were posted on the CC website following publication of the plans; all individuals have been directed to the appropriate portals to raise concerns directly. Cllr Tollemache confirmed that the elected members present will continue to request the officers at SC to formally consider the community input during deliberations on the topic whilst acknowledging the need to avoid delaying the process.
B 2008 Community Led Tourism (JMB)
Since November meeting progress has been made on incorporating the CIC and tenders have been sought from 14 local providers for the web design project; 7 responses were submitted and 2 have been shortlisted to give a short presentation on their designs by end Jan. A useful session was held to discuss the tourism / marketing offer with Ken Thomson who is the Marketing Manager for the NWM and a lecturer at Stirling University with input from Dave Tucker (local blue-badge tour guide) to help shape how we design and present the website to promote the village. Fiona Mclean also provided some insights on the City of Culture bid.
Meeting to be held w/c 24th Jan with some of the community groups including representatives from CC and Friends of BOA to scope out how the groups work together including common aims / goals and where there are synergies or shared responsibilities to avoid duplication of effort. JMB will keep the CC updated with progress.
B 2009 Tennis Courts (BF)
BF not in attendance – pushed back to next meeting.
B 2010 Emergency bus services (Cllr Tollemache)
As of 10th January First Bus have gone back to ‘Sunday service’ and in response, SC agreed to convene the relevant individuals, agree an action plan and write a letter to the gov expressing concerns about the state of bus services in Stirling. This has been composed & sent – Cllr Tollemache will share a copy with the CC members. Following the first meeting of this special group, First Bus indicated that these changes would be for the foreseeable future which was challenged by the officers as too vague. The group is meeting regularly with First Bus and key focus areas have been mostly around the communication of changes:
· a new timetable is available online but the website is not clear; First Bus has agreed to investigate
- there are users who don’t have the smartphone app.
· signage at the bus stops has not been updated; Cllr Tollemache has requested for current & accurate signage to be added to the bus stops as a priority
Cllr Tollemache suggested that the CC put forward its concerns directly to SC and First Bus. The emergency timetable has been shared via the CC communication channels but it is acknowledged that this may not necessarily reach those who don’t use those technologies.
B 2011 Community Action on Climate Emergency (JMB)
November meeting under AOB JMB raised that CC should be considering climate change as a standing agenda item. Since SC declared a climate emergency on 3rd Oct 2019, a period of consultation has been undertaken via the SC Engage platform with a plan subsequently being produced and adopted in May 2021. JMB asked the elected members to provide some insight or suggestions as to how the CC could go about adopting / supporting the objectives of that document. Cllr Tollemache advised that there is an all-parties group within SC which is looking at this and was part of the consultation process and offered to raise the point around communication with CC’s at their next meeting. The plan does require individual behaviour change and as such effective communication is vital and CC’s having their own supporting plans would be beneficial.
Cllr Houston advised the CC to engage with David Hopper at SC as he coordinates the all-party group, he is passionate about this topic and would welcome input from community groups to take the agenda forwards. There is a general acknowledgement and awareness that there is a climate emergency and that change needs to happen to prevent further environmental damage; however encouraging and making the lifestyle alterations needed to address the problems is a challenge. AT & AD queried whether David might attend / host a meeting to brief local CC’s on the SC plans and provide suggestions for how the CC’s could take it forward into their respective communities; Cllr Tollemache agreed to provide introductions.
B 2012 Planning Report (AH)
· Proposed house behind the Red House has been withdrawn.
· No update on proposed 10 houses in Lecropt. Likely to go to Planning Panel.
· New extension for a completely new building as part of boiler room at Pathfoot Building at Stirling University.
- Rear extension at back on Nick’s to be demolished and rebuilt.
B 2013 Chair’s Report (MW)
· Tesco store – Dentist from Union street will be moving into the store. Dentist building will then be put up for sale.
- Park of Keir will go ahead.
· Airthrey Kerse – still in middle on enquiries which are to be in by 4 th February.
· Cocksburn Crossing – almost complete.
· Bridge of Allan Station Survey feedback due imminently.
B 2014 Secretary’s Report (MW in absence of LH) Councillors’ Communications
Councillor Dodds wrote to confirm that SC has raised an order for a contractor to clean the War Memorial and that the stretch of road from Ferniebank Brae to the golf course will be resurfaced in the course of the next financial year. The councillor also wrote to inform the CC of the temporary closure of Teas Company in view of concerns about the new Covid variant.
Councillor Tollemache forwarded confirmation from SC that the installation of the dropped kerbs had started and that, if funds were not available for the new pedestrian crossing in Fountain Road in the current financial year, this would appear in the works schedule in the next financial year. In relation to this, one of our own members reported witnessing and assisting a resident who fell on tripping over a high kerb in the town and who had to be taken to the surgery for treatment. The councillor has also taken up with SC the difficulty faced by wheelchair users when trying to negotiate the dropped kerb at Lloyds Pharmacy when crossing to the island.
Councillor Tollemache also sent copies of three emails raising with SC officers a number of issues relating to Cornton Road namely blocked gullies, a broken bus sign timetable case (which has now been fixed) and flooding just beyond the level crossing: in relation to the blocked gullies, SC has confirmed that the jetting of a carrier duct will be undertaken. The councillor has also sent details of ScotRail’s public consultation on its proposals stemming from its review of ticket office opening hours.
Both Councillor Dodds and Councillor Tollemache forwarded notification from SC that the Henderson Street traffic management proposals had been placed on the Engage Stirling website.
Residents’ Communications
A resident contacted the CC about the condition of the benches at the Memorial Garden. Graham Russell, Chair of the Friends of Bridge of Allan, has confirmed that the Millennium Garden is the responsibility of SC. Councillor Dodds contacted SC which indicated that it will inspect the benches to establish if they can be repaired.
A resident who contacts the CC on a regular basis wrote to note the condition of the Keir Street tennis courts and he reiterated his view that these should be sold. He has also written to express his support for the Care Home application
Stirling Council Communications
SC sent an update on the Alive with Nature project.
In relation to the Park of Keir application, SC sent a reply to the joint communication of Dunblane CC, Bridge of Allan CC and RAGE.
The CC was asked for feedback on SC’s Alive with Nature Plan and on its Pollinator Action Plan.
The Community Councils Enquiries Co-ordinator sent a circular reminding CCs of the most efficient way to make submissions.
General Communications
The CC received a copy of the November issue of the Save Blairforkie Greenspace newsletter and a copy of the most recent Scottish Community Councils’ Newsletter.
Walk Cycle Live Stirling sent details of their final design based steering group meeting on Tuesday, 25th January. Save Blairforkie Greenspace has written to underline the importance of potential objectors lodging objections once Allanwater Homes has submitted its application.
A copy of The Glen Road 2021 Annual Review was received.
B 2015 Treasurer’s Report (AT)
B 2016 Resident’s Voice
· Query raised regarding how long wreaths are kept at Memorial Park. Councillor Dodds will raise with land services to get them removed.
· Resident raised point of no high speed internet access on Upper Glen Road. Resident advised to email Councillor Dodds who will raise with SC and check status for Upper Glen Road.
B 2017 Common Good Fund (AT)
Well House Application – currently a number of CC are supporting it, however there were a number of ‘tbc’s’. AT to contact those who have yet to make a decision and then reconvene for a development conversation.
B 2018 AOCB
Point raised about factory noise being heard on Keir Street. AD to look into.
Meeting closed at 9.24pm; date of next meeting 15 February 2022 via Zoom.