April 2022 Minutes

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Minutes of Meeting of Bridge of Allan Community Council

Held on Tuesday 19th April 2022.

Due to Covid-19 this meeting was held remotely via Zoom.


Present: Janie Meikle Bland (JMB) Interim Vice Chair; Leslie Harkness (LH) Secretary; Alasdair Taylor (AT) Treasurer; Anna Doeser (AD) Communications Officer; Alastair Heron (AH) Planning Officer; Bill Fortune (BF); Vicky McDowell (VMcD)

Apologies : Mike Watson (MW) Chair; Andrew Drummond Baxter (ADB); Sandra Davidson (SD); Siobhan Hencher (SH); Duncan McDougall (DMcD) Associate Member; Moira Randall (MR) Associate Member; Alyn Smith MP; Graham Russell (Chair of Friends of Bridge of Allan); PC Paul Gilliland; PC Ross Barclay

In attendance : Councillor Douglas Dodds; Councillor Graham Houston; Councillor Alasdair Majury; Councillor Alasdair Tollemache; Councillor Jeremy McDonald; Alexander Stuart MSP; Douglas Neilson (Vice Chair, Friends of Bridge of Allan);

Abbreviations – Annual General Meeting (AGM), Bridge of Allan (BOA), Community Council (CC), Common Good Fund (CGF), Stirling Council (SC), Wallace Monument Stakeholder Advisory Group (WMSAG)

B 2049 Welcome, Apologies and Conflict of Interest (JMB)

In the absence of MW, JMB took the chair. She opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those in attendance. Apologies were recorded as noted above and no conflicts of interest were identified.

B 2050 Approval of Minutes, Matters Arising and Action Log (JMB/LH)


LH reported that two required corrections for the minutes had only just been identified and that the fully amended minutes would be sent out the following day.

Subject to the corrections being made, the minutes of the March 2022 CC meeting were confirmed; these were approved by BF and seconded by AT.

Matters Arising (LH)


In relation to Item B 2036 and the Stirling Marathon, Councillor Houston wrote to the CC to let it know that, regrettably, SC was withdrawing its support for the marathon.

Action Log (LH)


In terms of the Action Log, as requested by the CC, LH confirmed he had written to Carlyn Fraser about organising another walkabout, to Maria Lucey about the outcomes of the flooding consultative engagement strategy and to the Civic Panel to establish whether a meeting could be arranged before the May elections to consider the current CGF application. He reported that, since he had no response re the Civic Panel, he had contacted Councillor Dodds who had indicated that, while there would be no meeting before the elections, the matter could be resolved by “delegated authority” involving the Chief Executive. LH also reported that he had received no SC responses re the walkabout and the flooding engagement strategy.


Action: LH will write again to Carlyn Fraser and to Maria Lucey.



B 2051 Police Report (JMB)


In the absence of the duty officers, JMB highlighted the key features of the report.



There were no instances of violent crime to report.



On April 7, an act of minor vandalism occurred at an address in Lyon Crescent with eggs damaging an internal wall.



On March 27, a male was found in possession a controlled drug within University of Stirling accommodationwithi



On April 5, a resident reported fraudulent activity involving his bank account.

On April 5, there were two thefts from insecure lockers at a University of Stirling sports complex. Both the above incidents appear to be linked.

CPT officers would wish to remind those using sports lockers of the need to ensure that they lock and secure property prior to leisure related activity





On March 21, in Fountain Road, a vehicle was struck by another vehicle whose driver failed to stop.

MATTERS OF NOTE - Between March 15 and April 18, there were 105b calls to the Bridge of Allan area, 7 were concern for person calls, 3 were disturbance calls, 8 were drug related calls, 2 were noise related calls, 2 were public nuisance calls, 2 were neighbour dispute calls, 1 was a missing person call, 4 were theft related calls, 1 was a domestic incident and 9 were road traffic related calls.



Scammers Awareness Raising Event carried out by CPT officers on Friday, April 8 at the Coop, Bridge of Allan. Several local residents were engaged with positively and appropriate crime prevention advice was provided



1. Carry out a road traffic operation, date and location to be confirmed

2. Carry out police surgery: date to be determined.

3. Arrangements in place to engage with nursery aged youngsters in relation to Policing – What We Do

Responses from Community Council Members


In the context of road safety concerns, JMB noted that yet another incident of a vehicle involved in an accident with another vehicle and failing to stop had been reported.





B 2052 Community-Led Tourism & Destination Marketing (JMB)

JMB reported that an offer of the post o Project Manager had been made and the successful candidate, Naomi Ross had accepted. Her role will initially involve developing a website and building website content, working with and promoting local businesses, and working along with community groups and other partners, including Stirling Council and Visit Scotland.

JMB also indicated that the group would like to propose revisiting Bridge of Allan’s Community Action Plan and she suggested that the new Destination Marketing Group could serve as a catalyst for revisiting the CAP with other local groups such as the CC and the Friends of Bridge of Allan.

B 2053 Christmas Lights (AD, AT)

AD reported that the March 21 group meeting had considered the proposal that the lights be stored, at no cost, with UCP. She reminded the CC that the costs of putting up and taking down the lights would still have to be met. It was agreed that it would be appropriate to establish with UCP the implications for the storage proposal of its relocation and AT undertook to do this; he also emphasised the importance of establishing a long-term solution for the lights, particularly were UCP no longer able to provide storage. AD suggested that the CC might have to reconsider the whole issue of sponsorship of the lights. Douglas Neilson explained that the issue of storage for the Friends could simply involve members taking back items to their garages.

Gavin Drummond stressed that in his time as Chair, the CC avoided any involvement with the Christmas lights and he now took the view that the way forward was to look to SC and negotiate with its officers; given that SC had awarded a two year contract worth £277,000 for its lights, he felt that spending £10,000 for in support of the lights in Bridge of Allan and Dunblane was entirely appropriate and he underlined the savings made by SC in terms of not having to pay VAT. Councillor McDonald indicated that he would be happy to start things off by contacting the relevant SC officers.

In her summation of the discussion, JMB emphasised the need to contact UCP about the matter of storage.

Action: AT will get in touch with UCP to identify the implies of the relocation for the storage proposal.



B 2054 Tennis Courts (BF)

BF reported that he had attended meetings with Active Stirling and with Bridge of Allan Sports Club, and that the next step was a public meeting at the end of May / beginning of June to put all the issues before the community. JMB indicated that it would be helpful to know what form such a meeting would take. He stressed that the priority was to establish the best way to move forward with effective funding and, in that context, he explained that one model could be similar to that of the Allan Centre in terms of charitable status. He also reported that Kris Henderson of the Sports Club has a new post with Tennis Scotland.

BF noted that there were a number of key issues to be addressed. He felt that a central issue was one of overall supervisory ‘control’; since the courts were owned by SC, any group moving forward with the courts would have to take out a lease with the council. Another key issue was that of sustainability, in terms of generating income to stop the courts reverting to their current condition. He also firmly underlined the fact that, at some point, the CC would be required to make a financial contribution, given that any constituted group would have no funds to hand.; AT noted that such a contribution would presumably come from the CGF. BF explained that one of the problems going forward was the difficulty of getting all the interested parties together for a meeting.

Councillor Dodds reported that he had met with Kris Henderson to discuss the tennis courts. He indicated that it was her intention that the renovation of the Bridge of Allan courts would be at the top of her list of projects and that a


package would be presented to the CC. The package would involve an approach which has already been piloted successfully in England for a number of years, covering courts similar to those in Bridge of Allan. It was noted that the money at Ms Henderson’s disposal had to be spent within 18 months. Councillor Dodds stressed that the CC would need to support a funding application to the CGF, and that, given that the sum involved could be in excess of

£10,000, the application would have to go before the full council; he also underlined the fact that this approach would generate ongoing revenue and that he was sure that SC would have no difficulty in leasing the course, especially since it would no longer have to face any maintenance costs for the courts. The councillor concluded his report by reminding the CC that the issue of the tennis courts had been discussed for many years now and that this was an ideal opportunity for Tennis Scotland to move things forward. BF indicated that there could be other funding sources worth considering.

B 2055 Common Good Fund (AT)

AT reported that, as yet, no further proposal from the Well House group had been forthcoming.

In relation to the issue of the Scouts application and the option of delegated authority, Councillor Dodds explained that the delegated decision might be taken either by the SC Chief Executive or by the SC Chief Governance Officer, and he indicated that he was waiting to hear if the matter had been dealt with.

In response to a concern expressed by Gavin Drummond, Councillor Houston explained that the recent application by a car club had simply been an application to hold a meeting in Strathallan Park. The councillor also voiced some surprise that a funding application could be dealt with by delegated authority. LH wondered if, in fact, the procedure might be less inappropriate in the matter of the CGF application by virtue of the fact that there was already a firm recommendation from the CC. Councillor Houston also explained that the purdah operating during the period prior to the election was a factor which determined the use of delegated authority. AT suggested the CC seek clarification on the issue from Stephen Bly.

Action: LH will write to the CC Enquiries Co-ordinator for clarification on the operation of “delegated Authority” in relation to the CGF application.



B 2056 Recruitment

AD reported that SC had confirmed that Emma Fradgley had met all the requirements for co-option. A vote was taken and the candidate was unanimously elected as a co-opted member of the Community Council.

AD reminded the CC that there is one vacancy still to be filled.

B 2057 The Allan Centre

In the absence of SD, it was agreed to defer this item to a future meeting. LH noted that there was no urgency in relation to discussion of this item since MW had indicated that, on his return in June, it was his intention to attend the June meeting of the Allan Centre committee, along with JMB. LH indicated that he would also be attending that meeting.

B 2058 Litter

JMB reported that a number of residents had contacted her about the problem of litter in the town. She recognised that the overflowing bins in the Blairforkie Drive were a significant issue but she stressed that the problem was a wider matter. While the CC had visited the issue on more than one occasion, she felt that the discussion needed to be widened to include more systemic change in terms ways of dealing with waste.


AD emphasised that the desired outcome was a clean and tidy town and that to achieve this we required a wider range of strategies to encourage people to change their behaviour and a readiness to think more inclusively. She also stressed the value of working with both local businesses and residents to eradicate the problem. JMB agreed that there was scope to work with local businesses AD also drew attention to upcoming legislation in Scotland which would include a ban on some single use plastic items from June 1st, 2022, and, also, at a later time, a deposit return scheme for drinks containers.

Councillor McDonald suggested there were practical measures we could adopt. He pointed to the example of Callander which had a Scottish Water refillable tap and where there was a move to replace disposable barbecues with reusable ones. He noted that Aberfoyle could supply larger waste bins if required and he reminded the CC that Boots will be no longer stocking wet wipes. JMB agreed that there were short term measures such as those proposed by Councillor McDonald that would be useful but she would also like to see a SC summer programme of waste collection geared up to the larger number of visitors in the town. On this latter point, Councillor Dodds explained that last year, he had arranged or SC’s waste services to locate a larger bin close to the bridge in the picnic park but, unfortunately, this has never been progressed; he did add, however, that there was always the possibility that vandals could push such a bin into the river.

In conclusion, JMB suggested that taking positive action to move some way towards zero waste was a very worthwhile challenge for the CC and for the town.

B 2059 Planning Report (AH)

AH reported that it had been a quiet month with no forward movement on the Blairforkie, Royal Hotel and Lecropt developments.

He indicated that there were property applications relating to areas behind Sunnycroft Farm and opposite the golf course.

B 2060 Chair’s Report

In relation to support for Ukrainian refugees, JMB reported that some of the donated supplies from Bridge of Allan residents had already been dispersed during the last month through the Baby Box scheme and that 42 refugee visas had been approved for the SC area, the refugees having been welcomed at Dune. She confirmed that support continued to be at a high level within the community.

JMB also noted the passing of Ian McLaren, a highly respected resident who, over the years, had made a significant contribution across the community and the CC sends its condolences to his family. She indicated that the Chair of the Community Council, Mike Watson had asked that the minutes include the following personal tribute to Ian:

Ian was a caring, loving partner, parent and grandfather whose early passing will be greatly missed by those of us who had the privilege of his friendship and wisdom. His caring commitment to the village through the Welsh Trust, the Friends of Bridge of Allan and other many other avenues was immeasurable will be greatly missed.

Our thoughts and prayers are with his loving wife Pat and the family. RIP, good friend and mentor.



B 2061 Secretary’s Report (LH)


Communications from Councillors


Councillor Tollemache forwarded an update from SP Energy Networks confirming that the work on the Glen Road bridge has been completed and that work on the reconstructed new Cocksburn Reservoir bridge will be started once the current contractors are offsite. The councillor has also raised with SC a resident’s complaint that campervans are parking overnight in Haws Park and he has requested that appropriate signage be installed; SC have agreed to this request and, until this is to hand, Councillor Tollemache has asked for temporary signage. The councillor has recently notified SC of an overflowing waste bin in the Blairforkie Drive picnic area.

Councillor Dodds has raised a number of issues with SC. In response to a resident’s concerns about accumulated litter behind a local restaurant, he had raised this with SC and that the matter has been addressed by council officers. The councillor also forwarded his enquiry on when the gaps in the fence running up from Henderson Street and Blairforkie Drive to the footpath running along Mid Wood will be repaired and the unsightly plastic barriers removed; this has now been addressed by SC. Councillor Tollemache has raised the same issue and has also informed the relevant SC officer that, after carrying out the repairs to the fencing, a potentially unsafe amount of rubbish had been left behind by the contractor. In addition, Councillor Dodds has forwarded an email from a resident expressing concern about the ‘Family Day’ event organized for the Fountain Road play park by a Stirling church; when the event was brought to the attention of SC, it decided that it could not go ahead as its authorization had not been given. More recently, the councillor has raised the issue of motorists parking in Henderson street beyond the legal limit.

Communications from Stirling Council


The CC has received the following:

- a copy of the application form to make use of public parks and open spaces;

- details of the latest phase of the Covid Recovery Community Consultation project, namely conversations with focus groups;

- a copy of a Community Development news bulletin in the form of a Ukraine special

Communications from Residents


Residents have raised the following issues :

- a suggestion that the CC press the Government to provide more military aid to Ukraine;

- the litter behind a local restaurant

General Communications


The CC has received the following :

- a copy of the minutes of the March board meeting of the Friends of Bridge of Allan, and a copy of the agenda for this month’s meeting;

- an update from Save Blairforkie Greenspace confirming that they now have a draft of an Objection submission, commissioned by SBG, from a planning consultant with expertise in this area;

- a copy of the latest Scottish Community Councils Newsletter;

- a copy of the April Scottish Rural Action newsletter;

B 2062 Treasurer’s Report (AT)


AT noted from his report the expenditure for the Playpark Fund incurred by the introduction of Finding Charlie’s Voice communication boards. He also noted that the Administration Fund would have been significantly depleted had there been a minute taking cost for the March meeting, and that payments had been made for supplies for The Larder. In relation to this latter point, Councillor Dodds confirmed that there were some outstanding invoices for The Larder.

AD indicated that she would place an appropriate item on the website to seek to attract a new minute taker.

B 2063 Residents’ Voice

Councillor Dodds asked if the CC had considered reverting to in-person meetings and he indicated he could ask SC if there were any restrictions preventing a return to the Allan Centre. Councillor McDonald offered to forward an email communication he had received from SC confirming that community councils could now have in-person meetings and that funding would be available for hybrid meetings. It was suggested by JMB that LH include the possible return to live meetings on the May agenda.

Since this was his final CC meeting, Councillor McDonald stressed how much he had enjoyed attending the meetings of a community council which he felt was like a Swiss watch in its operation; as he had stated on previous occasions, he suggested that the CC consider developing a degree of “cross- pollination” in terms of sharing ideas with neighbouring community councils. JMB reiterated the CC’s gratitude for Counciller McDonald’s sterling and much valued service and she wished him well in his future endeavours.

Action: LH to place the matter of live CC meetings on the agenda of the May meeting

Douglas Neilson reminded the CC of the forthcoming plant sale organised by the Friends of Bridge of Allan and indicated that he would forward a copy of the poster to LH. JMB confirmed that the event would be publicised on the CC’s website.

Action: AD to publicise the plant sale on the website.

Gavin Drummond suggested that, in the interests of transparency, the CC include some biographical details about the ne co-opted member on the website.

Action: AD to provide an item on the new member for the website.



B 2064 AOCB

AD explained that it was necessary to formally ask AH if he wished now to move from co-opted status to become a full member of the CC. Have responded in the affirmative.

Given the forthcoming local elections and on behalf of the CC, JMB thanked all of the elected members for their support over the past session and wished them all the best of luck.

B 2065 Date of Next Meeting


The meeting closed at 8.50 pm

The date of the next meeting is Tuesday, 17th May, 2022.


Action Log Summary


1. LH to write again to Carlyn Fraser and Maria Lucey

2. LH to write to the CC Enquiries Co-ordinator for clarification on “delegated authority” as it applies to the CGF application

3. LH to place the issue of live meetings on the May agenda

4. AT to contact UCP on relocation implications for storage

5. AD to publicise the plant sale on the website

6. AD to provide a website item on the newly co-opted member.




LH (April 2022 )