Feb 2021 Minutes


Minutes of Meeting of Bridge of Allan Community Council


Held on Tuesday 16th February 2021

Due to Covid-19 this meeting was held remotely via Zoom


Present: Mike Watson (MW) Chair; Leslie Harkness (LH) Secretary; Alasdair Taylor (AT) Treasurer; Anna
Doeser (AD) Communications Officer; Iain McCusker (IMcC) Planning Officer; Janie Meikle Bland (JMB); Bill
Fortune(BF); Siobhan Hencher (SH); Vicky McDowell (VMcD);


Apologies Andrew Drummond Baxter (ADB); Sandra Davidson (SD); (Duncan McDougall (DMcD) Associate
Member; Moira Randall (MR) Associate Member; Lucy McCormick (Minute Secretary); Alexander Stewart
MSP; Alyn Smith MP; PC Paul Gilliland; PC Dee Chalmers;


In attendance: Councillor Douglas Dodds; Councillor Graham Houston (GH); Councillor Alastair Majury;
Councillor Alasdair Tollemache; Councillor Jeremy McDonald; Jim Ingram (JI); Roy Sexton (RS); Graham
Russell (Chair of Friends of Bridge of Allan); Douglas Neilson ( Vice Chair of Friends of Bridge of Allan); Gavin
Drummond (GD)

Abbreviations – Community Council (CC), Common Good Fund (CGF), Stirling Council (SC), Annual General
Meeting (AGM)

B 1863 Welcome, Apologies and Conflict of Interest (MW)

MW chaired this meeting. MW opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those in attendance via
Zoom; apologies were recorded as indicated above. No conflicts of interest were highlighted although it
was noted that planning discussions have been moved to the end of the agenda allowing for the relevant
individuals to leave early.


B 1864 Approval of Minutes, Matters Arising and Action Log (MW)

The minutes of the January 2021 CC meeting were approved: proposed by LH and seconded by IMcC.
Matter arising:

  • Reference B1846 Park of Kier – Councillor Tollemache sent a copy of his request to SC to indicate if
    any extension has been granted, SC confirmed there that despite press reports there has been no
    further update from the Scottish Government however an extension has since been granted to end
    March 2021.

  • Reference 1847 Gritting – a reminder was received from the Chair of the Friends of BOA that the
    organisation is ready to assist in any community gritting efforts. SC has forwarded details of the
    gritting route maps also showing gritting bin locations.


    B 1865 Police report (MW)

    Between 18th January and 12th February 2021, a total 7 crimes occurred within the Bridge of Allan beat

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    code, the crimes detailed below are those that are of relevance to the local community.



    On 27th January 2021 at Sherrifmuir Road, a caravan was set on fire within a field, no persons or animals
    were injured in this incident, but the caravan was destroyed. Enquiries are ongoing in relation to this and if
    you have any information in relation to this please contact 101 ref: PS-20210128-0036.


    On 7th February 2021 at Stirling University, 4 males engaged in a stand-up fight on the campus. This was
    reported to police, all males were traced and given ASB fixed penalty tickets.



    Nothing to report.



    Nothing to report.



    On 9th February 2021 at Lyon Crescent an outdoor CCTV camera was stolen from a garden. Enquiries are
    ongoing in relation to this and if you have any information please contact 101 ref: PS-20210210-0005.



    Nothing to report.



    Between 18th January to 12th February 2021 there were a total of 78 calls to the Bridge of Allan area. Please
    note this also covers parts of the Cornton, Causewayhead and Stirling University. A breakdown of some of
    these calls is as follows, 4 were concern for person type calls, 17 were public nuisance calls, 1 call was drug
    related, 4 were disturbance type call and 13 were road related traffic calls.


    The CPT have been liaising with Bridge of Allan golf club after they raised some issues in which they were
    having in relation to damage to the course and fence due to sledging on the course. The committee have
    asked that member of the community who are using the grounds to sledge please be mindful of the course
    and the other property nearby i.e. fencing (which appears to be broken after persons have been sledging
    into it).


    The pop-up policeman has been deployed on 3 occasion within Henderson Street (both ends) and Sherrifmuir
    Road. CPT will continue to use this as it appears to be having a positive impact on drivers.


    Activity for the coming month

  • Attend and patrol areas in which crimes of dishonesty have been reported.

  • Monitor and patrol areas where youth related antisocial behaviour has been identified.

  • Conduct speed checks in area in which speeding concerns are raised.


    MW noted that was no mention of COVID-19 related activities despite at least one incident being known to
    the CC. LH confirmed that the Police were called to deal with a crowding issue at Nicks and the business
    had introduced further distancing measures in place to make sure the next event was as safe as possible.


    B 1866 Gritting

    AT met with representatives of SC to raise the question of some streets not being gritted and highlighting
    concerns in respect of increased risk of falls while people are social distancing. The gritting route and bin
    location maps were provided but further review and input from the community is required to determine

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    what actions should be taken to improve the situation – AT requested the CC members to review the
    information that has been circulated and share thoughts at the next meeting.


    Councillor Tollemache suggested that a grit bin be immediately requested for Inverallan Road and sought
    views on where the best location would be; AT recommended the green area next to the factory at the
    bottom of the road. Councillor Tollemache will email the council this evening and confirmed that grit bins
    are expected to be refilled immediately after each individual bad spell or if bad weather is predicted.


    Proposed improvements include:

  • Requesting SC to enhance coverage into some of the more residential areas.

  • Community volunteer groups to grit the roads that are not on the council routes, noting that the
    availability of grit may need to be addressed where there are no bins currently. GR confirmed that
    Friends of BOA are happy to support a community gritting effort and a small amount of grit was
    offered by Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise however this was intended only for individuals who
    were shielding and a list of eligible properties could not be provided.

  • Review location and supply of grit bins as the primary determining factor in whether the community
    can self-support.


B 1867 National Wallace Monument (JMB)


Since the last CC meeting, there has been another meeting of business and community organisations across
BoA so there has been 2 meetings so far. There is input and involvement from many of the local businesses
and traders. Thoughts and ideas will be taken to the steering group due to be held on the 22nd February 21.
One of the ideas from last meeting was a theme of BoA of being a boutique village.


B 1868 Tennis courts (BF)

Councillor Dodds has requested an update from Councillor Margaret Brisley and for her to engage directly
with the DD however this has not yet occurred. BF agreed to contact her on behalf of the CC to determine if
there is any council funding available for upgrading the tennis courts before the next meeting planned for
13th March; if agreement is reached the next step will be to find out if the roads department to has capacity
to undertake the work and what timescales may be involved.


GH confirmed that there has been some confusion over the re-direction of funding previously allocated to
the Royal Hotel development which is yet to be resolved by SC due to availability of key individuals. A
meeting is being scheduled ahead of budget discussions. No further progress can realistically be made by
the CC until confirmation of whether funding is available from SC is received at which point alternative
options will be reviewed if necessary, including use of the CGF.


B 1869 Speeding (Councillor Dodds)

A meeting was held with road officers and confirmed that plans are getting towards the final stages but
delayed by COVID-19 priorities. The counting strip along Henderson Street is to remain in place for a couple
of weeks longer and a letter to be sent to residents and merchants confirming the changes between Melville
place up to Kier Street and when work will start.


JMB requested an update on the rollout of 20mph signs as residents have requested details of where and
when they will be put up. Councillor Dodds advised that contractors are undertaking the work and did make
a mistake on Union street which has since been rectified; checks have confirmed that all current signage is
in line with the agreed plans and relevant road traffic legislation. JMB also raised a concern that decreasing
the speed limit brings associated requirements for enforcement / traffic management and questioned what
is and can be done to encourage the necessary behavioural changes beyond the ‘pop-up cops’ and to
highlight the positive aspects of the changes. Councillor Dodds indicated that there is evidence that the

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pop-up policemen are effective; the local police are aware and providing as much attention to the matter as
is possible in the current climate – further data is being gathered. BF echoed sentiments that signage alone
may not be sufficient as individuals are not compliant. Alasdair Tollemache received acknowledgement
from SC that there should have been a communication plan regarding the 20mph limit change and
commitment that this will be implemented.

VM raised concerns about the location of the 20mph sign by the Fire Station at the bottom of Allanvale Road

  • Councillor Dodds agreed to raise this with SC to be reviewed.


    B 1870 Common Good Fund (AT)

    An application has been received for funding from the CGF - £3210 to buy a trailer for 11th Bridge of Allan
    Scout group. Due to potential conflicts members agreed to share their scoring and recommendations via
    email to the Treasurer before end of Feb.


    B1871 Playpark (AD)

    AD relayed a message from SH confirming that work has begun on the Fountain road playpark and that
    equipment is being replaced like-for-like. Donna Mills from SC due to visit 17th Feb to view progress.


    A meeting has been setup to discuss BOA Trail ideas and get project started.


    B 1872 Dog Fouling (Councillor Dodds)

    Councillor Dodds confirmed that extra signage has been delayed due to printing issues and will be shared
    with CC once available. JMB indicated that a resident had raised concerns about fouling and dogs off-lead
    on Memorial Park; possible solutions proposed were additional signage and bins however Councillor Dodds
    asserted that there are 5 bins available in the park which is considered sufficient given the size of the area.
    JMB highlighted the similarity to speeding enforcement and proposed a positive educational response to
    encourage personal responsibility which she will discuss with Lorna Jack of the Lecropt nursery who has
    offered support. LH indicated that SC has previously installed signs with little impact and the due to COVID-
    19, their enforcement officers are prioritising dangerous situations and can only act where they witness an


    B1873 CC Vacancies (AD)

    Based on size of area and population the CC should have a minimum of 7 members and maximum 13 meaning
    there are currently 2 vacancies. The next CC full elections are in 2023 therefore in the meantime, it is
    possible to hold interim election or co-opt new members (to a maximum of 3 individuals) who meet the
    eligibility criteria:

    • Over 16 years of age

    • Resident in BOA

    • On the electoral register


      There would be 14 days’ notice to CC members in the event of a co-option vote, individuals need to be voted
      in by majority of 7 (2/3 of present) and they can serve for 6 months / 3 meetings at which point they become
      members will full voting rights until the next election.


      Councillor Dodds suggested seeking the advice of the Community Engagement team, specifically Andy Davis
      (AD-SC) who looks after Bridge of Allan and pointed out that several existing members have not attended
      meetings as expected. LH and MW confirmed that this is due to illness and the individuals concerned have
      expressed a desire to remain as members.

      GH indicated that should there be more interest than the number of positions available and appropriate
      nominations and seconds received then SC would coordinate any interim election by electronic ballot as
      necessary. Neil Harman offered to join and support the CC and AD agreed to contact Andy David to discuss
      next steps.

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      B 1874 Chairman’s report (MW)

      SC has written to the CC to seek its assistance in identifying 3 or 4 Bridge of Allan residents willing to
      participate in an active travel engagement workshop relating to consideration of an active travel route from
      Dunblane to Bridge of Allan via the Keir roundabout. AD has contacts from a previous similar engagement
      and will send them details, possibly advertise on the Facebook group if no interest.


      B 1875 Secretary’s report (LH)


    • Co-op development, a Co-op representative informed the CC that two revised planning applications
      have been submitted to SC, one for planning permission and one for Conservation Area Consent.

    • Airthrey Kerse, the CC received word from the relevant Scottish Government case officer that SEPA
      would not immediately be able to give a response to the Reporter as its IT systems would be down
      for some time after a recent cyber-attack.

    • SC has informed the CC that it will be replacing the two life expired bus shelters on Henderson Street,
      north of Inverallan Road, with green roof shelters.

    • Councillor Dodds sent the CC a copy of his email to SC about the deterioration in the repair to the
      road surface at the entrance to the Health Centre car park.

    • Councillor Tollemache forwarded information about essential works being carried out on Wharry
      Burn Bridge on the Darn Walk, beginning on Monday 15th February and with the bridge closed for a
      period. Repairs will also be undertaken on the boardwalk near Stevenson’s Cave. The councillor also
      sent confirmation from SC that its Communications team will be publicizing the implementation of
      the 20 mph limits in Bridge of Allan and elsewhere.


      Resident concerns:

    • The gentleman who has been restoring the Well House sent the CC a detailed progress update
      indicating some of the difficulties he has been facing.

    • A resident informed us that she had written to SC to underline the need for multiuse road signs in
      parts of Bridge of Allan.

    • A resident has written to voice concern about the overuse by mountain bikers of the Mine Woods
      and the consequent damage to the paths.

    • A resident wrote to offer a suggestion, were the Royal Hotel to be sold, to move the Bus Stop back
      from the carriageway.

    • Another resident, concerned about the number of cars parked in Blairforkie Drive, despite the
      message to “stay at home”, asked the CC to report the matter to the police. The Secretary wrote to
      the police and they are carrying out checks to establish if any vehicles are outwith their council area.
      The same resident has proposed that, if SC is not able schedule regular cleaning of the Blairforkie
      picnic tables, these could be removed.

    • A resident has raised the recurring issue of dog fouling, drawing particular attention to Keir Street,
      Westerton Drive, Fountain Road, Cornton Road and the lane next to Lecropt Nursery, despite the
      fact that, at the request of the nursery, SC has put up an appropriate sign. The Secretary has
      forwarded the resident’s email to Councillor Dodds taken up the issue with SC. The Secretary also
      forwarded to the councillor an email from another resident, relatively new to Bridge of Allan, who
      expressed his concern about the level of flagrant dog fouling on the Riverside football pitch.

    • Two residents from Fountain Road have contacted the CC to indicate that they have submitted
      objections to the revised Co-op planning application to SC.

    • The CC received information about the 2021 Dementia Care Conference to be held online on March

    • A newsletter from the Carnegie UK Trust was received.


      B 1876 Treasurer’s report (AT)

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    • A few donations received for the larder.

    • Paid the fee for the Christmas lights. Need to consider depreciation or wear and tear of the lights.
      Some of the kit is likely to need repair and this is not covered by insurance. AT will engage with the
      lighting contractor to determine the feasibility of repair before determining whether to purchase
      new and AD will investigate funding options.

    • COVID funds are currently sitting at £2280.90




    B 1877 Residents voice

    Question received about the recycling of glass. There used to be a bin in front of coop for recycling of glass

  • this is no longer there as was being abused. DD confirmed with the new recycling and waste proposal for
    2021, the Scottish Government are changing the legislation where you can dispose of your glass and get

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    money back for it and there is a recycling place at Tesco’s and Sainsbury’s in Stirling. Also SC collect blue box
    every month.

    Cllr Jeremy McDonald confirmed that he had raised the concern from the last meeting about convex bin lid
    and SC are investigated with a view to resolve.

    B 1878 Planning (IMcC)

    • Blairforkie Development. A planning application notice was received which the CC responded
      directly to DM Hall who are representing the Developer (Allan Water Homes). The CC were asked
      to host a meeting between the Developers and a group who plan to object to the proposed
      development. Meeting via zoom was held on the 2nd February 2021. IMcC thanked AD for all her
      work in the background for organising the meeting and thanks to MW for chairing the meeting.
      Meeting went well and DM Hall responded to all questions raised. Planning application unlikely to
      be submitted within the next 3 months as there are number of experts undertaking reports on the
      proposed site.

    • Busy period for planning applications – a number of planning applications received on the back of
      the Royal Hotel. Care home proposal received for the site of the old Ivy Hotel and the building next
      door. Feedback received suggested there is support for something happening on that site however
      there has been a lot of concern about the scale of the proposal, the design, the materials used, the
      lack of parking and lack of green space. Objection to be drafted on behalf of the CC.

    • Co-op application has been received to build a new Co-Op in BoA and demolish the old shop. This
      is a follow up of an old application from last year which the CC objected to. The Co-Op withdrew
      that application before it went to a decision stage. At the end of 2020, the CC was invited to a
      meeting with the Co-Op and their developer and to be fair to the Co-Op they had actually addressed
      a lot of the areas that were previously raised as a concern. They did explain that they would submit
      a further application which has now been received. Application has been circulated to the CC.


Resident at the meeting (15 Fountain Rd – directly opposite development), welcomes re-
development of Co-Op however voiced a number of concerns. Concerns included the fact it is 2
storey building and therefore concern about the amount of light it will block from the resident’s
property (estimated approx. 75% of current aspect). Also concern raised about privacy impact,
positioning of the bright blue logo and entrance to car park moving more towards Henderson Street
which raises concern given the currently traffic congestion, parking and speeding on Henderson

B 1879 AOCB

Alasdair Tollemache provided an update on the Cornton Level Crossing. There has been a number of
articles in the papers and concern about the length of time barriers are down. SC have had a conversation
with Network Rail who dispute this, and it has been suggested they attend next month’s CC meeting.

B 1880

Meeting closed at 9.38pm. Date of Next Meeting will be Tuesday 16 March 2022.

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