January 2024 Minutes

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Signposting Document Forth-ValleyBraehead & Broomridge Community Council 31 January 2024: Mayfield Community Centre


Barbara Anderson, Mandy Rae, Hugh McClung, Philomena McClung, Jamie Adcock, Lesley Ferguson

In attendance:

Margaret Sweeney (minute taker), Councillor Flannagan, Councillor McLaughlan

1.       Welcome


In Martin’s absence Hugh welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2.       Apologies

Veronica Korkut, Martin Shaw

  1. Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising No amends to previous month’s minutes (November). Minutes proposed by Philomena, seconded by

4.       Office Bearer Reports


Chair – No report


Secretary – Nothing to report


Treasurer – current balance £3408.01


1 transaction minute taker fee



Opening Balance:



£    15.97



Expenditure Minute Taker


-£ 45.00






£    15.97




5.       Additional Reports


Councillor Report

Councillor McLaughlan commented on recent newspaper reports regarding budget proposals. He confirmed that there has been no decision taken yet on the Stirling Council budget.


Councillor Flannagan also commented on the upcoming budget and explained that there will be some very difficult budget decisions to be taken.

Confirmation has been received regarding Yellowhill – Councillor Flannagan can confirm that £90k has been allocated for it.


XL Bully dogs – ban takes effect from today (31 January ’23) in England and Wales. It is a criminal offence to own or possess an XL bully unless you have a valid Certificate of Exemption. For Scotland new legal safeguards come into effect on 23 February 2024. These dogs will need to be muzzled in public although not sure if this requirement will be needed in residents’ private gardens.


Councillor Flannagan confirmed he has met the temporary Police Inspector who has apologised for lack of police presence at meetings.



Planning – Two notices that have raised on the planning website; 350 homes being built at Pirnhall (although stated in our area should be noted this comes under Bannockburn).

Extension to property in Glaive Avenue – no issues with this.



Police – no Police presence.


6.       General Business


Hugh commented on the trees that have been planted on land opposite the 5G mast on Pike Road – he confirmed that this is Housing Tenant land – asked whether anyone knew about the planting of the trees?




Jamie confirmed that an email has been received from the company in connection with Balloch Windfarm – this will not affect our area. There will be a windfarm at the Western end of the Ochils and will be visible from our area, hence an application will be looked into regarding the community benefit fund.



Forth Loop

Still awaiting further information.


All agreed that an invite be issued to TreeLink Stirling for the February meeting to discuss their organisation and upcoming projects.


Community Relations

Considering a scheme for people to leave their details and coming to meetings. Jamie confirmed that due to GDPR regulations it will be made clear where peoples details are held – it will show on the form. Community council all in agreement so the system will be implemented.




Barbara raised the issue of the footpath that runs behind Ross Court – there still seems to be no ownership of it. Councillor McLaughlan clarified that this issue has been raised before and is not regarded by the council and has not been adopted by them. Mandi will raise the issue with Steven Blyth.


Forthside Development – level up funding has been received for this and public consultation has gone out. Unfortunately, no consultation has been sought with the community council.


Lesley asked what was happening with the noticeboards. Mandy confirmed that she will email Andrew regarding collecting the Perspex which is needed along with some backing board. The noticeboard at Waitrose car park needs backing board and the one at Springfield Road water is penetrating into it. The others are in fairly good condition but will be reviewed.



Meeting closed at 19:50hrs.


Next meeting will be held on Wednesday 28 February 2024 @ Mayfield Centre.