September 2023 Minutes

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Braehead & Broomridge Community Council
27 September 2023: Mayfield Community Centre

Mandy Rae, Barbara Anderson, Veronica Korkut, Martin Shaw, Hugh McClung, Philomena McClung, Lesley Ferguson
In attendance: Margaret Sweeney (minute taker), , Councillor McLaughlan, Braehead & Broomridge resident

1. Welcome
Martin welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Apologies
Police Scotland

3. Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising No amends to previous month’s minutes (August).
Minutes proposed by Philomena, seconded by Veronica

4. Office Bearer Reports
Chair – Martin confirmed he is getting to grips with his role and all running ok. Extremely disappointed in the non attendance by Police Scotland.
Hugh commented on the situation with Police Scotland – he was under the impression that the Community Council were due to have a meeting with the Police. Martin confirmed this was correct, he had received an invite, however, could not make it.
Councillor McLaughlan confirmed that the Safety Committee had met recently with the Chief Constable. All councillors expressed upset about no Police attending the community council meetings. There was confirmation from the Police to send someone to the meetings if possible. Suggested that someone from the community council could meet the Police prior to the meetings to be briefed on current situation. Police did confirm that Cecil Street
incident is an isolated one and the situation is still ongoing. Hugh still has concerns that the Police are not reassuring residents and is unhappy with the lack of attendance at community council meetings. Councillors have expressed their concerns about lack of reassurance from Police to Public. Councillor McLaughlan suggested that the Chair of the community council contacts the Police to arrange a meeting with them. Martin will arrange this.

Secretary – Not a lot to report. Perspex measurements to be given to Andrew at Superglass (he is currently on holiday).

Treasurer – current balance £3463.79
Opening Balance: £3766.61
Minute Taker -£45
Refurb Notice Boards -£257.82
Grant has been received. Secretary to go ahead and purchase ink/paper and any other stationery requirements.

5. Additional Reports
Councillor McLaughlan – Next full council meeting to take place next week. There has been some recent damage to the swing park following grass cutting, he has requested this be repaired. Weed killing is normally done around autumn time on an annual basis and the current work is due to be completed soon. Lots of demand in Stirling for housing especially
Braehead unfortunately not many available.

Planning – No new planning concerns. Reply has been issued re: the Crookbridge Proposal.
Police – Crime Reports for Braehead and Broomridge area between 30 August – 29 September: Detected cases 4, undetected cases 5. Springkerse House issues – looking to understand if issues within the house are reported.
Martin discussed with the community council about putting in a freedom of information request to Police Scotland for all police reports for the last seven years. The community council would then bring in a consultant to assist with the understanding of the statistics and have could be able to understand how crime has changed within the community over the years. There would be no cost implication. The community council all agreed and confirmed
Martin can put the request in.

6. General Business
Forth Loop: Correspondence received from a training company (Ceangail CIC) to Councillor McLaughlan regarding leasing the land. They have approached Stirling Council regarding this. This section of land comes under the remit of the community council. Martin confirmed that the community council would be interested in inviting them to give a presentation to consider giving them their support.

Recent car park issues resulted in the police being called due to a car parked on the pavement. The car was causing an obstruction however legally there was nothing that could be done.
Veronica confirmed she had completed the community council training. At the training Veronica was contacted by Steven Blyth, Stirling Council and raised the issue of GDPR.
Martin will investigate this with Steven.

Meeting closed at 20:15hrs
Next meeting will be held on Wednesday 25 October @ Mayfield Centre.