October 2023 Minutes

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Braehead & Broomridge Community Council
25 October 2023: Mayfield Community Centre

Barbara Anderson, Veronica Korkut, Martin Shaw, Hugh McClung, Philomena McClung, Lesley Ferguson
In attendance: Margaret Sweeney (minute taker), Braehead & Broomridge residents

1. Welcome
Martin welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Apologies
Police Scotland, Councillor McLaughlan, Councillor Flannagan, Mandy Rae, Andrew Nelson

3. Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising, no amends to previous month’s minutes (September). Minutes proposed by Veronica, seconded by Lesley.

4. Office Bearer Reports
Chair – The main topic that the Chair is concerned with is issues relating to Police Scotland(these will be discussed in the additional report).
Secretary – No issues to report.
Treasurer – current balance £3,482.04
Grant has been received.
Opening Balance: £3447.82
Cash: £ 15.97
Council Grant: £ 79.22
Minute Taker -£ 45.00
Bank: £3482.04
Cash: £ 15.97

5. Additional Reports
Councillor Report – N/A
Planning – Ross Court application – change of use, this application has been approved subject to conditions.
Police – see details in General business.

6. General Business
Police – general discussion around lack of police presence at meetings. The Chair confirmed that the current Chief Inspector of Forth valley is due to be replaced as they are moving on. PC Woodhouse has been in touch with the police report. There are major concerns within the community council with the lack of response from the police. The community council has tried to assist the police regarding their attendance and have even changed the night of the meetings however still no attendance. The Chair asked for community council agreement to put a FOI request in for all Forth Valley police reports. This
was confirmed. Also agreed to invite the Sergeant to the next meeting. Veronica suggested that the community council decide together what we want from Police Scotland and when the new Chief Inspector is appointed then we a further meeting can take place.

Andrew Nelson is not available however updated the community council via email. Noise assessment - still gathering information on this and waiting on noise consultant to advise of the impact of each intervention.
Recent fire took place at the plant and was reported to Sepa. There were no reported injuries and following safety inspections the production line was restarted. Continued reviews are taking place to ensure no further incidents.
Braehead resident who attending the meeting confirmed that some local residents are complaining about Superglass on Facebook. Comment subsequently placed on Facebook confirming who to speak with at Superglass re: complaints. Andrew has the Perspex and needs confirmation of who to drop it off too. Community Council agreed Sealant can be purchased for this. If the cost is above £50 Hugh proposed it to be purchased and Philomena seconded it.

Forth Loop
Matt McGrandles to provide information which will then be discussed at the next meeting.

Stephen Blyth still hasn’t spoken to the Chair following the initial query to Veronica. Sign in Sheets will be held by Secretary only.

Considering a trial system for Teams for Councillors, Office Bearers and Police Scotland.

Barbara asked about funding for Yellowhill? The revenue housing account was due to pay for this. Dog Walking area also raised. Contact for both of these is Robert Horne. Will raise this and review it in November.
Jamie Adcock has been consistently attending the community council meetings for three months. Martin and Philomena proposed he be co-opted onto the Community Council this nomination was agreed and confirmed by a unanimous vote. Nomination papers to go to council.

Meeting closed at 20:00hrs
Next meeting will be held on Wednesday 29 November @ Mayfield Centre.