November 2023 Minutes

Braehead & Broomridge Community Council
29 November 2023: Mayfield Community Centre

Barbara Anderson, Veronica Korkut, Mandy Rae, Martin Shaw, Hugh McClung, Philomena McClung, Jamie Adcock

In attendance: Margaret Sweeney (minute taker), Councillor Flannagan, Andrew Nelson

1. Welcome
Martin welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Apologies
Police Scotland, Lesley Ferguson

3. Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising
No amends to previous month’s minutes (October).
Minutes proposed by Philomena, seconded by Hugh.

4. Office Bearer Reports
Chair – main issue of concern is lack of contact with Police Scotland. Unfortunately haven’t been able to attend any meetings so far.

Secretary – Mandy confirmed that she has reviewed minutes from other community councils and can confirm that no police presence at Cambuskenneth, St Ninians do have attendance, nothing at Kings Park and Cambusbarron police do drop in. Councillor Flannagan suggesting reviewing Bridge of Allan and Dunblane minutes to confirm whether there’s any
attendance from the police to these two.

QR Code has been created – enables individuals to scan the code, fill in the form and gives consent for emails to be sent.

Heart of Braehead event – received forms from there.

Liability insurance – has old details on form. Contact details need to be changed – the document is held at council headquarters. Details need to be amended to either secretary or treasurer.

Treasurer – current balance £3,437.04
1 transaction minute taker fee

Opening Balance: £3482.04
Cash: £ 15.97

Minute Taker -£ 45.00
Bank: £3437.04
Cash: £ 15.97

5. Additional Reports
Councillor Report
Councillor Flannagan confirmed that the outgoing Police commander has left, and the new replacement will join in February 2024, in the meantime there is a temporary commander. It has been noted that the community council have tried to make it as easy as possible for officers to drop in by changing the date of the meeting. Reports from the police need to be standardised as there is a difference between reports. Will raise issues at Public Safety Committee. Reports to the Public Safety Committee show trouble going down however it seems that it’s the reporting that’s down. Hugh commented that the community council are not suggesting that Police Scotland attend every meeting however they do need to meet the community council halfway.

Full council meeting to take place w/c 4 December. Briefing for councillors on Violence in Schools – underreported. 40% of teachers have been threatened or attached at least once. It looks like Head Teachers reporting is down however additional support reports are up. Concerns around bullying. Stirling Council has a policy on bullying/violence – concerns that they are not following their procedure. Martin asked whether in the Stirling area is reported
violence handled differently in rural schools compared to City centre ones.

Safety Camera’s – Councillor Flannagan is pushing for public safety camera on Pike Road. Safety Camera Scotland reported to Roads Department and will gather the data. Police Scotland confirm that one can be organised just waiting for confirmation from the council.

Planning – Nothing to report at present.

Police – report is available if required, again no Police presence. Constable Hynd will be away from January – April 2024 due to staffing.

6. General Business
Superglass Scrubber system failed – this has been reported to Sepa. Checks were made of the system and additional safeguards have been put in place along with an alarm. 14th and 17th saw two oven fires, unfortunately the one on the 17th was a larger one and resulted in flaming. Fire Brigade came out to assist putting it out and has been reported to Sepa. Working internally to review issues on the back of the fires.

Still working with Sepa on the noise issue – quote has been received regarding work to be undertaken and has been forwarded to Sepa.

Forth Loop
Three entities have noted interest in the above. One of them is Stirling Highland Games and another two relate to community enhancement. Veronica has asked that we ask for three sets of paperwork from the entities involved to be distributed via email to the rest of the councillors so it can be discussed in January 2024.

Community Relations
Looking to increase and improve our relations with the community – any other areas of Braehead & Broomridge that can be reached. Mandy confirmed she would be interested in doing a leaflet drop. We could also consider posters going up on the noticeboard and include the QR code.

Jamie raised the prospect that the community may benefit from funding that can be made available to communities on the back of windfarm developments. If the windfarm is visible from the community, then there is a case to be made for funding which would need to be used for a community project. There might be interest in using funding for potential repairs to playpark next to Crawford Park and one behind Gleve Avenue. Jamie will draft up correspondence and send it out for review.

Sign in sheets required. Jamie volunteered to set this up.

Facebook – have admin rights been sorted yet? Veronica will contact Gary to amend details on this (Hugh off, Martin and Mandy on).

Yellowhill repairs? Emailed query to Stirling Council – no response as yet. Martin will send a list of outstanding issues to Councillor Flannagan to chase up.

Martin will also send a list of questions that still need answers to Mandy so it can be distributed to all.

Meeting closed at 20:35hrs.

Next meeting will be held on Wednesday 31 January 2024 @ Mayfield Centre.