May 2023 Minutes

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Braehead & Broomridge Community Council
31 May 2023: 7pm Mayfield Community Centre

In attendance:
Stirling Council staff x 2, Mandy Rae, Lesley Ferguson, Barbara Anderson, Veronica
Korkut, Martin Shaw, Hugh McClung, Philomena McClung, Braehead & Broomridge
residents x 2, Margaret Sweeney

1. Welcome
This meeting is an initial meeting to confirm Braehead and Broomridge Community Council has been set up and officers confirmed:
Chair – Martin Shaw
Secretary – Andrea Rae (Mandy Rae)
Treasurer – Veronica Korkut
Vice Chair – Hugh McClung MBE
Planning Officer – Hugh McClung MBE
Minute Taker – Margaret Sweeney

2. General Business
Martin welcomed everyone to the meeting. Confirmed that the community council has only 7 council members. Need to attract more members. Suggestions were made regarding this, and some discussion took place on how this might be achieved. Martin suggested whether consideration might be given to having a different venue for the council meetings.
Mandi suggested possibility of a table at Heart of Braehead events or the option to have an event on a Saturday which would enable facetime with the community. Veronica did point out that it's not advisable to hold a meeting at the same time.
Dates for the next years meetings were discussed – next meeting for June will be 21st and no meeting in July. August meeting is likely to be Wednesday 30 August – suggestions on holding a possible “event” on 26 August. Hugh confirmed that if this was likely to go ahead needed to arrange leaflets/flyers etc. Can this be funded by the current budget? Martin suggesting contacting other organisations to see if they wish to be involved. As well has
printed leaflets/flyers how about a digital flyer as well.
Mandi to see if the Crawford Hall is available on Saturday 26 August.
Confirmed dates for the community council upcoming monthly meetings:
30 August 2023
27 September 2023
25 October 2023
29 November 2023
No meeting in December
31 January 2024
28 February 2024
27 March 2024
24 April 2024
29 May 2024 – AGM
Consider holding a Winter “Teams” meeting. May get additional involvement from community for this.
If any of the dates need to be changed must let everyone know.

Meeting closed at 20:40hrs.
Next Meeting to be held on 21 June 2023 @ Mayfield Centre.