June 2023 Minutes

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Braehead & Broomridge Community Council
21 June 2023: 7pm Mayfield Community Centre

Mandy Rae, Barbara Anderson, Veronica Korkut, Martin Shaw, Hugh McClung, Philomena
McClung, Braehead & Broomridge residents x 2, Margaret Sweeney
In attendance: Margaret Sweeney (minute taker), Andrew Nelson; Superglass and 1 x

1. Welcome
Martin welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Apologies
Apologies received from Lesley Ferguson. No apologies from Councillor Flannagan nor the Police.

3. Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising March minutes unavailable at present. No amends to minutes of May meeting.
Minutes proposed by Philomena, seconded by Veronica.
4. Office Bearer Reports

Chair – Martin is reviewing all the rules in relation to his post. Regarding previous conversations on digital forum Martin is asking Steven Blyth to confirm the position with the legal department.
Secretary – Mandy is in a similar position to the new Chair and is getting to grips with her role and what is required.
Treasurer – Veronica is still waiting to hear from the bank re: getting new signatories set up.No outstanding payments to be paid yet apart from minute  taker. Audit for previous accounts being arranged. Waiting for details from council regarding budget.
5. Additional Reports
Councillor – nothing received at this stage. Secretary will contact Councillors and confirm dates of future meetings.
Planning – no planning applications and nothing outstanding.
Police – Crime Reports for Braehead & Broomridge area between 30/5/23-20/6/23: 4 detected cases and 9 undetected cases. (Detected cases include misuse of drug offences, assault, theft.) Martin confirmed that he’s looking to invite the Inspector and or Chief
Inspector to the next meeting to discuss reports and police attendance at meetings. Martin asked for any objections – rest of the committee agreed to Martin going ahead and issuing an invite.
Area Forum Design Meeting – Hugh recently attended this event which consisted of various groups, community councils, Community Development  Teams etc. The idea was to discuss whether area forums were needed. It looks like it might be a long process. Hugh will attend
the next meeting and update as necessary.

6. General Business
Superglass – Andrew confirmed that a complaint had been received into SEPA from Linden Inn. Complaint came from customer at the Inn – following investigation a non-routine task was being performed. Confirmed that they will try and perform task another time. Fire took place 15 May reported to SEPA no complaints following this. Still have some ongoing noise
issues following complaint in April. SEPA are involved in this issue. Sound survey to be completed in relation to noise and the level at the site. SEPA won’t give a definitive answer on acceptable noise levels. They have met with the resident who made the initial complaint re: noise levels, however as they won’t give a definitive answer on noise levels the issue remains outstanding. Hugh suggested trying to set up a meeting with SEPA at their
Edinburgh Offices. Martin will arrange contact.

Path Projects – upgrades are in the pipeline however no information at present is available.

Dog Fouling – is being dealt with. Fouling must be sprayed to highlight to the public. Hugh commented that we possibly need dog fouling leaflets to be put up.
August Event – discussed the event on August 26. It was highlighted that the Community Garden has a Flower Show on the same day so do the community council which to look at a possible move to having an event on September, possibly with Heart of Braehead. Mandy will speak with Heart of Braehead.

Defibrillator Maintenance – Need to purchase pads for the machines. Lesley to deal initially with the maintenance. Mandy suggested to highlighting to residents where they can be

Mandy received correspondence from Steven Blyth regarding grants. Confirmed that the community council needs to obtain an application form for a grant for the minute taker. Mandy will chase this up.

Noticeboards – Mandy commented on the state of the noticeboards as she has recently checked them, and they need upgrading. Hugh confirmed he would look at them as well to confirm what might be needed. Mandy has received some notices on cycling which will be put up.

Meeting closed at 20:15hrs.
No meeting in July so the next meeting will be held on Wednesday 30 August 2023 @ Mayfield Centre.