January 2023 Minutes

Braehead & Broomridge Community Council Meeting RM 2 Mayfield Centre

7pm 25 January 2022


Note of Minutes

1        Present: Hugh McClung (Chair), Gary McGrow (Secretary), Veronica Korkut (Treasurer), Wendy McLean, Mandy Rae, Barbara Anderson

In attendance: PC Graeme Woodhouse PC Jade Hynds, Andrew Nelson (Superglass)

  • Apologies for absence - Cllr Bryan Flannagan, Cllr Gerry McLaughlan, Philomena McClung
  • Minutes of previous meeting - Approved by Veronica, Seconded by Wendy

4                 Office Bearer Reports:

  • Chairperson - Nothing to report

·          Secretary

  • Received info on provision of food vouchers from Stirling Council and circulated to Heart of Braehead
  • Forwarded information from Stirling Council about Stirling’s open streets festival to local groups
  • Highlighted Stirling Council’s Community development team are considering re-establishing Area Forums. Two virtual meetings are available to discuss this with Community Councils – Wendy agreed to attend
  • Discussed SCAAN’s ( Scottish Communities Climate Action Network) approach to give more information on their Forth Valley climate hub – group agreed to invite contact to our meeting on Wed 22 Feb.
  • Received email from Stirling Council offering a £100 grant for CC to undertake an engagement exercise. Mandy suggested hiring a hall and promoting the CC ahead of the elections. Mandy agreed to organise the engagement with support from the rest of the group and Veronica will apply for the grant.


  • Treasurer – Gary reported that he and Hugh are now signatories to the Bank Account. Still awaiting various passcodes to access online account but should be available soon. Veronica to be added as a signatory as Treasurer.


5                 Other Reports


  • Councillors – no councillor present


Planning – No report


  • PC Graeme Woodhouse introduced himself and highlighted residents should see an increased Police presence in the community now Community Police in the area are at full complement.
  • Police are giving school talks at Braehead Primary School for pupils and parents regarding online bullying
  • PC Woodhouse spoke briefly about the Police report and highlighted he can take all cases relating to Sprinkerse House and business crimes around Sprinkerse out of the report as this doesn’t directly affect the communities in the area and will give a more accurate reflection on crimes in the area.
  • PC Hyde mentioned work with local charity Champions who give children and youths respite and encourage learning of life skills
  • Police are taking a more pro-active approach to drug issues and public may become aware of more drug cases as Police being more pro-active on stop and search.
  • PC Hynds highlighted the community Police are keen to work with vulnerable people e.g. elderly around community safety. Jade to send info to Gary to share on Facebook/ other community groups.


General Business


  • Superglass

Andrew Nelson confirmed that that the noise survey measurements (external to site) were completed on 17 January. When Superglass receive the survey report It will be sent to SEPA for assessment. SEPA are likely to undertake their own noise survey to verify this.

Local resident asked about noise coming from the plant at 11pm on a regular basis. Andrew will investigate this and report back.


7                 Path Projects

Dog walking area off Broom Road/Yellow Hill can apply for 100% of the costs of design from Paths for All, funding opens in April. Suggest that its for recreation rather than active travel and will assist of approval from Stirling Council and funding for the path- Gary to follow up with PfA.


Yellow Hill - Gary had meeting in December with Green Ranger service – they have

£85k to spend on path improvements, suggest they do the main path - spurs leading to housing needs to be covered by funding raised by CC. Also need to look at who owns parts of the path which are privately owned – may be Barrett – Gary has contacted the Access Offcer from Stirling Council to assist. Barbara to try and find out who was responsible for the paths back in 1980’s when path was first established.


8                 20 mph

Signs now up, still need to do something regarding Colquhoun street, Pike Road near Targe Wynd in terms of traffic calming.

9                 Community Council elections

CC elections take place in April. The last CC meeting for this term will therefore take place in March. Further info from Stirling Council regarding the elections is forthcoming.


Discussion on Community Council Boundary – Boundary area will still be Braehead & Broomridge, although concern around lack of involvement from Broomridge/Wallace Park

Wendy raised issue of Argyll Centre and whether anyone was interested in re- opening, no one knew the situation – perhaps one of the Councillors know?

Gary raised issue of development at Forthside which has recently been highlighted which includes housing and business units. Gary highlighted that s75 monies are included to expand Braehead Primary School.