August 2023 Minutes

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Braehead & Broomridge Community Council
30 August 2023: Mayfield Community Centre

Mandy Rae, Barbara Anderson, Veronica Korkut, Martin Shaw, Hugh McClung, Philomena McClung, Lesley Ferguson,
In attendance: Margaret Sweeney (minute taker), Andrew Nelson; Superglass, Councillor Kane, Councillor McLaughlan, Braehead & Broomridge residents

1. Welcome
Martin welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Apologies
Councillor Flannagan

3. Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising No amends to previous month’s minutes (June). Minutes proposed by Mandy, seconded by Philomena.

4. Office Bearer Reports
Chair – Martin confirmed he is still getting used to his role. Extremely disappointed in nonattendance again from Police Scotland.
Secretary – noticeboards for the community council have been reviewed and there seems to be some older boards along with one at Waitrose with no information on nor any Perspex.
Doesn’t seem to be any consistency with the boards. They all need to be reviewed. Councillor Kane commented that there might be an insurance policy specifically for the noticeboards – to be confirmed. Superglass offered to replace the Perspex in the community noticeboards.
Letter addressed to the community council had been left near the community garden. Martin confirmed that he would speak with the shop at Springfield Road about whether post could be left there. The letter raised the issue of the possibility of removing the speed bumps at the junction of Springfield Road/Broom Road. Confirmed that this question needs to be issued directly to Stirling Council Roads Department. Mandy will contact the letter writer
about this issue and point them in that direction.
Dr Bike have been in touch about arranging maintenance classes. They have funding for holding the event however not for hire of a hall. Discussion on dates were briefly discussed – 28 Sept, 10 October; Martin will chat with the primary school as this may be of interest.

Correspondence received about the condition of the bus shelter on Keith Avenue. Mandy will contact the writer of the correspondence and confirm who they need to contact regarding this. Induction sessions for community council are available to sign up and attend.
Treasurer – accounts to March 2023 have been audited and submitted. Still waiting to hear on re: grant. The current balance for August is £3766.61

5. Additional Reports
Councillor McLaughlan: dealing with abandoned sofas at Afton Court. He has also been in touch with the police regarding the recent incident in Cecil Street. Hugh McClung commented that as far as he is aware there has been no response by the police to this incident nor any assurances yet.
Councillor Kane: confirmed he is happy to call a meeting with the Chief Inspector along with Councillor McLaughlan, Councillor Flannagan, Chair and Vice Chair. Hugh also confirmed he will be writing to Councillor Flannagan regarding the Police Safety Committee.

Planning – application in for 48 Kirkside Crescent this has been approved with conditions. An amended application has been issued again regarding Crookbridge Site (Asda). The community council had previously objected to the initial application however it has now been amended. Hugh asked what is the opinion of the community council to the new proposal?
Resident commented that there seems to be an issue with active travel. Councillor Kane suggested that the community look at active travel. It was confirmed that the community council does not object to the application however need further information into active travel.

Police – Crime Reports for Braehead and Broomridge area between 30 July – 28 August: Detected cases 10, undetected cases 16.

6. General Business
Superglass: Noise survey has been received. Contractor to review the site based on the survey and will report back to Sepa.
Recently one complaint was issued directly to him along with another couple sent direct to Sepa. Complaint received on 21 August – the noise issue was traced and found to be a specific issue and it has now been dealt with. Another complaint that Andrew received was down to an issue with their compactor. The machine was put off and he had been given assurances that the issue was fixed, unfortunately this wasn’t the case. This has been
escalated internally.
Superglass now owned by ETECS; Belgium run family business.
Superglass signed up for Stirling Hydrogen Hub. Also assisting Braehead Primary with funding.
Hugh raised the issue about Sepa doing their own survey – has anyone had site of it? Andrew understands that Sepa believe they have responded. Hugh confirmed that the community council will request the report.

Parking/ Littering/ fly tipping
Received complaints regarding Braehead Primary parking and parking in the area in general, unfortunately the residents who had made the complaints did not attend the meeting. There have been previous complaints about parking in the Braehead area, in particularly Colquhoun Street. The only option available to reduce parking issues would be to put parking meters in place which would also require residents to apply for parking permits, unfortunately this option has been previously rejected by residents.
Complaints received regarding littering and fly tipping these issues need to be reported to the council.
Presentation of public spaces – issues raised around council not collecting grass cuttings. Although council cut the public grass areas the cuttings are unfortunately not collected due to budgets. If the cuttings were to be collected it would result in an increase in staffing etc
which is likely to increase budgets. Regarding budgets The Big Conversation is now in place residents will be able to get involved in different ways – online, meetings, drop in events. Details can be found on the council website.

Councillor Kane commented that shortly information will be issued online re: consultations for Active Travel Priority List along with the local development plan.

Meeting closed at 21:00hrs.
Next meeting will be held on Wednesday 27 September @ Mayfield Centre.