March 2021 Minutes

Braehead & Broomridge Community Council
Monday 29 March 2021

Zoom Conference Call


Present: Hugh McClung (Chair), Gary McGrow (Secretary) Aileen Hall
(Treasurer), Mandy Rae, Barbara Anderson, Wendy McLean,
Philomena McClung, Jess McNeil

Apologies: Wilma Comrie (Stirling Council Representative), Martin Shaw (Vice
Chairman), Heather Campbell, Police Scotland.

In attendance: Margaret Sweeney (Minute Taker), Councillor Flannagan,


  1. Welcome


    The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.


  2. Apologies


    As noted above.


  3. Minutes of previous meeting / matters arising


    Previous minutes discussed Salt Bins – council will not put salt bins on the flat just on hills.
    Hugh asked about the cost of the bins. Gary and Hugh confirmed they will review the grit
    bin situation.


    Minutes proposed by Jess and seconded by Aileen.


    Matters Arising


    No matters arising.


  4. Reports


    Chairperson Report


    Hugh attended a recent webinar on Housing 2040 where a private advice company dealing
    with housing matters discussed the Scottish Government Initiative which is looking at
    development of housing over the next 20 years.



    Secretary Report


    Residents complaining about speeding at the pedestrian crossing on Pike Road. Aileen
    raised the point that support is needed from the community police. Councillor Flannagan
    commented on how difficult it is at present to get a response on the matter. Councillor
    Flannagan confirmed he would try and get the issue onto the agenda at the Public Safety


    Some level of crime in Colquhoun Street has been reported onto the Braehead Facebook


    Stirling Council has issued a Climate Change Survey – Gary confirmed he wishes to put
    some information to the council on this.


    Treasures Report


    The treasurer noted the following:


    Bank Balance




    Minute Taker (Feb)

    £ 40.00

    Secretary Expenses (zoom sub)

    £ 14.39

    Total Expenditure

    £ 54.39

    Bank Balance


    Cash in Hand

    £ 15.97




    Committed Expenditure/Reserve



    Minute Secretary

    £ 40.00



    Covid19 Grant unused – expect to return

    £ 150.00

    Community Price Award – seats


    Available Funds



    The unused Covid grant may be taken from the admin grant at the end of the financial year.
    Anything else that is due to come in regarding finance must be in by the end of the month.
    Paperwork and accounts will be reviewed hopefully by April/May. Jess asked wither the
    treasurers report requires approval. Hugh confirmed that the monthly reports do not need
    approval however the end of year accounts will.




    Councillors Report


    With the run up to the Scottish elections on May 6 all council meetings are postponed,
    although the planning will continue.


    There will also be a by-election on May 6 for Forth & Endrick. The election results will take
    longer than normal to be announced.


    Campaigning – rules state candidates can travel to local authority and be with 5 people but
    no door to door leafleting.


    Dog fouling is increasing – this has been escalated to the enforcing area. We are also
    seeing alot of dogs being walked off lead. Needs to be more education surrounding this
    area. There is also an increase in spoof calls/visits where people are being approached by
    “council staff” enforcing fines. Any doubts with these ask for ID and if still concerned call
    the Police.


    Fairly quiet in the area due to the election, should go back to normal after May 6.


    Philomena commented that we need to get a message to the community regarding the spoof
    calls/visits etc. Agreed that a message would be released on Facebook and on the
    community noticeboards.


    Planning Report


    Objection has been lodged regarding the proposed new B & M unit – it will have a knock-on
    effect to the town centre.


    Review body met regarding retrospective planning re; Wallace Park property confirmed that
    the land must be returned to its original state.


    Police Report


    Crime reports for Braehead and Broomridge area between 19 February 2021 and 28 March


    2 detected cases and 9 undetected cases.
    Calls received by police for the same dates:

    67 calls ranging from concerns for persons, disturbance/public nuisance, theft, noise and
    again by far the biggest calls were regarding road traffic complaints.


    Wendy commented on the noise complaints noted on the police report. Members of the
    community council discussed the noise issues that they are hearing around the estate which
    seem to be coming from modified car exhausts. One specific red car was mentioned, and
    various comments made about the noise level coming from the vehicle.


    Hugh commented that he has concerns regarding the report. He also commented on the
    lack of police presence. It was agreed that Gary would make contact with the community
    police and hope to arrange a meeting.



  5. General Business


Viewforth Link Road - update


Hugh, Gary and Wendy recently attended a meeting with the council regarding the above.
Now transpired that the VLR has been postponed by Stirling Council. It is no longer on the
capital project list for the coming year. During the meeting with the representatives from the
council (Kevin Agnew, David Hopper) discussed issues surrounding active travel.
Confirmed Sustrans have a budget and will be undertaking community engagement
regarding paths, roads, walking etc Discussed Colquhoun Street, Yellowhill, potential for
Sustrans to cover all these issues. Steering Group is being set up.


20mph zone in Braehead/Broomridge


Gary confirmed no feedback received on previous information that was sent out. Where do
we think the 20mph should be? Aileen commented that she believes the whole area should
20mph. Hugh commented he wanted to see the speed awareness cameras. Gary will

will reissue email and obtain feedback. Wendy queried whether there are any regulations
regarding where we can have the 20mph and what are the constraints? Hugh stated that
as far as he knows we can ask and request for any area. Gary will put out survey monkey
to residents for community consultation.




Confirmation that leases issues have been ironed with Braehead pitch. The pitch is to be
repaired shortly. It will take 4 – 5mths for work to be done and is due to start mid-April.
Need to issue communication to residents. Dog walkers’ bench – discuss with Martin.
Wendy confirmed she still needs to talk to Housing Revenue section on this.


Meeting concluded at 20:00hrs


Next meeting to be held on Monday 26 April 2021 via Zoom.