June 2021 Minutes

Braehead & Broomridge Community Council
Monday 28 June 2021

Zoom Conference Call


Present: Hugh McClung (Chair), Gary McGrow (Secretary) Aileen Hall
(Treasurer), Wendy McLean, Heather Campbell, Philomena McClung, 1
x resident.

Apologies: Wilma Comrie (Stirling Council Representative), Martin Shaw (Vice
Chairman), Mandy Rae, Barbara Anderson Councillor Flannagan, Jess
McNeil, Police Scotland.

In attendance: Margaret Sweeney (Minute Taker),

Andrew Adam


  1. Welcome


    The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.


  2. Apologies


    As noted above.


  3. Minutes of previous meeting / matters arising


    No amends to minutes of previous meeting.
    Minutes proposed by Gary and seconded by Aileen.


    Matters Arising


    No matters arising.


  4. Reports


Chairperson Report


Nothing to report at this time.


Secretary Report


Very quiet at the moment – overgrown grass and shrubs.




Treasures Report


The treasurer noted the following:


Bank Balance




Minute Taker (May)

£ 40.00

Secretary Expenses (zoom sub)

£ 14.39

Total Expenditure

£ 54.39

Bank Balance


Cash in Hand

£ 15.97




Committed Expenditure/Reserve



Minute Secretary

£ 40.00



Covid19 Grant unused – expect to return

£ 150.00

Community Price Award – seats


Available Funds



5. Other Reports


Councillors Report



The chair confirmed that he has reviewed issues with Councillor Flannagan on bins, report
on trying to change council administration, Pike Road speeding and mentioned the Climate
Change Emergency document.


Police Report




Planning Report


Nothing to report at this time.



  1. General Business


    Giant Hogweed


    Andrew Adam introduced himself and explained that he is tracking giant hogweed in the
    Area. At present he has tracked some down to the back of Kirkside Crescent, he seems
    to be growing in numerous places. Andrew confirmed that he has been digging it up and
    destroying it (it cannot go in garden waste) however he has been asked by Stirling council
    to stop digging it and wanted to check the situation with the community council as there is
    also hogweed at Braehead Primary School. Andrew has created a map of where the
    hogweed has been spotted and will forward a copy of this to Gary who confirmed he would
    look at taking this further. Aileen confirmed that no hogweed has been spotted in the
    community garden. Aileen suggested we actively support Andrew in this, and we actively
    canvas Stirling council to deal with it. Community Council all in agreement.


  2. 20 MPH Consultation


    Gary confirmed that he has issued an email to Stirling Council along with the speed data.
    There is a City South Project/Sustrans for 2022/2023 which will consider 20mph. Aileen
    commented that Kings Park have 20mph road signage and we do not want to wait until
    2022/2023 and we should be actively pursing council on this. Philomena agrees with Aileen.


    Resident queried the way some cars are parking at the crossings. Aileen confirmed that
    this has been raised before and complaints have been raised with the police who confirmed
    that nothing can be done as they are not breaking the law.


  3. AGM


    Confirmed that the August AGM can go ahead (Aileen suggested if we can meet in person,
    we use Crawford Hall).


  4. Updates


Grit Bins


Gary contacted council who have confirmed they will buy them and the grit. The resident
from Wallace Park who first raised the issue to confirm the position of the grit bin.


Dog Walking Area


Aileen confirmed that she has spoken to the dog walkers who confirmed that they would be
happy for a bench to be put in the location of the original bench.




Due to various complaints received meeting with Superglass, Sepa along with Linden Inn
Manager. Discuss noise and pollution levels. Superglass have instigated repairs to reduce
noise levels and issue with burning. Sound equipment is in to look at sound decibel level
and noise muffler to try and reduce noise level. It is a specific process that is causing the
noise. Sepa took sample of the yellow dust confirmed as tree pollen. Superglass gives
samples to Sepa.



Braehead Football Pitch


Work has been completed, pitch has been re-seeded and now needs to settle over
August/September before it can be used. Looking to get official notices to highlight that the
pitch is not to be used at present. Aileen mentioned closing it all off to help with this.




No further topics raised.


Meeting closed at 19:50hrs


Next Meeting to be held on August 30 along with the AGM. Venue will be confirmed nearer
the time if the meeting can be held in person.