Aug 2021 Minutes

Braehead & Broomridge Community Council
Monday 30 August 2021: Zoom Conference Call



Hugh McClung (Chair), Gary McGrow (Secretary) Aileen Hall (Treasurer), Mandy Rae,
Wendy McLean, Philomena McClung, Martin Shaw, Jess McNeil


Wilma Comrie (Stirling Council Representative), Barbara Anderson, Police Scotland
In attendance:

Margaret Sweeney (Minute Taker), Councillor Flannagan,


  1. Welcome


    The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.


  2. Apologies


    As noted above.


  3. Minutes of previous meeting / matters arising


    No amends to minutes of previous meeting.
    Minutes proposed by Aileen and seconded Gary.


    Matters Arising


    The hogweed in the area that was highlighted by Andrew Adam has been eradicated by
    Stirling Council. Martin confirmed he has received a call from the Scouts regarding hogweed
    behind the primary school. Gary will report this.


    Heather has resigned from the community council. We thank her for her involvement.


  4. Reports


    Chairperson Report


    Neighbourhood Watch scheme – following the application to join alerts have been issued
    regarding scams. Email has been received regarding possible access to funding re: Corra
    Foundation. They provide grants to organisations who have an annual income of less than

    £50,000. Hugh asked whether we want to apply and help fund the dog park?




    Some outstanding issues with the dog park. Martin confirmed that he has been speaking to
    Roads Department regarding hardcore to steady the ground. Asked whether Councillor
    Flannagan can assist in this? Question raised regarding who would do the work? Martin
    and dog walkers. No dog bins at present – due to be replaced. Hugh asked Martin to chase
    up the dog bins. Wendy has a meeting to discuss the benches. Confirmed permission still
    required from Robert Horne to install the benches. (Wendy also explained that there is a
    delivery charge for the benches which wouldn’t be covered by the funding). Aileen
    confirmed that there is money available in the community council funds to pay for the charge.
    Community Council in agreement that the additional delivery charge can be paid. Wendy
    will go ahead with this. Hugh and Gary will chase up the situation with Robert Horne through
    the Community Council enquiry line.


    Secretary Report


    Approached by a Wallace Park resident looking for new planters. (These planters were
    originally put in by Broomridge Community Council). Aileen asked who would buy the plants
    for these planters and maintain them? Hugh confirmed that he would be happy to get them
    for the residents at Wallace Park however they would need to maintain them etc. Gary will
    report back to the resident who raised the query.


    Stirling Council request for derelict land and or vacant land.


    Stirling Council are due to consult with community councils on whether they wish to return
    to face to face meetings. Aileen stated that if we were too meet need to check if Crawford
    Hall available as this may be able to take social distancing and has good ventilation. Wendy
    and Jess agree with Aileen on this.


    Treasurer Report


    The treasurer noted the following:



    Bank Balance





    Minute Taker (June)

    £ 40.00


    Secretary Expenses (zoom sub)

    £ 14.39


    Total Expenditure

    £ 54.39


    Bank Balance



    Cash in Hand

    £ 15.97





    Committed Expenditure/Reserve



    Minute Secretary – August Meeting

    £ 40.00


    Minute Secretary – AGM

    £ 10.00





    Covid19 Grant unused – expect to return

    £ 150.00


    Community Price Award – seats



    Available Funds






  5. Other Reports


    Councillors Report


    Waste Collection changes – late September move to 4 weekly. If any resident requires
    additional capacity for green and blue bins, then contact council. If residents need additional
    grey bin contact Stirling Council as there is a specific criterion.


    Children and Young People Committee – confirmation that entry to primary school can be
    deferred however Stirling Council does not guarantee funding for additional hours at


    City of Culture – Stirling has been put forward.


    Issue of anti-social behaviour in the area, in particularly issue at Mayfield Courts. Various
    issues racism, vandalism etc. A meeting was set up online to discuss this matter however
    confirmation received that nothing council enforcement officers can do. Unfortunately, due
    to age of alleged individuals there is little that can be done via Police. Further meetings to
    take place on this matter and Councillor Flannagan will continue to raise the matter. Advise
    received from Police – if a crime is in progress and individuals witness it – dial 999 and
    report it.


    The fenced area around the Coop on Pike Road was overgrown and very much an eyesore.
    Established that the area belonged to Scottish Water – it was reported to them and has now
    been dealt with.


    Police Report


    Unfortunately, Police are unable to attend on Zoom. Martin will continue to liaise with the
    police face to face and report back to the community council. Police will attend meetings
    when possible. Gary confirmed an individual had query regarding a drugs exchange and
    called 101 unfortunately felt there was no interest. Questions raised regarding community
    policing due to changes. (Reduction in community police due to one of the officers moving
    into another area, leaving us with one community police officer. Plans are being put in place
    to recruit another community police officer). Hugh feels the need to raise the issue with
    the Inspector.


    Crime reports for Braehead / Broomridge area between 26 July – 26 August – 2 detected
    cases (theft x 3 juveniles cautioned and charged). Domestic assault – male cautioned and
    charged. 8 undetected cases consisting of threatening and abusive behaviour, theft by
    housebreaking, fraud etc.


    During this period there have been approximately 75 calls made from the area relating to a
    wide range of subjects.


    Over the last month the Police have been dealing with juveniles causing a number of issues
    with the area and outwith. These individuals have now been charged and reported to the
    Scottish Children’s Reporter and referred for Early and Effective intervention and are hoping
    that this will see a reduction and hopefully prevent further issues.



    Planning Report


    Very quiet at this stage. B&M store has been given the go ahead.


  6. General Business


City Centre South


Gary attended a meeting with Stirling Council and Sustrans which looked at active travel in
the area. There is a survey on Stirling Council website regarding cycle lanes. Suggest all
take a look at the report and comment on this. There will be engagement with the community
over the next 10 months. Steering group minutes have been received on this and will be
forwarded over. No councillors will be involved in this.


20 MPH Consultation


Hugh and Gary recently attending a meeting to discuss the 20mph in and around
Broomridge/Braehead. There has to be a formal consultation, and this is likely to go ahead
at the beginning of the next finance year. 20mph limits will be across the whole area with
the exception of Pike Road and Broom Road. Hugh and Gary raised the issue with
Colquhoun Street and Pike Road, these will be investigated further.


Football Pitch.


Draining work has been undertaken however the surface work is not complete. Fencing will
be put back up and further work to be completed.


Grit Bins


Ongoing – no update as yet.


Dog Walking Area


See comment in Chairperson report.




Noise survey has been completed which shows that the works previously completed have
reduced the noise levels to pre 2014 levels which was agreed with SEPA. Superglass have
asked whether any further complaints have been received following previous meeting. Gary
to check with residents.




Aileen asked about whether any queries have been received regarding noise from
containers. Gary has spoken to planning about this, and residents are being advised to
complain directly about any matters.



Meeting closed at 20:25hrs


Next Meeting to be held on 27 September 2021.