April 2021 Minutes

Braehead & Broomridge Community Council
Monday 26 April 2021

Zoom Conference Call


Present: Hugh McClung (Chair), Martin Shaw (Vice Chairman) Gary McGrow
(Secretary) Aileen Hall (Treasurer), Mandy Rae, Barbara Anderson,
Wendy McLean, Heather Campbell.

Apologies: Wilma Comrie (Stirling Council Representative), Philomena McClung,
Jess McNeil, Police Scotland.

In attendance: Margaret Sweeney (Minute Taker), Councillor Flannagan,


  1. Welcome


    The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.


  2. Apologies


    As noted above.


  3. Minutes of previous meeting / matters arising


    No amends to minutes of previous meeting.


    Minutes proposed by Gary and seconded by Wendy.


    Matters Arising


    No matters arising.


  4. Reports


    Chairperson Report


    Police matters to be discussed later.


    Secretary Report


    • Communication with Superglass around noise – some work completed and more to

    • The council minutes and agenda are to be sent to the community council email

    • Local Place Strategy – Scottish Government plan for communities to lead the
      approach in creating great local places.



    • Sustrans are looking for cases studies and information around walking and cycling


      Treasures Report


      The treasurer noted the following:


      Bank Balance




      Minute Taker (Feb)

      £ 40.00

      Secretary Expenses (zoom sub)

      £ 14.39

      Total Expenditure

      £ 54.39

      Bank Balance


      Cash in Hand

      £ 15.97




      Committed Expenditure/Reserve



      Minute Secretary

      £ 40.00



      Covid19 Grant unused – expect to return

      £ 150.00

      Community Price Award – seats


      Available Funds



      Treasurers confirm that the accounts have been reviewed and signed off.


  5. Other Reports


    Councillors Report


    Met with Police Scotland to discuss issues surrounding speeding, what is the criteria for
    cameras. Details were issued from the community council on Burghmuir Road issues from
    December. Inspector will come back for follow up meeting with further details on what can
    be done.


    There will be a full council meeting on Thursday 29 April. The grey bins will go down to a
    4-weekly collection (in the second half of the collection cycle). Brown bins – no permit no
    collection. Councillor Flannagan has opposed it and will raise the situation at the council
    meeting. There is no formal recording of cars going to the tip.


    Received some complaints from residents regarding council tenant’s behaviour. Not getting
    information on the situation and will be meeting with housing and social to get the full criteria
    and information on what can be done regarding tenant behaviour.


    Bench – to enable the bench to have a plaque put on it, the bench must be gifted to the
    council. Councillor Flannagan could take this further in required. Wendy confirmed that the
    individual concerned may purchase their own bench.




    Police Report


    Gary, Martin, and Hugh met with the new community police officer (Caroline McColl). Issues
    raised regarding the bins in Colquhoun Street, speeding and various other local issues.
    Police confirmed that they will attend calls when possible. Hugh raised issues regarding the
    police report. More detailed information on the report was discussed and it was agreed that
    Martin will meet with the police before meetings to get an understanding of the issues on
    the report. The new community police officer has noted from copies of the previous minutes
    the issues surrounding Pike Road and speeding. PC McColl has been in touch with the
    Road Policing Unit to raise this issue and request they carry out speed checks in the area.
    Due to the nature of the shift patterns, it has been noted that the community officers may
    not be able to attend future meetings in person.


    A meeting was held earlier this evening with the police and various issues were discussed

    • speeding, noise cars anti-social behaviour etc. Confirmed that very keen to encourage
      the public to call police when necessary. Unfortunately, there is a resource issue at present,
      also new to the geography of the area. Send criteria onto Councillor Flannagan. Gary
      confirmed speeding data information will be forwarded to police.


      Police Report for Braehead and Broomridge area between 29 March 2021 and 19 April 2021
      2 detected cases and 4 undetected cases. Approximately 45 calls received by police
      relating to the Braehead and Broomridge area. These consisted of a wide range of subjects
      including domestic issues, concern for persons, neighbour disputes, noise disturbances and
      road traffic matters. The police have also received calls relating to vehicles blocking the
      pavement and speeding in the Linden Avenue/Burghmuir Road area.


      Planning Report


      Crookbridge – draft statement to be sent out. What do the community council wish to do
      and do all agree with statement? It is suggesting that this planning application would
      encourage retail down to Springkerse, possible car showroom – which is actual just a
      relocation. Wendy asked whether you could object to certain points on the planning report.
      Unfortunately confirmed that the application is classed as a whole and cannot object to
      individual elements on it. Wendy then confirmed she agrees with the statement and rest of
      community council agreed with it and confirmed unanimous decision to issue the statement.


  6. General Business


    20 mph – community consultation


    Views on the suggested 20mph zone coming in, approximately 70% are in favour of the
    restrictions. Continuation of survey for around another two weeks, Gary is still wating to find
    out what the criteria needs to be for recommendations from the survey to go ahead. Gary
    asked the question on what the community council would do with the information after it has
    been received. Hugh thinks that the information would be passed onto Police and Council

    • review situation again in another month.




  7. Updates


    Dog Walking Area


    Martin is to confirm where the bins are to go. Enforcement Officers have been down
    reviewing the dog mess situation down near the football area. No fines have been issued
    as all seem to be following the rules. Martin did confirm that the officers must wear their
    uniform and cannot be in an unmarked vehicle. Aileen asked with the football park is clear
    of dog mess, Gary confirmed that it is better however there is still an issue. It was agreed
    that a path would assist this situation and help the dog walking areas. Martin will discuss
    this with housing since the land is theirs.


    Afton Court Park


    Wendy is still waiting to hear on the situation regarding benches, and drainage issues. Not
    heard anything on these. Gary asked regarding the paths, again no information. Situation
    stalled due to COVID – keep on agenda.




    Andrew Nellson – Environmental Manager confirmed sound survey and work confirmed.
    Issues on sound have been reduced following work done in May and will be back in touch.
    Will put information on Facebook once the work has been completed and ask for comments
    regarding noise.


  8. AGM


Would normally be in May. Accounts are to be approved, reports for the year required and
elections to take place. Hugh asked Gary to find out what other community councils are
doing regarding AGM’s. Martin asked if we left it until August is there a possibility of have
face to face AGM? Heather commented on whether you would get more people face to
face. Aileen thinks may get more people then as well. Wendy asked what the notification
period is for AGM? Hugh suggested postponing the AGM until August to give time. All in




Wendy wanted to thank Gary on the work he did regarding providing information on
Burghmuir Road land sale. Meeting on 29 April to discuss VLR. Viewforth is up for sale
along with others on Burghmuir Road. Trees will be felled under the proposal. Aileen
commented on the roundabout increase. Wendy commented on the situation regarding the
council putting lighting on a private road. It was confirmed that due to Highways and Byways
Act council have put this. There will still be access for walking.


Meeting closed at 19:50hrs


Next Meeting to be held via Zoom will be 31 May 19:00hrs