September 2024 Minutes

Bannockburn Community Council Minute of Meeting 05 September 2024 Bannockburn Community Centre

Present: L Watret (Secretary), L Masterson (Treasurer), B Millar and W McEwan

Apologies: I Dawson (Chair), R McLachlan, J Reid, S Kerr and T Cattigan

Attendance: Joanne Blair, Michelle Flynn and Councillor Hambly

Residents: None

  1. Approval of previous minutes- Minutes proposed by L Masterson and seconded by L


  1. Matters Arising
  2. a) The CC discussed the suggested street names for the corbiewood development and

it was all agreed the CC would forward on other suggestions with links to

Bannockburn House. Lucette will forward on all suggested names.

  1. b) The CC agreed a quarterly community group meeting with other local groups would

be beneficial. The CC to think about who to invite and how this will be arranged.

  1. c) The CC have managed to source a volunteer to help with the planters and hanging

baskets. The CC agreed they would be happy to fund the cost of materials.

  1. d) There has been no update on volunteers to help with the Christmas light switch on.

Lucette suggested a separate sub group meeting to discuss this.

  1. e) The CC stressed that due to overgrown vegetation, road signs cannot be seen. This

is throughout the village.

  1. f) The Council confirmed there is nothing they can do with the issue at the Ladylynn

due to it being private land. Cllr Hambly to liaise with Cllr McLaughlin for a site visit.

The CC can contact SEPA directly if this continues to be an issue.

  1. Reports- External
  2. Police Scotland:
  3. The report was sent electronically before the meeting.
  4. The report highlighted that there were 9 detected cases and 14 undetected

cases from the previous month. There were 161calls made to Police for the

area, relating to a range of issues including assisting members of the public,

concern for persons, public nuisance and Road traffic matters.

iii. Pc Stephanie Martin has now left the community policing team having been

promoted. PC Graeme Woodhouse will be joined by Pc Alisdair Spike and

they will be responsible for Ward 7 – Bannockburn along with Ward 6 Stirling


  1. The council noted they haven’t had any response from the Police Scotland

team email address.

  1. Elected Member:
  2. There was a knock on effect following the general election which effected

council business. This was then followed by a by-election in Dunblane and

Bridge of Allan. Due to this a special meeting of full Council has been

requested and now scheduled to address matters that were too important to

leave unaddressed – this will take place on the 12th September.

  1. The Council Leader Chris Kane was elected as the Labour MP to represent the

new Stirling and Strathallan Constituency. As of yet there has been no mention

of Chris stepping down from his role as Council Leader nor that of Councillor

for Ward 6.

iii. The former Going Local Office has now been sold with the buyer accepting the

Councils conditions regarding the relocation of the bus stop. Cllr Hambly has

requested that the grit box there be located elsewhere to benefit the


  1. The ASB team are now dealing with local ASB that was reported.
  2. The initial work for the new junction at the A91 and Stirling interchange has

been completed. This has raised issues regarding not only the disruption but

the choice of junction. Officers have assured that their research shows the

traffic controlled option rather than a roundabout was a better fix for this specific

location. As planned changed to the area and housing developments process

there will be necessary changes made to the interchange. The current thinking

is that this will include traffic control systems. Cllr Hambly to invite a SC

Planning, Health and Safety and Roads Officer to the next meeting.

  1. Cllr Hambly to provide an interim report before his next attendance on the

recent issues raised during the ‘walk around’ with Tommy.

vii. Stirling Council are holding a Tenants Open Day on the 20th September at the

Albert Halls.

viii. Stirling’s Open Doors Day’s is on the 21st and 22nd September which offers free

access to over 1000 venues including Bannockburn House Tours.

  1. The next informed communities meeting will be held on the 26th September at

the Council Chambers. Cllr Hambly would like to see a representative from all

community council’s present. If the chair can’t attend, they can nominate

someone to attend in their place.

  1. The Thriving Community Procurement Framework will be live from September

2024, this is helping communities to build knowledge and matching services to

community needs.

  1. Local Place Plans – essential all communities participate. Thriving community

procurement framework helping communities to build knowledge and matching

services to community needs. The framework live from September 2024.

  1. Community Development Officer:
  2. Community Council are being asked if they wish to take part in a Community

Council Health Check which is designed to be simple, supportive, and efficient

and time limited self-assessment tool to support Community Councils to be as

effective and influential as they can be. For further details -Community

Council Health Check | Stirling Council

  1. If the CC wish to get involved in local place plans they should contact

Charlotte Brown at Planning for further information. Email: This is part of identifying land/spaces to be

considered for future planning and an opportunity for the CC to highlight areas

that they do not consider should be developed and why.

iii. The several issues highlighted in regards to working times and accessibility at

Persimmons development have been highlighted and responded too by both

persimmons and the council. We will continue to monitor the situation going


  1. Upcoming events include: Network Meeting: Social Enterprises running

Community Spaces: 9th October 2024 - 1pm - 2pm. This is an ONLINE

event, held on Zoom and Coffee, Cake & Conversation group which runs in

Hillpark on a Friday between 11.00am and 1.00pm.

  1. Reports- Internal
  2. Secretary: Copy of all updates received was forwarded to CC members (as above in

matters arising).

  1. Treasurer: Linda highlighted all balances were ok and there was nothing major to

report. We haven’t had the grant yet but it is in hand.

  1. Planning: Planning update confirmed nothing of note for this month.
  2. Bannockburn House: The gardens were opened for the first time in 7 years, this

open day was well attended and money was raised from the produce made in

gardens sold. The public can go along any Tuesday and Wednesday. The house is

being supported by volunteers and they are currently looking for an Operations

Manager. It was highlighted that the development of the café is essential to the

continued to success of Bannockburn House. Lucette will send the business case

and a breakdown of costs to Cllr Hambly. The funding had been applied for under

the City Deal but they are still waiting on an update regarding next steps. The

crowdfunding page is active.

  1. Community Council Business
  2. None
  3. AOB
  4. Concern regarding the safety of children when the amateurs are playing due to parking

issues was raised. Cllr Hambly will organise an enforcement officer to attend on

Wednesday nights which was highlighted as being the worst night.

  1. Date, time and venue of next meeting
  2. Thursday 3rd October 2024 from 7pm at the Bannockburn Community Centre