Bannockburn Community Council Minute of Meeting 01 August 2024 Bannockburn Community Centre
Present: I Dawson (Chair), L Watret (Secretary), L Masterson (Treasurer), B Millar, J Reid and W McEwan
Apologies: R McLachlan, S Kerr, T Cattigan and Councillor MacPherson
Attendance: Joanne Blair, Sharon Marklow (Service Manager – Planning & Building Standards, Stirling Council) and Neil Martin (Persimmons Officer)
Residents: None
- Approval of previous minutes- Minutes proposed by W McEwan and seconded by J Reid
- Matters Arising
- Neil from Persimmons answered all questions submitted by BCC and provided a general update. Please see appendix 1.
- Hedges Loan: i. 3 wooden garages have been removed as well as bins and rubbish.
- Living room furniture has been removed.
iii. Metal container has been removed.
- Instruction has been agreed to cut grass and spread weed killer over full site.
- Tommy has asked about painting garage doors.
- Photos have been sent in and in the opinion of EM, there is nothing wrong with garages. The pictures include door’s hanging off. Head of Housing disagreed and has said all garage sites will be visiting in 2024-25 and maintenance including the painting of doors will be carried out.
vii. Since then a large part of the fence fell down into a car garage area at Greenacre Place; this is not Council property but fence in the car park area is. SC has visited this site.
- Sauchie Play Park: i. Residents raised questions about maintenance equipment. The Council responded saying the park was not Council responsibility as the equipment was funded by the community. EM passed paperwork which deems it is the Council responsibility. We are currently awaiting an update from Stirling Council. Since this enquiry a 2 year old has been hurt because the area was not cut.
- Community Centre: i. EM noted that the survey showed no funds and nothing is a priority.
- Since the election time, the Council have cleared areas reported at footpaths at the fire exits, painted doors facing at rear fire exits, cleared large back area, front doors first coat of paint. Awaiting update on when the front doors are getting a second coat and other projects inside will be complete.
- Old Going Local Office: i. The external part of the Old Going Local Officer is a mess and the site was visited with an EM. We are waiting on a response from SC.
- 33 Main Street Bannockburn:
- Painting is required and the garden needs to be cleared.
- Officer confirmed windows will be painted.
iii. CC report the tenants didn’t previously request this.
- Council noted it is the tenant’s responsibility to clear and maintain garden.
- Persimmon Site: i. Tommy met with Sharon from SC to discuss the removal of the large tree. As it is on Council land and doesn’t affect building in any way, the tree won’t be removed. S
- The CC raised the dumped earth at the Ladylynn. Sharon to check this out as she wasn’t aware of any works.
- Reports- External a. Police Scotland: i. The report was sent electronically before the meeting.
- The report highlighted that from the 25th June 2024 – 24th July 2024 there were 5 detected cases and 8 undetected cases. The crime reports included such matters as domestic related incidents, minor thefts and disorder.
iii. There are ongoing investigations in relation to the graffiti to the external walls at the Bowling Club. SC are also involved in terms of the ASB team and cleansing.
- A stained glass window was broken at the Church of Scotland overnight and is likely connected to persons having been on the roof. At time of writing no persons have been identified in relation to this. Both are likely to be connected to youth disorder.
- Elected Member: i. No report received.
- Community Development Officer: i. No report received.
- Reports- Internal a. Secretary: Copy of all updates received was forwarded to CC members (as above in matters arising).
- Treasurer: Linda highlighted all balances were ok and there was nothing major to report.
- Planning: Planning update confirmed nothing of note for this month.
- Bannockburn House: Lucette noted Bannockburn House have their AGM on Tuesday 6th August 2024.
- Community Council Business a. None
- AOB a. None
- Date, time and venue of next meeting a. Thursday 5th September 2024 from 7pm at the Bannockburn Community Centre
Appendix 1
Questions for Persimmon Homes:
Unused Golf Course & Surrounding Trails
- How do we progress activity around golf course land and what would be needed to make it community land?
Persimmons cannot sell the land as they is a need for it currently. It is their intent to leave it and progress it in future to accommodate biodiversity enhancements where they cannot build on.
Neil noted that the drilling rigg on the golf course was to look at viable sources of earth rather than bring dump trucks into the site. The community council noted it would be a real shame if this part of the golf course became restricted access. Sharon noted it is a more effective way to source the correct earth type from the current site as if came from an external source it would need to go through vigorous testing. Persimmons will need to submit a planning application to SC before this is started.
- Will there be any changes to the trails/paths that surround the site? (running past bottom of both golf courses and down the side of the unused golf course.
Neil confirmed existing trails and paths around golf course land are zoned as core paths therefore they have a statutory requirement to keep them open and accessible to the public. If there is any works which will obstruct the path they would need to liaise with SC and provide some form of mitigation. Persimmons have made commitment to upgrade/enhance/improve core paths. Section 75 includes contributions to road improvements, healthcare and schools etc and SC will receive an annual payment based on the amount of houses built that year.
Sharon is going to check documentation that confirms the right away across the golf course to the old clubhouse as this isn’t detailed in Persimmons plans.
The Closure of Pirnhall Road & Traffic More Generally
- What is the progress of the A91 junction work – is it on schedule to re-open w/c 5/08.
Neil confirmed the road will be reopened at 6am on Monday 5th August 2024. However the junction won’t be complete as the lights won’t be in situ. Vehicles will operate it as a T junction until the lights are in place; there is currently no timescale for this. Pirnhall road will remain closed until 17th August 2024 to allow localised upgrades and sewer works. Neil is not confident this will be complete by the 17th August.
- Pathway to link Persimmons development to Bannockburn House – what is needed to progress this?
When submitting the planning application SC insisted the road was designed to accommodate a pedestrian crossing which can be upgraded to a toucan crossing. There is aspiration from SC that they will apply for funding for an Active Travel route but cannot guarantee this will be successful. Sharon confirmed a footpath is feasible but currently
there are a lot of schemes running in conjunction and SC are working on how to prioritise
- Safety of Pirnhall Road – road has been narrowed due to trench work, parking is still happening on this road making it difficult to pass. No specified passing places. Muiralehouse Road has seen a lot of traffic coming down it, at speed. How will these issues be resolved?
Persimmon have sought a temporary traffic order to restrict parking on the Pirnhall road to make the road safer. The traffic order is sitting with the SC. Persimmons will manage any contractors that park here.
- Roundabout – have had concern raised about safety of junction as opposed to roundabout – and why a roundabout was not chosen. Would like to understand the rationale behind decision?
Persimmons commissioned a traffic assessment undertaken by a travel consultant to determine the best solution for this road. The report concluded that a controlled T junction was appropriate for the location. SC and external advisors then tested this and approved the T junction as it was the safest way for all. There will be a regular traffic review to assess the phasing and it can be altered to accommodate the change in traffic. The traffic assessment included the Durieshill project as well.
- The land at Bogend road – how could this be progressed for use by the community – what needs to be done to progress this?
Persimmons need to use this land so are not in a position to transfer it. They are using Bogend land as an enhanced provision. The plan is to use the money from the Touch and Stafford land to put play provision in. SC will receive this money but it must be used for the play provision.
- Drystone wall knocked down – will Persimmon Homes being reinstating any drystone walls that have been knocked down?
Neil will look into this as he is not sure where the boundary is but there will need to be works to make sure the ground is stable. It is possible that the new boundary feature could reuse the materials of the old drystone.
- Could Persimmon Homes clarify operating hours for all sites?
Neil confirmed contractors are on site from 7am until 5pm Monday-Friday but are reminded that no noisy works are to happen before 7:15am. Saturday working is from 8am-12noon with no Sunday working. Currently there are 4 contractors on site; after the 2 main contractors are removed Persimmon Homes will become the formal contractor. There operating times are Monday-Thursday 8am-5pm, Friday 8am-3:30pm and Saturday 8am-1:30pm with no Sunday working.
- Given the issues on the M80 slip road at Junction 9, which the Coal Board are investigating, should residents be concerned about any potential mine collapse issues around Corbiewood and elsewhere?
the works.
Neil confirmed the rules now state that you cannot build a house or adopted road on top of a mineshaft so there is no reason for any houses to sink as there is nothing to sink into. Persimmons went through a planning process and had to confirm to SC, advisors and the Coal Board that they were aware where all shafts were. Grouting works has happened to fill in mineshafts that were deemed too close to the surface which solidified the mineshaft.
- When will a sales compound be in?
Neil confirmed there will be a sales compound in by the end of the year. They have not sold any yet as there is currently nothing to sell but they have already received a lot of interest.
- Will there be any bungalows?
There will be wheelchair friendly bungalows included in the social housing.
- What is the phasing?
There are 6 phases in total with another 2 landowners involved (Touch and Strafford Trust). Phase one will include 83 homes for sale, with an additional 25 homes allocated for affordable housing.
- Why was the updates to plans not communicated?
Sharon confirmed residents are only notified of significant changes to the original plans.