December 2023 Minutes

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Bannockburn Community Council
Minute of Meeting
07 December 2023
Bannockburn Community Centre
Present: T Cattigan, I Dawson, L Watret, W McEwan, L Masterson and B Miller
Apologies: R McLachlan and J Reid
Attendance: J Blair and Cllr Brisley
Press: None
Residents: None
1. Approval of previous minutes- Minutes proposed by W McEwan and seconded by T. Cattigan
2. Matters Arising
a. J Reid has organised an online and in person petition regarding the closure of Bannockburn Library as a budget saving. The petition is in Jintz, Steven’s and a shop in Hillpark and the online version is available via the Bannockburn Community Council Facebook page. BCC members have agreed to continually post this petition link to keep it at the forefront of Facebook. BCC have spoken with the library and the school and 37 events happen in the library. The school have proposed that the children will write what the library means to them’ and submit to SC. Cllr Brisley stressed how difficult it has been to decide cuts and officers were told to categorise statutory requirements. BCC and members of the community have all agreed closing libraries will have a great impact on vulnerable people and cause a significant increase in loneliness. Cllr Brisley noted that she doesn’t want to see the library close. Cllr Brisley confirmed the decision on the budget settlement will be made on 19th December 2023 and this will inform the Council on how much money will be available. The actual budget decision will be decided at the end of February 2024. Cllr Brisley confirmed the petition will go to a committee and those who signed can attend.
b. The CC highlighted the increase in cycle lanes are causing significant traffic disruptions throughout Stirling.
c. Bannockburn community trust Group agreed on Monday 5th December that the group will be dissolved. The ‘Welcome to Bannockburn’ monument has been completed. The trust have asked the CC if they would take it over and receive the remaining money from the group. W McEwan said the monument is a big upkeep and doesn’t think BCC should take this on. I Dawson has backed the transfer of the monument and doesn’t think the group should make a decision based on ‘what if something goes wrong in the future’. The decision is to be made at January 2024’s meeting.
d. The feedback from the big conversation provided Councillors and Officers help with tough budget decisions needing to be made. I Dawson noted the Housing Officer suggested giving the 19 void houses to the homeless. It was noted that the maintenance of void houses are contracted out to sub-contractors to bring empty houses up to standard. W McEwan asked if the CC can invite the MP and MSP along to the next meeting to discuss this and other various issues however Cllr Brisley suggested emailing was a better idea.
e. Approx. 400-500 people attended the Bannockburn Christmas light switch on. L Masterson noted the raffle made £400 in an hour. T Cattigan highlighted that 2 lights not working but this is being looked at.
f. The painting on the train, carriage and tow truck planters has been completed and BCC thanked those who helped complete this.
g. T Cattigan is currently comparing prices for installation of the 2 new benches.
h. Community council enquiries:
i. The footpath at Newlands Rd has been completed by Lovell.
ii. An officer from the HRA has visited the damaged footpaths at the Heritage Trail and is trying to find the money for the repairs.
iii. The council have confirmed the upkeep of the garages at Hedges Loan are the responsibility of the tenants. The broken fence has now been fixed and is safe.
3. Reports- External
a. Police Scotland:
i. Report was circulated electronically before the meeting.
ii. The report highlighted that over the month of October there was 123 calls made to Police for the area. These included assisting members of the public, concern for persons, public nuisance and Road traffic matters.
iii. The report confirmed that efforts are always being made to obtain intelligence in relation to substance misuse and drug dealing.
b. Elected Member:
i. Cllr Brisley highlighted the most important issue is the drastic financial position facing the council. The big conversation exercise is coming to an end and proposals are being put forward to officers.
ii. Ladies of the Rock volunteers have been doing a fantastic job with the help of Bannockburn House with their gardens providing fresh produce.
iii. The Christmas light switch on was appreciated by many in the community.
iv. Cllr Brisley has asked for a rota for Councillor Attendance to be drawn up and it will be forwarded when it becomes available. Cllr Brisley highlighted that there is no requirement for EM to attend CC meetings nor do they need to provide reports but attend because they are interested in the views of the constituents they represent.
c. Community Development Officer:
i. No report received.
4. Reports- Internal
a. Secretary: Copy of all updates received was forwarded and discussed with CC members (as above in matters arising).
b. Treasurer: The treasurer highlighted all balances were ok and there was nothing major to report. The CC has received the grant money for the minute secretary. The 2 benches have still to be ordered.
c. Planning: The planning officer was not present at the meeting. I Dawson confirmed the proposal application for trotting track has been resubmitted. As the application was withdrawn and resubmitted the Community Council need to resubmit their support. BCC have agreed to support this.
d. Bannockburn House: W McEwan noted that Bannockburn House would like to use the notice board. I Dawson confirmed they will need to provide an email or a letter to the chairmen of Bannockburn Community Trust requesting this. It was noted that the Christmas fayre was very successful over the weekend. The carpark is nearly complete and the Council have adopted the junction. W McEwan noted that the gardens will be opening to the public in April 2024 with the option of guided tours available. The main priority is getting heating installed throughout the house.
5. Community Council Business
a. None
6. AOB
a. T Cattigan to organise a message of thanks to previous members who are no longer in the CC.
b. BCC agreed the next meeting will be 11th January 2024.
7. Date, time and venue of next meeting
a. Thursday 11th January 2024 from 7pm at the Bannockburn Community Centre