August 2022 Minutes

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Bannockburn Community Council
Minute of Meeting
04 August 2022
Bannockburn Community Centre
Present: A Marshall, I Dawson, L Masterson, T Cattigan and D McPhail
Apologies: J Leary, L Jordan and W McEwan
Attendance: Joanne Blair (Minute Taker), Michelle Flynn (Community Development Officer),
Stephanie Martin (Police), Graham Woodhouse (Police) and Cllr Brisley.
Press: None
Residents: None
1. Declarations of Interest- None
2. Adoption of previous meeting(s) minutes- Minutes proposed by A Marshall and
seconded by T Cattigan
3. Matters Arising
a. The computers are now connected at the hub however there is no wifi.
b. The external brick work at the library has been power washed.
c. Tenants have to report any repairs required at the bungalows in Bannockburn.
BCC copied manager at SC housing into email and external works are now
happening. BCC thanks to SC housing for help.
d. The damaged wall in front of the bank has now been fixed after a year.
e. External light at the cenotaph has now been fitted.
f. Donations have been received from SCOTMID to help volunteers with materials
for cenotaph. Land Services also assisting volunteers.
g. BCC met officers in Cambusbarron and was shown the water machine used for
hanging baskets planters. However, this is not suitable for cenotaph. BCC have
asked SC who do we contact to put a water main in. Michelle confirmed there is
an ongoing cost to have this as the water will need to be tested so it is unlikely a
water tap can be fitted.
h. BCC have applied for additional space in the history garden.
i. Train with planter, train carriage and horse trailer with planter fitted. BCC
arranged to meet volunteers to collect and deliver the recycled slabs from the
Cenotaph path. CC purchased various materials to assist installation. Wood was
donated from lady in Bridge of Allan which has now been fitted to the train with
planter. Plants will be watered by Terry from the Empire Bar.
j. BCC awaiting feedback on heritage notice boards from Council for history
k. New car chargers at Quakerfield car park are getting commissioned in the next
2/3 weeks.
l. BCC have sent details of Christmas light fittings on lamp posts and requested
costs, reports on these and it was estimated £3,500 for 6 points. BCC have
agreed to apply to CP fund to assist with funding.
m. Awaiting an update on the MUGA at Stein Square. It was reported it would cost
£100,000/£120,000 to replace.
n. Ladywell park equipment that was damaged for some time is now being removed
and hopefully replaced.
o. A new list of items requiring repairs at Ladywell Park have been sent to
ccenquiries. LS to inspect/repair ASAP.
p. Station Road footpath is blocked with trees etc. Trees also blocking the
lighting going onto stairway for residents.
q. BCC have asked if memorial at Cenotaph can be cleaned.
r. BCC have asked if LS can help out at Bannockburn Trust installation, to clear
area. Council officer can’t contact Bannockburn Trust. Michelle Flynn hoped the
fence would be down in the next 4 weeks.
4. Reports- External
a. Police Scotland:
i. The police report was past to cc members prior to the meeting.
ii. Resource is at an all-time low. The community team are currently being
asked to backfill response. This has resulted in minimal time spent within
iii. Bannockburn has received minimal reported crimes (7 crimes reported).
iv. 73 calls have been made to police, with the majority categorised as antisocial
behaviour and drug trafficking.
v. There has been more police presence in parks due to drug misuse reports
and reports made by community council about bin fires/vandalism.
b. Elected Member:
i. Council been in recess.
ii. Cllr Brisley highlighted the increase in anti-social behaviour.
iii. They are total of 8 empty houses. Some empty aren’t classed as voids
but as acquisitions. SC are trying to get this solved and allocated ASAP.
iv. Grass cutting area problem should be improving. Brian Roberts hired
grass cutting equipment for 12 weeks which made a vast difference. Cllr
Brisley met with new Head of Service Dot Reid to discuss this.
v. Cllr Brisley to informally look into getting the fence extended around the
planters in the history garden.
vi. Cllr Brisley to look into getting the hedge cut back between bottom steps
and Greencorn Hill as people are having to walk on the road to pass and
it is becoming a danger to lives.
c. Community Development Officer:
i. BCC have missed the deadline to apply for the admin grant. SC will look
at late applicants on a 1-1 basis and assess on circumstances.
ii. Hub still is waiting for the Wi-Fi to be connected.
iii. BCC asked Michelle to look into the weed situation outside the hub as it is
an eye sore.
5. Reports- Internal
a. Secretary: Copy of all updates received was forwarded and discussed with CC
b. Treasurer: Linda shared updates with CC members.
c. Planning: No update.
d. Bannockburn House: No update.
6. Community Council Business
a. None
7. AOB
8. Residents Forum
a. None.
9. Date, time and venue of next meeting
a. Thursday 1st September 2022.