Sept 2021 Minutes

Bannockburn Community Council
Minute of Meeting

09 September 2021
Zoom Meeting

Present: A Marshall, L Masterson, T Cattigan, L Jordan, J Leary and Cllr Maureen Bennison


Apologies: D McPhail, I Dawson, and W McEwan


Attendance: Joanne Blair (Minute Taker)


Press: None


Residents: None


  1. Declarations of Interest- None


  2. Adoption of previous meeting(s) minutes- Minutes proposed by Tommy and
    seconded by Alan.


  3. Matters Arising


    1. BCC has asked for a completion date for the hub as it has been delayed 7/8
      weeks due to waiting on the building warrant. Workers are back on site.

    2. Area under canopy at the bank has been reported to be repaired. These were
      first reported in October 2020. Area reported in 2013 not repaired to date.
      Numerous areas on canopy require repaired photos were sent to the Council last
      October. BCC has asked that when the get around to fitting the above if they
      could extend the canopy to keep the rain of public. Fascia around shops require
      repaired and many other items.

    3. BCC has also asked if there is any chance they can resurface the car park. They
      are fitting 4 places where you can charge your electric car.

    4. Area repaired after accident, it has been reported there are issues with the fence
      after being approached by SGGang. Someone was looking at it – no response as
      of yet.

    5. Excellent job carried out by Volunteers at the Cenotaph. Volunteers asked for a
      tap to allow plants to be watered – BCC awaiting a response. It seems that the
      area around the cenotaph cannot accommodate a wheel chair, slabs at the
      entrance at Cenotaph require upgraded urgently. Two of our CC members
      mentioned this at a service on site with EM 2 years ago.

    6. CC agreed fund lights for Cenotaph but additional cost for power etc. It seems
      that other councils help out at Cenotaphs.

    7. Bedding for next year to be discussed between the volunteers and the council.

    8. Volunteer Group asked CC to assist getting in touch with council officer, member
      of volunteer group joins the CC. They then manage the building of new planters
      etc. Local garage donated £200. Tommy met a SC roads officer to agree
      locations for these and will arrange to send in some information. They don’t see
      any issue with these.

    9. LS delivered and fitted the picnic bench.

    10. Application is in for another two benches for Ladywell Park and funding for two
      planters in the history garden.

    11. Tommy spoke with Terry on new roads signage and all is ready to start asap.
      This was discussed with the roads team and to date they know nothing about

    12. Testbore have been done on the footpaths at Telford bridge but not on the actual

    13. Roys update:

      1. Demolition work 7 days a week for weeks from 8am - 6pm. Contract
        didn’t know sub-contractor was working these hours. CCTV is switch off
        when sub-contractor arrives and back on when they leave.

      2. Thousands of holes drilled and filled.

      3. Hose pipes on roads walkways now covered after asking for 5/6 weeks.

      4. Holes being bored under residents gardens with no consultation from

      5. SC E/Health confirmed hoses CB covered signs are up after 5 weeks of

      6. BCC asked Planning for start finish times on site – they didn’t know. The
        contractor confirmed 8am-5.30 Mon/Fri 8am-12.30pm Saturday.

      7. Resident informed toxic waste on large pile of soil - Contractor looking
        into it as is EH SC.

    14. The contractor is building his compound behind number 26-27-28 Quarryknowe.
      They intended taking their vehicles down this road. This was a goer until BCC
      informed all. The parents at Bannockburn Primary, BCC and SC were asked to
      find a safe route for the children of Whins of Milton and Hillpark. An alternative
      route has been agreed. Great news this access will not be used by Contractor,
      other than in an emergency.

      1. Car park a Quakerfield shops built in 1983 signs up saying ‘Car parking only, no
        lorries’. These have been removed and not replaced after asking for over a year.

      2. Bins update, it seems that SC stopped recycling our garden waste at our Council
        dump and in 2016, it was decided to lift garden waste and food waste together and
        send all of this to Perth. BCC has asked an EM. He asked to bring it back in
        house at Stirling Council which cannot be done due to machinery that we had is no
        longer there.


  4. Reports- External

    1. Police Scotland: No report.

    2. Elected Member:

      1. Special council meeting next Thursday to discuss SC support to Afghan
        Refugees and to discuss live streaming of full council meetings.

      2. Alan has asked Cllr Bennison to find out why BCC meetings are still on
        zoom and why council workers are still working from home.


  5. Reports- Internal

    1. Secretary: No update.

    2. Treasurer: No update.

    3. Planning: No update.

    4. Bannockburn House: No update.

  6. Community Council Business

    1. None.


  7. AOB

    1. None.


  8. Residents Forum

    1. None.


  9. Date, time and venue of next meeting


    1. Thursday 7th October 2021.