Oct 2021 Minutes

Bannockburn Community Council
Minute of Meeting

07 October 2021
Zoom Meeting

Present: A Marshall, T Cattigan, L Jordan, J Leary, W McEwan and Cllr Alasdair


Apologies: D McPhail and I Dawson and L Masterson.


Attendance: Joanne Blair (Minute Taker)


Press: None


Residents: None


  1. Declarations of Interest- None


  2. Adoption of previous meeting(s) minutes- Minutes proposed by John and seconded
    by Lesley.


  3. Matters Arising


    1. Completion of hub expected to be November 2021. Awaiting an update on the
      finishing of railings completed 6 months ago but nobody from SC has been to
      inspect the work.

    2. BCC are awaiting an update on full canopy being repaired.

    3. Cenotaph volunteers are looking for lights. BCC spoken with LS regarding the
      footpath and they are providing prices on various things.

    4. Update re Telford Bridge – the wall and the stained arch was discussed and
      Tommy asked about the bridge itself after pointing out water issues. It was
      requested if SC could give a full report of the bridge and the beams which
      support it and if there was any historic reports. It was asked if the funding made
      available last year would still be available for the bridge. Cllr MacPherson to
      follow up on this.

    5. A resident has no need for a brown bin if there is no garden. They want to use
      the brown box or green container received from SC however they can't do this as
      there could be a problem lifting it if it is “too heavy".

    6. Two additional picnic benches ordered for Ladywell Park 4 & 6 seater – funding
      has been received.

    7. Funding received for two planters for the history garden.

    8. Awaiting a response from SC to start the history garden. This grass area was
      agreed by T Cain and Bannockburn Trust to be used as a history garden.

    9. Costing for signage for history Garden as been arranged. Signage used at
      Ladywell Park - Whins of Milton - bottom of the brae in Bannockburn. All of these
      provide the history of the areas on the Heritage Trail.

    10. Welcome to Bannockburn site has been agreed with Stirling Council.

    11. Cllr MacPherson to find out the area for the Christmas lights for this year in front
      of the library. BCC agreed to buy lights once they receive the confirmation from
      Cllr MacPherson.


  4. Reports- External

    1. Police Scotland: No report.

    2. Elected Member:

      1. CC can start meeting in community centres in the New Year. These can
        be hybrid meetings.

      2. Grey bins moving to once a bin moving to once a month – very

      3. 22 out the 23 councillors voted for SC staff to have an extra day off for the
        Queens jubilee 2022. Cllr MacPherson voted against it.

      4. No update regarding Roy’s yard.

      5. Ladies of the rock require some funding.

      6. Archaeologists on site at Brucefield’s golf course.


  5. Reports- Internal

    1. Secretary: Copy of all updates received was passed on to CC members.

    2. Treasurer: No update.

    3. Planning: No update.

    4. Bannockburn House: No update.


  6. Community Council Business

    1. None.


  7. AOB

    1. None.


  8. Residents Forum

    1. None.


  9. Date, time and venue of next meeting


    1. Thursday 4th November 2021.