July 2021 Minutes

Bannockburn Community Council
Minute of Meeting

01 July 2021
Zoom Meeting

Present: A Marshall, T Cattigan, W McEwan and J Leary


Apologies: D McPhail, I Dawson, S McGrouther, L Jordan and L Masterson


Attendance: Joanne Blair (Minute Taker)


Press: None


Residents: None


  1. Declarations of Interest- None


  2. Adoption of previous meeting(s) minutes- Previous minutes approved. Proposed by
    W McEwan and seconded by J Leary.


  3. Matters Arising

    1. The right of way at Cat Craig is still open.

    2. The contamination report for Roys Yard is now available on the website.

    3. Sub-contractor will not be working 7 days a week at Roys Yard from now on.

    4. Environmental department looking into the dust particles on vehicles at Milnepark
      Road, Quarryknowe and Bogend Road from contaminated material.

    5. 4 electronic charging points will be fitted at the Quakerfield shops.

    6. Solar panels won’t be fitted as the area is blocked by trees and buildings.

    7. Bridges officer confirmed there will be a site visit for Telford Bridge as soon as

    8. CC awaiting a response re the repair works carried out at the hand rail at Quakerfield

    9. Canopy has been inspected and awaiting a start date for the repairs.

    10. Footpath hazard reported to SC and was fixed the same day.

    11. No play park at the Pirnhall houses. SC stated play parks need to be 25m away from
      houses. Awaiting a response re what the money will be spent on.

    12. An area for Park and Ride has been included in the Local Development Plan.

    13. Decision has been made by SC not to put out flower bedding, for the second
      year. Some wild flower seeds have been spread. Land Services have provided
      containers to help water tubs. The community can plant their own flowers.

    14. Tommy has ordered a bench for the Ladywell park. LS will fit this once it has arrived.


  4. Reports- External

    1. Police Scotland: No report.

    2. Elected Member: No report.

  5. Reports- Internal

    1. Secretary: All CC enquires shared with all members.

    2. Treasurer: Linda to send to the group.

    3. Planning: No update.

    4. Bannockburn House:

      1. Gardeners still working.

      2. There was an archaeologist dig last week.


  6. Community Council Business

    a. None.


  7. AOB

    a. None.


  8. Residents Forum

    a. None.


  9. Date, time and venue of next meeting


a. Thursday 5th August 2021.