Aug 2021 Minutes

Bannockburn Community Council
Minute of Meeting

05 August 2021
Zoom Meeting

Present: A Marshall and L Jordan


Apologies: D McPhail, I Dawson, S McGrouther, L Masterson, J Leary, T Cattigan and W


Attendance: Joanne Blair (Minute Taker)


Press: None


Residents: None


  1. Declarations of Interest- None


  2. Adoption of previous meeting(s) minutes- Minutes approved.


  3. Matters Arising


    1. No one has been working at the hub for 8 weeks.

    2. Scaffold up around bank, originally to repair roof then to inspect and clear the
      roof. When scaffold went up ladder was left up over weekend - children on
      scaffold over weekend.

    3. The roads team have fixed the hole in the path outside the bank.

    4. Canopy falling to bits at areas, 3 areas inspected by Officer at hub and confirmed
      it was rotten. Scaffold removed but no work was carried out to repair it. Area
      reported in 2013 not repaired to date. Numerous areas on canopy require
      repaired photos were sent last October.

    5. Rear of building numerous repairs needed. It seems the inspector has missed
      thesefor years.

    6. Tommy has asked if they could extend the canopy and if there is any chance they
      can resurface the car park.

    7. 4 charging points to be fitted for electronic cars in the carpark of the library.

    8. Excellent job carried out at the cenotaph by volunteers. Volunteers asked for a
      tap to allow plants to be watered. SC confirmed this was not possible as others
      would want the same but if you set up your own group you can apply for funding
      to the council, then you can get one and maintain it.

    9. LS helped with bowser and removing bags of weeds.

    10. Group asked CC to assist which they did. Group looking to forward volunteer
      garden group. CC agreed for them to work as sub group of CC - separate check
      account to manage their funds. CC would help with looking for funds to assist.
      Names of those on group were being passed to CC.

    11. BCC asked several years ago if we funded new lights for entrance to the
      cenotaph, could SC connect this to street lighting. SC confirmed this could not be
      done, BCC would need to put in a separate supply and pay monthly rent to

    12. An approach made by EM to Bannockburn House to help manage. Turned down
      BH will help look for funding to assist.

    13. Picnic bench has been ordered and will be delivered 3/4 weeks and then fitted.

    14. Application has been submitted for another two benches for Ladywell Park and
      funding for two planters history garden. Also funding from local garage for a
      planter. Speaking with an officer at SC.

    15. Approached by Empire Bar dangerous footpath, gent tripped. The roads team
      were out and fixed.

    16. Tommy was asked by Terry in Empire Bar if SC would trim back the trees on the
      leftof the building to allow this to be freshened up. LS trimmed back the tree
      branches on the right of the building.

    17. Contractor from Roys Year visited residents after 7 weeks of work starting. Sub-
      contractor working seven days a week, contractor didn’t know.

    18. Stirling Council were asked about the noise one resident had three machines at
      the bottom of his garden. Officer of the council asked Tommy two weeks ago I
      informed him the site was closed due to all being on holiday. His response there
      isn’t any noise then.

    19. The contractor was building his compound behind number 26-27-28
      Quarryknowe. They intended taking their vehicles down the one track road. This
      was/could be a goer until BCC informed our EM.

    20. BCC and SC were asked to find a safe route for the children of Whins of Milton
      and Hillpark. This has been completed. It’s good to see this access will not be
      used by Contractor, other than in an emergency. Parents will travel this way with
      groups of children.

    21. The no lorries sign has been removed and hasn’t been replaced. BCC have
      been asking for over a year.

    22. Tommy has made contact with HRA manager at SC, as it was his understanding
      the planted areas at either side of the Empire bar belonged to HRA. He is hoping
      to have trees removed at this area, as they are getting out of control and will pose
      a risk to foundations of surrounding buildings. SC built bungalows next to these


  4. Reports- External

    1. Police Scotland: No report.

    2. Elected Member (Alasdair MacPherson) :

      1. Memorial Gardens – I received complaints about the condition of the
        memorial gardens and immediately contacted Cllr Thomson, whose remit
        this falls under. We met next day on site (Sunday) along with Cllr Brisley.
        We contacted Land Services the next day who provided rubbish bags,
        which they collected, and water to water the plants. Instead of bedding
        plants, Land Services staff decided to sow wildflower seeds, which
        unfortunately lost the race against weeds before they could germinate.
        Unfortunately, this was not picked up in time by the supervisor.
        Volunteers quickly arranged for the beds to be weeded and several
        donations of plants were made by individuals and clubs based at
        Bannockburn & Eastern villages hub. Most plants were planted by
        Bannockburn Rugby Club. This was a phenomenal effort by everyone

      2. Soffit overhand outside the former bank building – When I received a
        complaint about this, I contacted Council officials Gregor Wightman and
        Gordon Lawrie, who have now clarified who is responsible for the repairs.

        The people liable for the cost of the repairs have now been contacted. In
        the meantime, it has been checked and it has been confirmed by officials
        that it does not pose a public health risk.

      3. Damaged water channel (gulley) – I contacted roads last Sunday and
        the gulley was made safe the next day.

      4. Lovell development, Milnepark Road (Roy's Yard) – After receiving
        one or two complaints about dust and noise, I held several phone calls
        with the site agent and area contracts manager. The problem arose when
        Lovell's sub-contractor was carrying out demolition and ground
        stabilisation works. I told them they should have had pre-consultation with
        neighbouring properties . They agreed, with hindsight, that they should
        have and gave an undertaking to circulate a newsletter outlining
        forthcoming works. When they did publish a newsletter and distribute it to
        neighbouring properties a couple of weeks later, they indicated their
        intentions to use the single-track lane off Maitland Avenue/Quarry Knowe.
        After several people commented about this on social media, I again
        contacted the area contracts manager and asked him to reconsider this
        due to health and safety concerns. I am pleased to report that he agreed
        to my request, and they are no longer going to use the track for site

      5. Burnt out car at Ladywell Park – Upon receiving this complaint, I
        contacted the Council 's Safer Communities team and the police. The
        Council erected security fencing around the car to make it safe. The
        police and the Council are working with the owner and their insurance
        company, and we hope to get it removed soon.


  5. Reports- Internal

    1. Secretary: All CC enquires shared with all members.

    2. Treasurer: No update.

    3. Planning: No update.

    4. Bannockburn House: No update.


  6. Community Council Business

    1. None.


  7. AOB

    1. None.


  8. Residents Forum

    1. None.


  9. Date, time and venue of next meeting


    1. Thursday 2nd September 2021.