September 2024 Minutes

Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre

Community Council Minutes – 11th September 2024

This mee ng took place in Strathyre Village Hall at 7:30 p.m. on 11th September 2024.

It was chaired by Carolyn Brooks.

Present: Carolyn Brooks (CB), Ruth McLusky (RM), Andrew Poulter (AP), Webster Inglis

(WI), Angus Cameron (AC), Bob Wells (RJW).

Apologies: Mar n Mackenzie (MM), David Johnston (DCJ); David Fe!es (DF), Loch

Lomond & The Trossachs Na onal Park Authority (LLTNPA); PC Heather

Campbell (HC), Police Scotland;

Also A!ending: Maida MacLaren (MML), resident of Balquhidder; Cllr Gene Maxwell (GM),

S rling Council; Paul Hicks (PH), minute-taker.

Item Content Ac on

  1. Approval of minutes from 31st July 2024

It was proposed by RM and seconded by AP, that the minutes of

the mee ng on 31st July 2024 should be accepted and this was

approved unanimously.

  1. Declara ons of Interest

There were no declara ons of interest by members present.

  1. Police report (31 July to 10 September 2024)

During this period, there were no incidents involving an -social

behaviour in the area. On 19th August, an a!empt was made to

break into a shed at Drummond Fish Farm and entry was forced to

a caravan parked on the site. There were six incidents related to

traffic on the roads, the most serious of which was a collision

involving three vehicles near Strathyre on 19th August. There were

no serious injuries, but the road had to be closed for some hours in

order to recover the vehicles. One driver was reported for driving

without due care and a!en on. On 7th August, an allega on of

dangerous driving on the A84 in Lochearnhead was made but the

offending driver and vehicle could not be traced. On 17th August,

an allega on of erra c driving on the A84 and A821 was made but,

again, it was not possible to trace the offending vehicle. On 10th

August, a report of a caravan abandoned in a layby near Strathyre

was received. The owner could not be traced but S rling Council

arranged for it to be removed it from the layby. On 31st July, a

report of ca!le straying on the A85 near Lochearnhead was

received and police a!ended but could not trace the animals. On

6th September, a van overturned on the A85 near Lochearnhead.

Police a!ended but the driver was not seriously injured and no

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Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre

Community Council Minutes – 11th September 2024

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offences were disclosed. The vehicle has since been recovered. On

3rd September, the Fire Service and Police were called to a house

fire in Lochearnhead. The fire was soon ex nguished. Nobody was

injured and no offences were disclosed. The Junior Road Safety

Scheme has con nued with Primary Year Six in Strathyre and police

patrols are regularly carrying out speeding checks locally. The

"pop-up" police officer has also been deployed regularly.

  1. Full membership of community council

This item was postponed to the following mee ng because the coopted

member to be offered full membership was unable to be


  1. Ma!ers arising from previous minutes


The Broch Field, Strathyre. DF had liaised with Ma! Buckland,

Visitor Opera ons Manager for LLTNPA, who had asked for further

informa on as to what was needed in rela on to the car park

beside The Broch at Strathyre. He is happy to chat with a

representa ve from the community council about signs and the

management of motor-homes.


Ballimore, Balquhidder. DF had established that LLTNPA is s ll

awai ng manufacture of the access advisory signs for either end of

the path diversion. As soon as they become available, the Land

Opera ons Team will install them, with some addi onal waymark

posts to keep people on the route.

  1. c) Loch Voil, Balquhidder. DF had advised the Secretary that the

update on the access and visitor management proposals (as

outlined at the previous mee ng) was as follows:

: The sign at the Craigruie passing place had s ll not been installed

by S rling Council. DF had contacted them several  mes and, on 1st

August 2024, they reiterated their agreement to install it.

: Three addi onal Camping Management Zone (CMZ) signs and ‘no

access’ signs are ready to be installed. These signs will be sited

between Dhanakosa and Rhuveag.

: Agreement had been reached with two of three landowners for

the display of access advisory signs, with messages tailored for

specific loca ons and issues. The Land Opera ons Team had

agreed to undertake this work and was just wai ng for the final

landowner’s approval. These signs will be installed at the same

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Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre

Community Council Minutes – 11th September 2024

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 me as the CMZ signs and the hope is that this will be done by the

end of August 2024.


Glen Ogle Trail. DF had reported that Dave Robinson, Recrea on

and Access Adviser for LLTNPA, had offered to replace the missing

decking boards on the bridge and to replace the ladder s le with a

stockproof and deer-proof, self-closing gate. However, LLTNPA was

not in a posi on to take over liability for all the small trails within

the Park. He asked if the BLS Development Trust might be able to

take on the maintenance of the bridge and gate? Nobody was

available from the Trust to respond to this, but the query will be

referred to DCJ.


Pavement Parking Prohibi ons. The Transport (Scotland) Act,

2019, introduced a na onal ban on parking on pavements which

took effect on 15th July 2024. Further details, with links to the

government legisla on, had been published on the community

council website. ( There had been numerous

complaints about the effects of this legisla on locally, but similar

reports appear to be widespread throughout the country and

people need to raise concerns directly with local councillors and

members of the Sco%sh Parliament.


Water provision in Balquhidder. This had previously been raised at

item 14A of the minutes of the mee ng on 19th June 2024 and

related to Sco!sh Water regularly transpor ng water by road to

supply local houses in Balquhidder. The community council had

requested further informa on and Denni Kinnear had responded

on behalf of Sco!sh Water to advise that this opera on was taking

place because of a burst pipe in the network that had yet to be

located. In view of addi onal, new houses wai ng to be connected

to the water network, DCJ had emphasised the urgency of the

situa on and asked for further informa on on how the search for

the leak was progressing. Sco!sh Water had since responded a

second  me to advise that the leak had not yet been traced but

the community council would be kept apprised of progress. MML

stated that the addi onal water is required because the current

capcity is insufficient and there could be problems if the tankers

were prevented from delivering - for any reason. CB suggested that

the local MSP could be asked to intervene if no informa on is

forthcoming from DCJ's enquiry.

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Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre

Community Council Minutes – 11th September 2024

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Disposal of waste from chemical toilets. DCJ had also raised a

ques on with Sco!sh Water concerning a report of mobile home

owners disposing of waste from chemical toilets in the public

toilets at Lochearnhead. This had been tabled as a separate agenda

item. (See item 7B below.)

6 Forestry and  mber transport

  1. a) Felling Permission Applica on, Balquhidder. An applica on had

been made for selec ve felling of 927 trees at Gardener's Co!age

Woods, Balquhidder (Ref: FPA-11476). Comments are invited via

the public register at Sco!sh Forestry.

  1. b) Muirlaggan Estate, Balquhidder. The estate is preparing a Long

Term Forest Plan (LTFP) and is currently at the second (scoping)

stage. Sam Holub-Swindell, Forest Planning Manager, had no fied

the community council that feedback regarding the proposals is

sought and can be submi!ed online via their website at

"" by 6th October 2024.

  1. Correspondence
  2. a) Complaint regarding mber transport in Balquhidder. On 5th

August 2024 a complaint was received from a resident of

Balquhidder regarding a  mber transport vehicle travelling in

excess of the agreed speed of 20 mph on public roads and 10 mph

on the unmade Stronvar track. The resident was able to provide

dash cam footage to support the allega on. The complaint was

referred to the Timber Transport Management Plan coordinator

(Claire Glaister). The  mber transport vehicle in ques on was

traced and its tracking informa on confirmed that the vehicle had

been driven in excess of the agreed speed limit (although not as

fast as the complainant had alleged) on the public road. Similarly,

on the unmade track, the vehicle had travelled at between 3-18

mph, occasionally exceeding the agreed limit. Ms Glaister said that

the company (H&R Gray) had been reminded of the importance of

keeping to the speed limits agreed. In its response, the company

commented that the driver concerned had been a replacement for

the regular driver.

  1. b) Toilet waste from campervans and caravans. At the beginning of

August, a resident of Lochearnhead raised a concern with S rling

Council (Environmental Health Department) about owners of

mobile homes emptying the waste from chemical toilets in the

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Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre

Community Council Minutes – 11th September 2024

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public toilets at Lochearnhead. The community council was also

no fied and asked to be informed regarding the prac cal and legal

consequences of such ac ons. Following liaison with both the

Sco!sh Environment Protec on Agency (SEPA) and Sco!sh Water,

it was apparent that such a prac ce was ac vely harmful for any

private waste water treatment plant u lising a sep c tank or

biological treatment. It could also be harmful in smaller public

sewers. Caravans and campervans have toilet waste holding tanks

and should never be emp ed anywhere other than a designated

area at a campsite or a motorhome service point. Public toilets are

not appropriate loca ons to empty toilet casse!es as there are no

facili es available for cleaning up spillages. The Council had no

jurisdic on or power to prevent such prac ces, but would take

steps to put up signs at all its public toilet facili es to advise that

disposal of waste from chemical toilets was not permi!ed and any

abuse would be reported to SEPA and Sco!sh Water. DCJ had

thanked S rling Council for taking this ac on and suggested that

councils throughout Scotland might pe  on the government for

the appropriate powers to enforce a similar prohibi on throughout

the country.

  1. c) Rural S rling Housing Associa on. The Associa on had informed

the community council that it would be holding its annual general

mee ng on Thursday 12th September 2024 at the Callander Youth

Project, 3 Bridgend, Callander, FK17 8AH. The mee ng will start at

7 p.m.

  1. d) S_rling Council’s libraries. The Council had no fied the community

council that it was currently conduc ng an online survey about its

library service and all local residents are encouraged to respond.

Further details are available via the community council website.


  1. e) Temporary Prohibi on of Traffic, C33 road, Balquhidder. S rling

Council had no fied the community council that part of the C33

road in Balquhidder Glen will be closed temporarily on Friday 20 th

September from 8 a.m. un l 6 p.m. to facilitate public u lity works.

The sec on of road to be closed runs from its junc on with

Stroneslaney Road through to the end of the road at Inverlochlarig.

Emergency service access will be maintained and provisions will be

made for school buses when available. The same stretch of road

will then be closed again on a daily basis from 9 a.m. to 12 noon

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Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre

Community Council Minutes – 11th September 2024

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and then from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. between 23rd September and 6th

October 2024. This is to facilitate re-surfacing works. GM offered to

speak to the Roads Department about the poor signs that had

failed to indicate precisely where the road would be closed.

  1. Road signs in local area

The community council had received an apology from S rling

Council because work had not yet commenced on the prepara on

of the Traffic Regula on Order required to implement the 40-mph

speed limit on Stroneslaney Road. This will be progressed in due

course but, due to a lack of staff resources, it had not been

possible to have the passing place and alcohol byelaw signs

erected in the  mescale previously advised. The signs are ready for

deployment and a works order is currently being prepared for

them to be erected. Every effort will be made to have this work

completed at the earliest opportunity.

  1. Communica ons with S_rling Council

An acknowledgement of the community council's reply to the

enquiry from Kilmadock Community Council had been received

from its Chair, Tony Farrant, thanking BLS for its contribu on. He

stated that Kilmadock intended to arrange a mee ng with the new

Chief Execu ve of S rling Council to explain the issues but was s ll

wai ng for a mee ng to be arranged. The aim would be to try to

get some posi ve changes to working rela onships and prac ces.

He suggested that it would be imprac cal for every community

council to pursue this and offered to act as the representa ve for

everyone. He set out a summary of the important role of

community councils in the democra c process that he intended to

present as the basis of his case for change, then detailed the

prac cal ma!ers that were currently impairing communica ons

and liaison between community councils and S rling Council. He

proposed to make clear to the Council that there is a general air of

frustra on and disquiet amongst community councillors in the area

which, if unheeded, could lead to the dissolu on of many

community councils for lack of local support.

  1. Overgrowth of vegeta on on local road verges

CB said that some work has been done in Balquhidder but rather

late. This is dangerous because there had been a significant

increase in traffic using the C33 road.

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Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre

Community Council Minutes – 11th September 2024

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  1. Visitor Experience Strategy for Queen Elizabeth Forest Park

RM summarised the responses that had been submi!ed by the

community council to Forestry & Land Scotland concerning the

Queen Elizabeth Forest Park at Strathyre. These included concerns

regarding exis ng paths, signs and viewpoints not being

maintained; sugges ons that parking, picnic sites and toilets would

be useful addi ons to encourage be!er use of the Park and the

offer of comments and advice from the local community on how

best to improve the facili es. To date, no response had been

received to these proposals.

  1. Community Benefit funding through SSE Networks

Pauline Allison, Stakeholder Engagement Manager for SSE

Renewables, had contacted the community council to make

members aware of poten al funding that is currently available

through SSE Networks as part of the provision towards a

Community Benefit Fund. It would be par cularly appropriate for

any larger projects that the community had in mind. The deadline

for applica ons this year is 22nd November 2024, with decisions

being made in January 2025.

  1. Planning Ma!ers


2024/0241/PPP. An applica on has been submi!ed to build a

three-bedroom, one and one half-storey house to the North of

Vorlich Road, adjacent to the former railway line. Other proper es

had already been built there and an exis ng track to the site would

provide access. One objec on has been no fied, on the grounds

that the person making the applica on does not own all of the

land in ques on and, consequently, there would be no access to

the property. It was agreed that comment should be made about

the problem over access.


Telecoms Mast, Auchraw Hill, Lochearnhead. Members were of

the opinion that this would be beneficial to local residents and

would not cause any unreasonable interference.

  1. Co-op on of new member to community council

A nomina on form had been sent to S rling Council for valida on.

RM stated tht 14 days' no ce could now be given for MML's

appointment as a co-opted member.

  1. Ma!ers from ward councillors and Na onal Park representa ve

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Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre

Community Council Minutes – 11th September 2024

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  1. a) GM stated that there had been no full council mee ng since 29th

February due to lack of staff to support the administra on. The

current leader (Chris Kane) is standing down as the leader, which

will result in some significant changes of rôle for other councillors.

GM will be a!ending the Finance Commi!ee mee ng on 19th

September and will be interested to know the current financial

situa on. He men oned two projects that are likely to be

addressed in the near future: parking and the proposed tourist

levy. These need to be pursued and the la!er should raise

addi onal money for the Council. Other ma!ers to be considered

are a shortage of housing and urgent road repairs.

  1. Any other competent business

There were no substan al items for considera on, but members

were informed that a mee ng had been convened that evening

concerning the Balquhidder Broadband company. If appropriate,

further informa on would be provided at a future community

council mee ng.

There was no further business and, at 8:30 p.m., DCJ declared the

mee ng to be closed. The next mee ng is scheduled to take place at

Balquhidder Village Hall on Wednesday 23rd October, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.

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