February 2024 Minutes

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Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre
Community Council Minutes – 7th February 2024
This mee ng took place in Balquhidder Village Hall at 7:30 p.m. on 7th February 2024. It was
chaired by Carolyn Brooks.
Present: Carolyn Brooks (CB), Ruth McLusky (RM), Andrew Poulter (AP), Bob Wells
(RJW), Webster Inglis (WI), Mar n Mackenzie (MM).
Apologies: David Johnston (DCJ), Angus Cameron (AC); PC Heather Campbell, Police
Scotland; David Fe!es (DF), Loch Lomond & The Trossachs Na onal Park
Authority (LLTNPA).
Also A!ending: Cllr Gene Maxwell (GM), S rling Council; Paul Hicks (PH), minute-taker.
Item Content Ac on
1. Approval of minutes from 6th December 2023
It was proposed by AP and seconded by CB, that the minutes of the
mee ng on 6th December 2023 should be accepted and this was
approved unanimously.
2. Declara ons of Interest
There were no declara ons of interest by members present.
3. Co-op on of new community council member: Webster Inglis
CB proposed that Webster Inglis should be co-opted as a member of
the community council. This was seconded by RM and passed
4. Co-op on of new community council member: Mar n Mackenzie
RJW proposed that Mar n Mackenzie should be co-opted as a
member of the community council. This was seconded by CB and
passed unanimously.
5. Police report (7th Dec 2023 - 2nd Feb 2024)
During this period, there were no reports of an -social behaviour or
crime. There were five reports of blockages on trunk roads (A84 and
A85). On 27th and 30th December, heavy snow brought traffic to a
stands ll in places and the police and Transport Scotland worked
together to clear roads. There were two instances of fallen trees
blocking roads. In once case, passing motorists cleared the debris but
on 4th January, a vehicle struck a fallen tree on the A84 near Strathyre.
Nobody was injured and police a!ended to move the vehicle and the
tree. On 29th December, a vehicle overturned on the A85, east of
Lochearnhead. Police a!ended and closed the road. The Fire & Rescue
service a!ended and freed several passengers from the vehicle but
there were no serious injuries. There were also three reports from
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Taken by Paul Hicks on 7 February 2024 - B
Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre
Community Council Minutes – 7th February 2024
Item Content Ac on
members of the public expressing concern at the way in which other
vehicles were being driven. In two cases, the offending vehicle could
not be traced and, on the third occasion, some foreign tourists were
traced and given advice about driving in Scotland.
Five miscellaneous incidents were reported to the police during this
period. Two involved deer that had been struck and killed on roads.
One concerned a caravan that had been abandoned in a lay-by on the
A84 (near Kingshouse). This was no fied to S rling Council and
arrangements were made to remove the caravan. One motorist had
managed to lock himself in the back of his van and was released by
police officers. In Balquhidder, on New Year's Day, some intoxicated
visitors managed to lose one of their friends, who was traced by police
officers, found to be safe and well and reunited with her friends.
6. Ma!ers arising from previous minutes
Collapsed wall beside A84 trunk road in Strathyre. RM reported that
there had been no visible progress with this repair, although it had
been approved and was now just awai ng an available opportunity to
complete the work.
Speeding in Strathyre. RM reported that receipt of a le!er from the
community council to Traffic Scotland, proposing a 20 mph speed limit
through the village of Strathyre had been acknowledged.
7. S