Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre
Community Council Minutes – 4th December 2024
This mee ng took place in Lochearnhead Village Hall at 7:30 p.m. on 4th December 2024. It was
chaired by David Johnston and the three full members present represented a quorum.
Present: David Johnston (DCJ), Carolyn Brooks (CB), Ruth McLusky (RM), Mar n
Mackenzie (MM), Maida MacLaren (LMM).
Apologies: Andrew Poulter (AP), Angus Cameron (AC), Bob Wells (RJW), Webster Inglis
(WI); PC Heather Campbell (HC), Police Scotland; David Fe!es (DF), Loch
Lomond & The Trossachs Na onal Park Authority (LLTNPA).
Also A!ending: Cllr Mar n Earl (ME), S rling Council; Paul Hicks (PH), minute-taker.
Item Content Ac on
- Approval of minutes from 23rd October 2024
It was proposed by DCJ and seconded by RM, that the minutes of the
mee ng on 23rd October 2024 should be accepted and this was
approved unanimously.
- Declara ons of Interest
There were no declara ons of interest by members present.
- Police report (24 Oct to 4 Dec 2024)
During this period, there were no reports of an -social behaviour or
crime in the area. There were, however, seven incidents rela ng to
road safety. Two concerned vehicles reported as 'swerving' or
'swaying' on the road, but neither could be traced, so no further
ac on was taken. In one incident, a motorist reported that his vehicle
had been struck by a passing heavy goods vehicle. Since no officers
were available in the vicinity, arrangements were made for a report to
be taken later. There was one report of a parked vehicle causing an
obstruc on, where the owner was traced and warned to move the
vehicle. There was also a report of an abandoned vehicle at
Inverlochlarig, but it transpired that the owner was camping nearby.
There was two reported incidents of vehicles stuck in snow (on 23rd
November and 3rd December). Police a!ended in both cases and
assisted with facilita ng the clearance of the road by gri!ers. On 30th
October, a report of a fire in Lochearnhead was made to the police
and fire services. The fire was ex nguished and the incident was
inves gated, but no offences were iden fied. Contact was made with
several other agencies and advice was provided to the person
responsible. Officers con nue to carry out speeding checks regularly
on the main roads in Lochearnhead and Strathyre.
- Membership of community council
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Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre
Community Council Minutes – 4th December 2024
Item Content Ac on
LMM was welcomed as a newly co-opted member of the community
Since MM had a!ended three full mee ngs of the community council
as a co-opted member, RM proposed that, in line with sec on 7 of the
Scheme of Establishment for community councils, he should be
appointed as a full member of the community council. This was
seconded by DCJ and agreed unanimously.
- Community council bank account
AP was unable to a!end the mee ng but had asked that members be
alerted to the fact that the Bank of Scotland had advised that the
account held by the community council would be changed to a
'community account' with effect from 14th January 2025. This will
entail the bank charging a monthly fee of £4.25 and, since there are
only about twelve transac ons per year, this would mean that every
transac on would cost £4.25. In addi on, the Callander branch is due
to close next year. AP was researching alterna ve accounts that do not
charge a fee and sought approval from the community council: (1) to
find an alterna ve bank and (2) to open a new account there. This was
approved unanimously and it was agreed that RM should provide
wri!en confirma on of the approval.
RM to provide
confirma on.
- Schedule of mee ngs for 2025
This was approved unanimously.
- Ma!ers arising from previous minutes
There were no ma!ers arising.
- Forestry and mber transport
Muirlaggan Estate, Balquhidder. Further to item 6B in the minutes of
the mee ng of the community council on 11th September 2024, it was
agreed that the community council had no par cular comments to
make regarding the Long Term Forest Plan for this estate.
Land management, West Strathyre. No fica on had been received
that glade deer maintenance would be taking place here over the next
few months. This was noted.
- c) Sco"sh Forestry (SF). An invita on had been received from the
Woodland Officer for the Perth & Argyll Conservancy to arrange a
mee ng at which SF could provide details of poten al forestry
opera ons with the community council's area and discuss the
RM to respond
with invita on
to meet.
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Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre
Community Council Minutes – 4th December 2024
Item Content Ac on
processes and regulatory powers available to manage them in
harmony with local communi es. It was agreed to invite a
representa ve from SF to a future mee ng at a date to suit them.
- Correspondence
C60 bus service. The team leader for Public Transport at S rling
Council had offered an invita on to the community council to a!end
future mee ngs with other local community representa ves to discuss
how the service was performing and how patronage might be
increased. This was welcomed. ME suggested that the determining
factor for whether or not the service con nued should not be whether
or not the service itself was profitable, but the fact that this is a social
service that is needed, regardless of the level of support. However, he
also suggested that a loyalty scheme might help to increase usage.
NHS Minor Injuries Unit, S rling. No ce had been given that
a!endance at the NHS Minor Injuries Unit (a part of Forth Valley Royal
Hospital but located in S rling) now needs to be arranged in advance
by contac ng NHS 24 (by telephone or online). Further details are
available on the community council website. ME clarified that people
can s ll turn up without an appointment, but those who have made a
prior appointment may be accorded priority.
- c) Sco"sh Forestry. (See item 8C above.)
Lochearnhead to St Fillans Cycle Path. A report from the latest
mee ng on 26th November 2024 of the project team had been
circulated to all members.
- Damage to Stronvar Bridge
DCJ reported that a mee ng had been held on 12th November 2024
with representa ves from S rling Council (Bridge and Roads Teams).
As a result, they will be looking at the possibility of strengthening the
bridge with pinning and had promised to report back but, to date,
nothing further had been no fied to the community council. It was
agreed that a report on progress should be requested.
RM to request
a report on
- Water provision in Balquhidder
DCJ advised that Sco!sh Water had reported that the leak had now
been found and steps were being taken to repair it. This was
- Disposal of waste from mobile homes
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Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre
Community Council Minutes – 4th December 2024
Item Content Ac on
Further to item 10 in the minutes of the mee ng of the community
council on 23rd October 2024, ME had since reported that suitable
signs had been prepared and would be installed in public toilet
facili es during the winter metable period. This was also welcomed.
- Road signs in local area
The Team Leader for the Roads Network at S rling Council had sent an
apology for the lack of progress in erec ng new road signs as
previously discussed with the community council. This had been due
to a change of staff and a lack of proper con nuity. The Council was
now preparing a Traffic Regula on Order to introduce new 40mph
speed limits on the C33 road and Stroneslaney Road, Strathyre, in the
interests of public safety. The other signs would be installed at the
same me as the signs for the new speed limits.
- Speeding in local areas
Further to item 12 in the minutes of the mee ng of the community
council on 23rd October 2024, new 40mph speed limits are to be
introduced on the C33 road and Stroneslaney Road, Strathyre. (See
also item 13 above.)
- Upper Strathearn community benefit project
Further to item 14 in the minutes of the mee ng of the community
council on 23rd October 2024, a full report of a mee ng of the South-
West Perthshire Community Benefit Working Group, held on 12th
November 2024, had been circulated to all members. DCJ reported
that there are two wind-farm projects in the pipeline: one at Glen
Tarken (by SSEN) and one at Glen Lednock (by Low Carbon). The BLS
community council area borders on the Glen Tarken project, as does
that of Killin community council. Both wind-farms are within the St
Fillans community council area and Comrie community council
borders the Glen Lednock project. This community benefit group has
been started by Comrie community council and they are currently
happy to take on the considerable work of researching the community
benefit op ons and further opportuni es which other communi es
have pursued. The group has now met twice and all of the above
community councils (plus Crieff) are happy to con nue for the
moment as one group. It will be some me before enough is known
for discussions to be held on an agreement to move forward as a
single group. DCJ is currently represen ng the BLS community council,
along with Ali Ferguson, Secretary of the BLS Trust. Both wind-farms
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Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre
Community Council Minutes – 4th December 2024
Item Content Ac on
have recently held public mee ngs. DCJ had a!ended both and made
both companies aware that BLS community council is interested in
exploring both 'community benefit' and 'shared owner' op ons with
them. The group will con nue to meet regularly, with the next
scheduled mee ng on 10th December 2024.
- Planning Ma!ers
There were no current planning ma!ers for members to discuss.
- Ma!ers from ward councillors and Na onal Park representa ve
- a) ME reported that a full mee ng of S rling Council would take place on
12th December. There is a large agenda but significant items are likely
to include the forthcoming budget, especially in the light of the
budget being set by the Sco%sh Government. It is likely that a deficit
budget will need to be set.
- b) Two by-elec ons are due imminently: the first on 5th December for
S rling East with a further by-elec on in January.
- c) The Na onal Park Board mee ng takes place on 9th December and the
'End of Visitor Season' report is likely to be interes ng.
- Any other competent business
- a) Grit supplies. AP had no fied members that delivery of grit piles to
Balquhidder had been patchy and late, with none supplied to points of
need such as the two bridges. ME stated that this task had been
delegated to a local contractor, but the work has to conform to the
winter service policy set by S rling Council.
- b) Water Level Sensor, Strathyre. RM reported that there had been a
proposal to install a water level sensor at Strathyre to assist in
providing local flood warnings. Further informa on should become
available in due course. This was noted.
There was no further business and, at 8:45 p.m., DCJ declared the
mee ng to be closed. The next mee ng is scheduled to take place at
Strathyre Village Hall on Wednesday 15th January, 2025 at 7:30 p.m.
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