October 2023 Minutes

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Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre

Community Council Minutes – 25th October 2023

This meeting took place in Lochearnhead Village Hall at 7:30 p.m. on 25th October 2023. It was chaired by CB.

Present: Andrew Poulter (AP), Carolyn Brooks (CB), Angus Cameron (AC).

Apologies: Ruth McLusky, Bob Wells, David Johnston (DCJ); Cllr Martin Earl. Stirling Council.

Also Attending: Paul Hicks (PH), minute-taker.

CB opened the meeting, explaining that DCJ had been taken ill at the last moment and was unable to attend. Consequently, a quorum of members could not be attained so no formal decisions could be made.


  1. Approval of minutes from 13th September 2023

The minutes could not be approved for lack of a quorum.


  1. Declarations of Interest

AC declared an interest as a local landowner in item 4A.


  1. Police Report

No police report was available.


  1. Matters arising from previous minutes

a) Speeding in Strathyre. On 29th September, following a request for an update from Transport Scotland about traffic arrangements in Strathyre, Richard Perry responded as follows. "Your enquiry is the second one that I’ve received in recent weeks that states Strathyre isn’t being considered for 20mph limits – this absolutely isn’t the case, as a 20mph is being considered for part of the existing 30mph. Further discussion needs to take place with Stirling Council, but our assessment does indicate that criteria for 20mph limits are met at Strathyre so should be considered and progressed if appropriate – I’d welcome the Community Council’s view on that." Those present agreed that an assessment should be made, but members' views would need to be established formally at a future meeting.

b) Mobile Library. With reference to item 12C of the minutes from 13th September and rumours that the mobile library service was to be discontinued, PH had subsequently spoken to the librarian at the mobile library in Lochearnhead. He had established that there had been mechanical problems with both of the vehicles used for the service, resulting in some last-minute cancellations. However, the librarian was not aware of any plans to discontinue the service due to budgetary constraints.

c) Winter volunteer scheme. This initiative had been raised during the meeting with Stirling Council (Roads Department) on 2nd October. The scheme had been publicised on local social media groups but those present were not aware of any feedback to date. One volunteer had requested a supply of grit for Keip Road and details had been forwarded to the Roads Department.


  1. Forestry and timber transport

a) AC reported that RTS Forestry had arranged a consultative meeting for local residents in Lochearnhead at the Village Hall that afternoon. This was designed to give an opportunity for people to hear the proposals for extracting timber from the planta on at Auchraw Hill, together with the details of possible routes and arrangements for managing traffic to and from the site. AC had attended and reported that no new information was available since the report by RTS Forestry to the community council on 13th September.


  1. Collapsed wall beside A84 trunk road in Strathyre

On 15th September, in response to a request for an update on progress regarding this problem, a response was received from Sarah Fraser, Customer & Community Relations Officer for BEAR Scotland. She confirmed that a contractor had been appointed and a programme was being compiled to allocate the work required in phases and to arrange for temporary traffic management. Once this is complete, work will commence.


  1. Local Roads

a) Balquhidder area. On 2nd October a meeting was held between representatives of the community council and Stirling Council (Roads Department), represented by Gary Neil (GN). The following subjects were discussed as detailed below.


i) Concerns about the process and decision-making entailed in the Timber Transport Management Plan. GN acknowledged the lack of transparency and undertook to discuss the concerns raised with those involved and to report back later.


ii) Winter road maintenance had been designated as a priority in the local place plan. GN will discuss this with his team and report back.


iii) Winter Community Volunteer Scheme 2023-24. GN had introduced this initiative which was suitable for both Lochearnhead and Strathyre, if volunteers are forth-coming. DJ will circulate details in both communities.


iv) Concern over progress with the funding application for the C33 road under the Strategic Timber Transport Scheme (STTS). This had been delayed twice and there had been a lack of feedback, despite the community council's willingness to assist. GN would discuss this with his team and report back.


v) Some work carried out in 2021 on the C33 and the Balquhidder end of the Stroneslaney Road under the STTS was never properly Further work had been scheduled over the next few months and dates will be provided in due course. GN was advised that the original work did not include the use of a reinforcement membrane and that the edges of the road were breaking up. He will report back in due course.


vi) Some maintenance work, started at the western end of the C33 road in Balquhidder in 2023, remained unfinished. GN advised that a resumption of work had been scheduled during the next few months and dates will be provided in due course.


vii) The replacement of missing alcohol byelaw signs was still outstanding. This was noted and GN advised that dates for this work will be provided in due course.


viii) The introduction of "No Parking" signs at the new passing places on the Stronslaney Road was discussed and agreed. Dates for this work will be provided in due course.


ix) The breakup of the edges on the recently upgraded sections of the Stroneslaney and Ballimore roads was discussed. GN acknowledged this problem and will report back in due course on work to rectify this.


x) The problem of people parking in passing places on the C33 road for camping and access to Loch Voil was discussed. GN advised that this needs to be dealt with when the C33 is upgraded.


xi) The need to rectify damage to Stronvar Bridge and to repair potholes in the bridge tarmac was raised. GN reported that some initial work had been carried out and a further visit was scheduled for 21st


xii) The need to repaint the white lines at the junction of the C33 and the old road at Mhor84 was raised. GN explained that it was difficult to get contractors to do white lines when it was just a small job. He will explore this further.


b) C33 (Balquhidder) road closures. These closures had taken place and, in the event, information signs had been displayed in advance.


  1. Local Bus Service (C60)

Further to item 6 in the minutes of the meeting on 13th September regarding this service being on the point of closure: the matter has been raised with Stirling Council and local councillors.


  1. MacGregor's Landing

No progress report was available at the meeting but, the following day, DCJ circulated a note to all members to advise that all owners of the affected land had now been notified of the reinstatement order and had accepted that they will have to comply with it. Loch Lomond & the Trossachs National Park Authority (LLTNPA) is waiting for more information before deciding how to proceed.


  1. Correspondence

a) Glen Ogle 33 - ultra marathon. No ce of this event has been given by the organisers, Rocket Events Ltd. It will take place on Saturday 4th November and runners are expected to pass through Balquhidder between 09:00 and 10:15 hours that day. The route will follow Cycle Route 7 from Glen Ogle to Mhor 84, then head towards Balquhidder village hall before taking Stroneslaney Road to Strathyre. It was agreed that CB would publicise this locally and on social media.


b) Review of polling districts and places. Stirling Council is currently undertaking a review of polling districts and polling places in the Stirling Council Full details of how to take part are given in a news item on the community council website.


c) Forest access at Stronvar. AP reported having reported this to Dave Robinson (Access Officer, LLTNPA) who will ask Goldcrest Forestry to install a second gate.


d) A84 Callander - planned maintenance. Following a consultation process, work on carriageway resurfacing, and footway improvements will take place on the A84 through Callander between Monday 2nd October and Thursday 23rd November 2023, subject to weather.


e) Lochearnhead Rangers' Office - defibrillator. An enquiry had been received from Hannah Ritchie of the Trossachs Search & Rescue Team regarding the defibrillator located at the Park Rangers' Office in Lochearnhead. She was seeking to establish who owned the equipment, having been informed that it was funded "by the community". Members agreed that it was not owned by the community council but had no knowledge of its true owner. CB offered to contact the BLS Trust about it.


f) School Crossing Patrols in Strathyre. Stirling Council (Children and Young People Committee), had taken a decision to remove all school crossing patrols as a budget saving. Where no other facility to assist in crossing the road is available, a new system will be installed. A patrol officer will remain on site until an alternative facility is available and for four weeks after the installation of any new crossing. Education Officers are liaising with schools to provide a range of resources to support children and families in developing a better understanding of road safety. Members did not know whether such a patrol operated at Strathyre Primary School. The possibility of some linkage with item 4A was discussed but no conclusions were reached.


g) Notification of place profiles. Notification had been received from Stirling Council regarding the compilation of its Local Development Plan for all community council areas, outwith the National Park. This was noted.


h) Balquhidder deer management plan. The Balquhidder Deer Management Group has commissioned a consultant to prepare a plan for its future operations and is now seeking comments from community councils. This was discussed but no relevant concerns were raised.


i) Tayside & Central Scotland regional transport strategy. This is currently in preparation and an online survey would be available un l 27th October for interested parties to make comments.


  1. Planning Matters

No concerns were raised about any current applications.


  1. Co-op on of new community council members

The closing date for submittng expressions of interest in joining the community council is Sunday 29th October 2023.

  1. Matters from Ward Councillors and National Park

No representatives were available to raise any matters.

  1. Any other competent business

a) Local Place Plan Register. AP and CB had noticed that none of the local place plans were listed on the register compiled by LLTNPA and published on their website. It was agreed that he would liaise with DCJ about this.


There was no further business and, at 8:10 p.m., CB declared the meeting to be closed. The next meeting is scheduled to take place at Strathyre Village Hall on Wednesday 6th December at 7:30 p.m.