December 2023 Minutes

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Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre

Community Council Minutes – 6th December 2023


This meeting took place in Strathyre Village Hall at 7:30 p.m. on 6th December 2023. It was

chaired by DCJ.


Present: David Johnston (DCJ), Ruth McLusky (RM), Andrew Poulter (AP), Carolyn

Brooks (CB), Bob Wells (RJW).


Apologies: Webster Inglis (WI), Angus Cameron (AC).


Also Attending: Cllr Gene Maxwell (GM), Stirling Council; PC Heather Campbell, Police

Scotland; Martin Mckenzie (MM), Balquhidder; Paul Hicks (PH), minute-taker.


DCJ welcomed MM to the meeting, explaining that he was interested in becoming a member of the community council. It was agreed that RM would supply him with the appropriate application form.


  1. Approval of minutes from previous meetings

For various reasons, minutes from some previous meetings had not received formal approval and the following sets of minutes were reviewed and approved as follows:

5th April 2023. DCJ proposed that these minutes should be accepted as an accurate record of the meeting. This was seconded by RJW and approved unanimously.

13th September 2023. DCJ proposed that these minutes should be accepted as an accurate record of the meeting. This was seconded by RM and approved unanimously.

25th October 2023. AP proposed that these minutes should be accepted as an accurate record of the meeting. This was seconded by CB and approved unanimously.


  1. Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest by members present.


  1. Police report (26th Oct to 6th Dec 2023)

PC Campbell reported that, during this period, one instance of anti - social behaviour had been reported when two ceramic pots were stolen from an address in Strathyre. In terms of road safety, one offender was reported by police for speeding through Lochearnhead and the road safety camera team also identified a number of speeding offences in Strathyre and Lochearnhead. There were three separate collision incidents, one of which involved an injury that was not life- threatening. Four other traffic-related incidents were recorded, featuring: a vehicle leaking oil, a minor collision with a deer (that ran off afterwards), a broken-down vehicle and an apparently abandoned caravan in a lay-by. One final incident of note was that four walkers required assistance to get down from Beinn a'Chròin, near Crianlarich. The Mountain Rescue Team was requested to help, but not actually deployed, since the walkers managed to get down safely themselves. Police attended to facilitate their return to their own vehicles. PC Campbell added that she was now operating once again from the police house in Lochearnhead, which had been fully refurbished. She mentioned that there had been a report of potential fraud in the area and encouraged everyone to be vigilant and always to check before providing personal details or making payments to unknown callers offering goods or services. She added that Rural Watch Scotland is a quick and user-friendly platform for sharing information about rural crime, known scams and things such as weather-related events. Further information is available at "".

Finally, in relation to the concern about speeding in Strathyre, she commented that she had been speaking with the road safety camera team who had indicated that, should a 20mph speed limit be imposed in Strathyre, their unit would no longer be deployed to that location.

The precise reason for this was not clear, but PC Campbell offered to seek further clarification of the reason for this stance. GM mentioned that Doune and Thornhill community councils also have traffic issues at the top of their agenda.


  1. Matters arising from previous minutes

a) Speeding in Strathyre. RM indicated that Transport Scotland was seeking the views of the community council regarding the imposition of a 20mph speed limit in Strathyre. Notwithstanding the earlier comments, it was generally agreed that this would be supported by local residents and RM agreed to reply accordingly.

With reference to item 10(F) in the minutes of the meeting on 25th October 2023, RM asked whether she should respond to Stirling Council about providing a school crossing in Strathyre in place of a school crossing patrol. RJW pointed out that this would be difficult since there is no footpath at the point where a crossing had previously been requested and it wasn't clear how many children actually need to cross the main road. However, it was eventually agreed that RM should respond and indicate potential support for the construction of a proper pedestrian crossing near the shop in Strathyre.


  1. Dates of meetings for 2024

A schedule of proposed dates for meeting in 2024 had been circulated to all members and everyone present agreed to accept these dates and to publish the document forthwith.


  1. Stirling Council budget cuts

RM reported that thirteen community councils representing rural areas had joined together to lobby against proposed cuts to the Stirling Council budget. The action was being coordinated by Strathard community council. These cuts had the potential to cause irreparable harm to small, rural communities. Decisions on which cuts will need to be made are scheduled to take place at the end of January 2024 and a meeting to discuss the situation had been called for 8th December.

The cuts in services likely to affect rural communities had been identified as:

  • Transport (including schools and Demand Responsive Transport)
  • Nursery and education cover, including special needs
  • Libraries
  • Public toilets
  • Bin collections (from road ends on non-adopted roads)
  • Support to village halls
  • Essential road repairs

All community councils had been asked to review this list and to identify which would have the least impact in their area. Suggestions were also invited regarding proposals on raising additional revenue that could be added to the following list:

  • Increased charging for commercial waste disposals;
  • Increased charges for holidays homes (above the rates under consideration);
  • Charging for abandoned, under-developed properties or sequestration for use for the public good.

GM explained that, in previous years, the approach to proposed cuts in services had begun with a list of all non-statutory services currently supplied by the council. Councillors had then been given the opportunity to remove any services that they deemed to be essential, leaving just a short-list of remaining options that were then put out for public consultation. For some reason, the current list of services to face potential cuts in the next budget had not been "weeded" before being published for consultation. Significantly, many of the current proposals appeared to target rural communities.

GM added that a rescheduling of debt repayments for schools in the previous financial year had released some £27 million pounds of funding for the current year, but this had been distributed under various headings. As a result, there may be more money available in the next financial year but, without increased funding from central government, this situation would not persist.

AP made a plea for public toilets to be considered a priority in our area and this was agreed. DCJ stated that the meeting called by Strathard Community Council would take place on 8th December and he would be attending. Other members were also welcome to attend.


  1. Forestry and timber transport

a) Regarding the proposed extraction of timber at Auchraw Hill, Lochearnhead, DCJ reported that no further developments had been no fied by RTS Forestry since the public meeting in Lochearnhead on 25th October. It was agreed that RM should write to RTS Forestry and request an update on progress.

b) DCJ had also received notification from a company called Fountains Forestry regarding the felling and extraction of timber from Monachyle It was expected that some 1,300 tonnes (amounting to fifty lorry-loads) would be extracted. The company was aware of and would follow the agreed Timber Transport Management Plan. It was agreed that DCJ should respond and invite the company to discuss the details of their proposal.

c) DCJ also reported that there had still been no response from Stirling Council regarding the request for clarification on whether or not funding had been sought for the C33 road in Balquhidder under the terms of the Strategic Timber Transport Scheme.


  1. Collapsed wall beside A84 trunk road in Strathyre

With reference to item 6 from the minutes of the meeting on 25th October 2023, there had been no further news of progress on the work required at this location.


  1. Local Bus Service (C60)

Further to item 6 in the minutes of the meeting on 13th September 2023 regarding this service being on the point of closure: the matter has been raised with Stirling Council and local councillors. GM reported that there are four bus companies involved, each running one bus per day to provide this service. Discussions are ongoing to resolve the problem of a lack of qualified drivers. DCJ commented that this appeared to be a national problem, requiring support and assistance from central government.


  1. Local Roads

DCJ reported that there had not yet been any feedback following the meeting with Stirling Council Roads Department on 2nd October 2023.

(See item 7 on the minutes of 25th October 2023.) His particular concern was that the opportunity to gain funding under the terms of the Strategic Timber Transport Scheme should not be missed. GM offered to take this up personally with the appropriate council officer and DCJ agreed to furnish him with the necessary details.


  1. MacGregor's Landing

AP reported that three plots had just gone up for sale, but they may include the re-sale of previously sold areas. The Loch Lomond & the Trossachs National Park Authority (LLTNPA) had written to all landowners regarding restorative work required and received acknowledgements from all parties, but no further work had taken place to date. DCJ suggested contacting LLTNPA to request an update.


  1. Correspondence

a) Artlink Central had written to publicise an initiative to encourage those living with dementia to get involved with artistic projects of various kinds. Details had been published on the community council website.

b) Learning and Employability in Stirling had written to publicise an initiative to support adults in developing their numeracy skills. Details had been published on the community council website.

c) The National Centre for Resilience had written to publicise the launch of its Community Council Fund, aimed at assisting community councils to develop local resilience plans that address potential, natural hazards such as heavy snow, landslides, high winds, and other disruptive events. A grant of £500 is available.

d) Glen Lednock. DCJ reported having received a notification regarding a scoping proposal for a windfarm at this location, but pointed out that it was outwith the community council's area and unlikely to affect local residents unduly.


  1. Planning Matters

DCJ reported that two planning applications in the area had now been withdrawn. The properties concerned were Rose Cottage in Strathyre and Tigh Na Buith (previously the village shop) in Lochearnhead.


  1. Co-op on of new community council members

RM reported that two new applicants had come forward and, for the time being, no further applications could be processed.


  1. Matters from Ward Councillors and National Park

GM indicated that he had raised all the relevant items on his list at various points earlier in the meeting. No other representatives were available to raise any matters.


  1. Any other competent business

a) St Fillan’s Place Plan. DCJ reported that St Fillan's community council had completed its Place Plan and CB noted that it looked remarkably similar to those of the three local villages. GM mentioned recent changes to planning regulations on flooding and commented that he had enquired whether Stirling Council had made any plans to deal with flooding risks but, to date, had received no response.

b) New 4G masts from EE. Notification had been received from the mobile network operator, EE, regarding proposed sites for two new "high lattice" masts as part of the Shared Rural Network in the "Total Not Spot" programme. One was at the top of Auchraw Hill, Lochearnhead, whilst the other was at Inverlochlarig, Balquhidder. No concerns were raised about either of these sites.

c) The Villagers DCJ noted that this publication had now produced its last edition and this raised a practical problem for the community council because it would no longer be possible to circulate minutes of council meetings until they had been approved by a subsequent meeting. This created a long delay which discouraged local people from taking an interest in its work. Members queried whether minutes could be published in draft. DCJ suggested that, without signatures, the minutes are not valid anyway. Following discussion, it was agreed that minutes which had been provisionally approved by members could be published on the community council website. RM proposed a vote of thanks to the committee of The Villagers for their long-standing commitment to local community life and this was agreed unanimously in heartfelt recognition of their service.

d) St Fillans to Lochearnhead Cycle Path. DCJ reported that plans to continue the development of this path during 2024-25 and 2025-26 had been prepared and approved. Funding for the project is provided by Sustrans but the management of how this funding is disbursed to contractors will now be taken over by the BLS Trust. There are still questions over permission for some stretches of the path, but work will continue on locations where permission has already been given.

e) Balquhidder Village Hall. There is a proposal to make it a "Resilience Hub" and rest centre for all three local villages. DCJ reported that various funding options are currently being pursued to implement this proposal, which is fully supported by the Hall Committee.

f) Play Park at Strathyre. RJW reported that some replacement equipment, requested by local residents, had now been purchased by Stirling Council and arrangements were in hand to install it.

g) Stroneslaney Road parking places. AP asked if there had been any progress on the provision of signs but DCJ responded that there had still been no response from Stirling Council Roads Department about this.


There was no further business and, at 8:45 p.m., DCJ declared the meeting to be closed. The next meeting is scheduled to take place at Balquhidder Village Hall on Wednesday 7th February, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.