April 2022 Minutes

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Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre
Community Council Minutes – 21st April 2021 – A.G.M.
This mee ng took place online via Zoom at 7:30 p.m. on 21st April 2021.
Present: David Johnston (DJ), Angus Cameron (AC), William Dalziel (WD), Andrew
Poulter (AP), Ruth McLusky (RM), Donald McLaren (DM).
Apologies: None.
Cllr Mar n Earl (ME), Cllr Jeremy McDonald (JM), Michelle Flynn (MF), S rling
Council; Alison Calder, Lochearnhead; Mike Lee, Balquhidder; Paul Hicks,

Annual General Meeting
1. Report from the Chair
DJ welcomed everyone to the Annual General Mee ng of the
Community Council for 2021. He recalled that Covid-19 and the
resul ng lock-down meant that the AGM in 2020 had to be cancelled
and this was the first AGM since 5th June 2019. The Council had not
met in person since Wednesday 19th February 2020. However, to be
posi ve, none of these restric ons had prevented members from
con nuing with Community Council business. Mee ngs had taken
place via Zoom and email had also been used to exchange views and
take decisions when necessary. There had been good support from the
three, local Councillors who, quite o#en, had all joined the mee ngs
on Zoom, rather than leaving it to one delegate.
Since the last AGM, Jim Heron had joined the Council but,
unfortunately, Eunice Frame and Jeane!e Stewart had had to stand
down. Eunice had been the Treasurer but, happily, Andrew Poulter
had stepped in and taken on this rôle in conjunc on with his posi on
as Deputy Chair. This le# two vacancies on the Community Council
and, despite adver sing twice for new members, nobody else had
come forward. The much-valued Community Police Officer had been
promoted and moved to other du es but will be replaced by PC
Heather Campbell, who should be moving soon to Lochearnhead. The
Council con nued to have a full agenda of community issues but
members had proved that it was possible to con nue to do business,
even with the Covid restric ons in place. DJ finished by thanking all
the members of the Community Council, the local Councillors and the
officials from the Council and Park who support the work wholeheartedly.
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Taken by Paul Hicks on 21 Apr 2021 - A
Balquhidder, Lochearnhead & Strathyre
Community Council Minutes – 21st April 2021 – A.G.M.
Item Content Ac on
2. Report from the Treasurer
AP stated that, due to the pandemic, his report was to cover the
period from April 2019 to March 2021. As well as the normal grant
from Stirling Council, the Community Council had received a special
payment to cover Covid-related expenditure and this had been spent
on sanitiser stations for the three village halls, that were normally
used for Council mee ngs. Normal expenditure pa!erns had changed,
with village hall rentals being replaced by a Zoom licence, but the
balance remained sa sfactory. Eunice Frame had stood down as
Treasurer in 2020 and AP had been Ac ng Treasurer since then. In
conclusion, he stated that he was happy to con nue as Treasurer if
duly elected.
3. Presentation and adoption of accounts
AP reported that the balance in April 2019 was £1,841.35 whilst the
balance at 31st March 2021 stood at £2,204.76. Currently, it s ll stands
at just over £2,000. He added that there were now only two cheque
signatories and another is needed, but this will be addressed in the
coming weeks. DJ proposed that the accounts should be adopted and
this was seconded by RM. The mo on was passed unanimously.
4. Electioon of officers for 2021-2022
DJ then stood aside and JM took over as chair of the meeting. The
following people were then proposed and seconded for named posts
in the coming term of the Community Council:
Chair: DJ nominated by AC and seconded by WD.
Vice-Chair: AP nominated by DJ and seconded by RM.
Treasurer: AP nominated by RM and seconded by WD.
Secretary: RM nominated by AP and seconded by DJ.
Planning: DJ nominated by WD and seconded by AP.
In each case, the nominated person was elected unanimously.
5. Approval of previous minutes of AGM on 5th June 2019
It was proposed by DJ and seconded by AP, that the minutes of the
annual general mee ng on 5th June 2019 at Strathyre Village Hall
should be accepted and this was approved unanimously.

Taken by Paul Hicks on 21 Apr 2021 - A