September 2024 Minutes

Minutes of meeting 5th September 2024

Present: Craig Potter (Vice Chair), Alison Limbert (Secretary), Fiona Shaw (Member), , Alasdair Street (Member), Chelsea McKinnon (Co-optee), Laura Shaw (Minutes)

Apologies: Stuart Freckingham (Chair), Stuart Duffy (Proposed Co-optee), Sue Bell (Treasurer)

In Attendance: Cllr Rosemary Fraser

2) Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting

The Minutes from the meeting on 1st August 2024 were proposed by Alison Limbert and seconded by Alasdair Street.

3) Matters Arising

Millennium benches

Craig and Alasdair have looked at and carried out a visual condition assessment of the millennium benches. Overall they are in reasonable condition, some may need minor repair/maintenance in the future. Alasdair will circulate to BCC members a spreadsheet with details of each bench and will add ‘what3words’ locations to pinpoint where the benches currently are. A potential source of funding to apply for to cover the material costs of upkeep of the benches is the Stirling Council ‘Community Pride grant’ fund.. Action: AS

Clachan Oak

An elder and sycamore tree are growing within the Clachan Oak. This has been reported to the council. The tree has a tree preservation order. BCC will seek advice on what can be done from volunteers (Chelsea will contact the orchard group) and from Stirling Council.. Action: CM

Christmas tree lights

The warm white Christmas tree lights BCC wishes to purchase are still not in stock. Alison will check the stock availability in advance of the next monthly meeting.

Action: AL

Community orchard

The community orchard will run an Apple Day on 19th October 2024. The group has asked to borrow tables and event shelters from BCC for the Apple Day. The group has also applied for funding for tools and asked to use the BCC storage facility. BCC agreed to both requests. There are three trees with ‘dieback’ and the group has asked for these to be removed by Stirling Council and other trees to be trimmed.

Log of incidents reported to Stirling Council

It was suggested that BCC members create a log of incidents reported to Stirling Council along with the reference number and track the responses.

4) Declarations of Interest


5) Co-option to Balfron Community Council

It was agreed by BCC members to co-opt Chelsea McKinnon to the Community Council.

6) Projects

Active Places

The bollards at the Clachan have been installed. The line markings identifying where cars should wait to exit the Coop car park have still not been repainted following the Active Places works. Cllr Fraser has reported this and will follow up on this.

7) Police Report

Anti-Social behaviour

A report of threatening behaviour was received whereby a local resident received a phone call, the caller was extremely abusive and threatening towards them over the phone. Enquiries are still ongoing.

There were several incidents reported whereby local residents have been charged in relation to assaults on each other. One sustained a significant injury. This occurred on the footpath on Buchanan Street. A full report has been submitted to the PF.

Incidents of Note

Please keep in mind that there have been a number of attempted house breakings in other villages and remember to stay vigilant and report any suspicious activity.

8) Elected Councillor's report

Summer recess has ended and there is a new Chief Executive of Stirling Council. The Council is challenging the 2022/23 account audit due to excess fees requested. The

2024 account audit is underway. A new Chief Finance Officer has also been recruited and is due to start.

There is a review underway on winter provisions for gritting but this ward will be unaffected. Members of the community can request hi-vis vests and shovels to grit roads that would not otherwise be done by the council. Residents are also encouraged to clear the sections of pavement outside their house. The Council team is also attempting to clear drains to help prevent flooding. BCC will receive a map to consult the council on identifying the priority roads and issues.

9) Treasurer report

Festive-ALL have raised a total of £6043 to date, including a £1500 donation from Arnold Clark Community Fund. Payments have been made on their behalf for the survey and adaption of the lamp posts and for 9 Christmas lights. The lights will go from the Post Office to the Library, effectively from one Christmas tree to the other.

The Phone Box Food Exchange budget is down to £10 now, the Market Fresh order (weekly delivery of fruit & vegetable) has been cancelled pending receipt of the last installment from this year’s Co-op Local Causes funding.

The invoice from Endrick Trading for the storage facility has been received. The BCC agreed to continue to pay for the storage facility that houses the Christmas tree lights, pop-up banners, tables, gazebos, etc.

10) Planning report

A number of applications have been submitted in the last month.

  1. Replacement of existing timber garage with new garage and garden store at 10 Roman Road. BCC has no comments.
  2. Alterations to bay window to form french doors with raised patio and steps to garden, reinstate existing blocked up doorway to form full height window and reconfigure glazing to Utility at rear at 2 Clachan Spoker's Loan (24/00511/FUL).
  3. Proposed double garage at 7 Burns Begg Crescent (24/00497/FUL). BCC has no comments.
  4. Free standing non-Illuminated directional sign on roadside to inform customers of new Veterinary Practice based in Balfron Business Hub (24/00485/ADV). BCC has no comments.
  5. Balfron Golf Club (24/00409/FUL) proposes a 320sqm Solar Farm - 11.25Kw output to support the Clubhouse and ground engineering operations required to form level platforms onsloping site for photovoltaic panels.

BCC Comment: It is a relatively small solar proposal, which is about 3x the typical domestic installation (4kW). The installed capacity is proposed as 11.25kW. Good to see the Golf Club doing this. Interesting that they are not including any battery storage, which would be useful to them. The ground mounted system seems to be in a good location near to the club house and BCC support this application.

11) Chair’s report

A book group in Balfron is proposing to hold a Book Festival in Balfron from 4-7th September 2025. They have a committee of volunteers to organise it, raise funding, liaise with Stirling Council regarding planning, risk assessments and insurance. They are exploring a number of events and targeting a wide audience of children, adults, young adults and men. Events could include readings, book sales, creative writing and illustration workshops and a Literary Scarecrow trail. If you would like to volunteer, please email and we can connect you to the committee.

Balfron High is proposing to apply for the Arnold Clark Community Grant to fund a minibus to take pupils to sports events and which could also be used by community groups. They wish to meet with BCC to discuss their proposal and Craig suggested that this could be discussed as part of the Local Place Plan event on 6 October to understand wider community needs.

12) Local Place Plan

The consultants have been selected to lead the Local Place Plan. BCC agreed to sign the appointment letter, with amendments or clarifications on points 3.4 and 6.1. Cllr Fraser advises that there is a small extension (1-2 months) for the Local Place Plan submissions. All community organisations and individuals will have the opportunity to contribute to the Balfron Local Place Plan. It is intended that the launch day will take place on Sunday 6th October at Balfron High School.

13) AOB


14) Next meeting 3rd October 2024 at 7:30pm in Balfron High School.