October 2024 Minutes

Minutes of meeting 3rd October 2024

Present: Stuart Freckingham (Chair), Craig Potter (Vice Chair), Alison Limbert

(Secretary), Fiona Shaw (Member), Chelsea McKinnon (Co-optee), Stuart Duffy

(Proposed Co-optee), Sue Bell (Treasurer), Alasdair Street (Member), Laura Shaw


Apologies: None

In Attendance: Cllr Rosemary Fraser, Brian Docherty, Marco Rea and Lavinia

2) Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting

The Minutes from the meeting on 5th September 2024 were proposed by FIona Shaw

and seconded by Craig Potter.

3) Matters Arising

Millennium benches

Alasdair has created a Word document with the maintenance assessment of each of the

millennium benches. Overall they are in reasonable condition, some may need minor

repair/maintenance in the future. The Word document is to be uploaded to the BCC

Google Drive. Action: AS

Clachan Oak

Chelsea contacted the community orchard group about the elder and sycamore tree

growing inside the Clachan Oak. They advised that it is fine to leave it as part of the

tree’s ecosystem. It was discussed that the tree could be added to a registry (Tree

Heritage) for further guidance and protection of the tree. Stuart F will contact Stirling

Council for a second opinion. Action: SF

Christmas tree lights

The warm white Christmas tree lights BCC wishes to purchase are due to be in stock

from 10th October. Alison will check in on this. Action: AL

Community orchard

The community orchard will run Apple Day on 19th October 2024. There are three trees

with ‘dieback’ and the group has asked for these to be removed by Stirling Council and

other trees to be trimmed. The Council advised these are left to foster immunity.

Community Minibus

Stuart D has emailed to gain more understanding about the proposed initiative. He will

update the meeting once more is known. Action: SD

Funding for music workshops

The meeting was attended by Brian Docherty, Marco Rea & Lavinia to discuss their

proposed music workshops for young people. These workshops were delivered in 8

week blocks after school and have been previously run in Balfron. The group is seeking

funding to get this set up again as prior funding streams are unavailable. They currently

run Pump Up the Jam in Stirling, as well as one-to-one sessions. BCC advised that they

contact Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise for advice on becoming a charitable

organisation and this would enable them to apply for grant funding. They also

suggested that they input to https://www.placecheck.info/app/maps/balfron for there

to be facilities in Balfron to deliver creative courses.

4) Declarations of Interest


5) Co-option to Balfron Community Council

It was agreed by BCC members to co-opt Stuart Duffy to the Community Council.

6) Projects

Active Place

The Co-op car park lines still need to be painted.

7) Police Report

Anti-Social behaviour

A report of threatening behaviour was received whereby a local resident received a

voice message which was of a threatening and abusive nature. The perpetrator has

been charged and a report has been sent to the PF.


A report of an assault was received whereby a local resident had their money stolen

and was thereafter assaulted within Endrick Gardens woods. They were assaulted by

known associates. All persons involved have been charged and a report has been sent

to the PF.

Road Safety

A local resident has had their vehicle damaged whilst parked near to Balfron High

School. The driver has failed to stop or report the accident to the police. Enquires are

still ongoing to identify the driver.

Incidents of Note

Please keep in mind that there have been a number of attempted house breakings in

other villages and remember to stay vigilant and report any suspicious activity.

8) Elected Councillor's report

Cllr Fraser updated the meeting. The full council meeting will meet this week for the first

time since May. The budget is to be decided - the majority of the budget is spent on

statutory requirements. The Council is due to receive Leveling Up funding to redevelop

the former MoD site near the Vue Cinema in Stirling. Proposed plans include housing

development, including social housing, a civic square and green spaces. The plan also

includes a large film production campus with a digital hub and educational facilities for

creative learning (University of Stirling, Forth Valley College and Stirling Council). This

would help support income generation and jobs in the area. The finalised Forthside

masterplan and design guide can be viewed under Item 8 in the agenda for full

meeting of Stirling Council on 10 October, 2024.

9) Treasurer report

Transactions since the last meeting are as follows. BCC has received an additional £60

of donations for the Festiv-ALL lights, grants from FEL for £500 for the Local Place

Plan, and £340 for the Community Orchard. Payments have been made for the storage

facility at Endrick Trading and for last month's minutes.

10) Planning report

There have been three planning applications approved this month. This includes the

new solar farm and new clubhouse at Balfron Golf Club (24/00409/FUL), a new single

story extension to a house at 25 Spoker’s Loan (24/00472/FUL), and a free-standing

non-illuminated directional sign for the Veterinary Practice at Dunkeld Court


Planning Applications can be found at



11) Chair’s report

Residents are encouraged to fill out the following survey about the future of

Stirlingshire’s libraries by 1st November:


12) Local Place Plan

‘Celebrate Balfron’ event happening on Sunday 6th October, 10am-3pm. Everyone is

encouraged to complete the Place Check survey (by 1st November) to inform our Local

Place Plan and tell us what you like, dislike and want to change about the village:


13) AOB

The defibrillator was used outside the Saffron, and the pads will need to be replaced. It

is understood that the Trossachs Search and Rescue will organise this and it will be

paid for by BCC.

14) Next meeting 7th November 2024 at 7:30pm in Balfron High School.