March 2024 Minutes

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Minutes of meeting 7th March 2024


Present: Stuart Freckingham (Chair), Craig Potter (Vice Chair), Fiona Shaw (BCC Member), Sue Bell (Treasurer), Alison Limbert (Secretary), Laura Shaw (minutes) Apologies: Claudia Duncan (BCC Member), Alisdair Street (BCC Member)

In Attendance: Cllr Rosemary Fraser, Chelsea McKinnon (visitor), Laura Elder (visitor), J Clarke (visitor), George Harvey (visitor)


2)  Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting

The Minutes from the meeting on 1st February 2024 were proposed by Fiona Shaw and seconded by Sue Bell.


3)  Matters Arising

Christmas Tree Lights

Laura Elder (Chair of Balfron Festive-ALL) updated the meeting. An initial meeting has been held with the committee of 9 members of the community. A constitution has been established; a Facebook group and email address have been set up. Posters and banners have been created to promote the initiative. The committee is also setting up a bank account for fundraising. The group will be responsible for all contact with the Council, engineers etc and are enquiring about public liability insurance. It is intended that the Christmas lights will be leased for 4-5 years initially. The committee has discussed taking on the responsibility for the existing Christmas tree lights facilitated by BCC. The committee thanked BCC for their support so far and will keep BCC updated with progress.


Strathendrick Care Home

A resident asked about the status of the care home. The site is owned by Stirling Council; they are currently conducting an asset review of the estate and a decision has not yet been made about the future of the site. Cllr Fraser is going to ask Stirling Council for an update.                                                                           Action: Cllr Fraser


4)  Declarations of Interest



5)  Projects


Balfron Active Places

Since the previous meeting, the Donaldson Loan path connecting Buchanan Street and Endrick Gardens is complete. The top grassy area is yet to be complete with a path and Balfron Pathways intend to install this when funding allows.

The work to reinstate the hump at the pedestrian crossing at The Clachan is scheduled for 25th March; other work will include re-tarmacing. The council is proposing to put bollards at The Clachan to stop drivers driving on the flowerbeds. A final audit of Balfron Active Places is to be carried out.

A resident noted that markings in the Co-op car park are no longer visible, particularly in disabled bays. Cllr Fraser has registered this complaint through the Stirling Council portal.



6)  Police Report

A vandalism has been recorded in relation to a vehicle being ‘keyed’. The vehicle has since been targeted again a few weeks later receiving another large scratch. Enquiries are ongoing to trace the person/s responsible. Further information has been received that young persons have gained entry into the old Strathendrick Care Home. Police attended and found an insecurity to the building. Stirling Council were advised, and arrangements were made to secure the building.


7)  Elected Councillor’s report

Stirling Council agreed the 2024/25 Budget. 98 saving proposals were accepted. These include: increases to the garden waste charge and parking charges; the removal of funding for events like Open Streets and Stirling’s Hogmanay; a reduction in grant funding to groups such as Citizen’s Advice, Stirling Community Enterprise, Stirling Voluntary Enterprise and Sistema; a reduction in the libraries budget (but no closures), the redesign and restructure of a number of services; and the removal of the P5 primary school swimming programme. The majority of the budget is spent on statutory provision (e.g. social care).

Key information: dented-financial-pressures/

Agenda for Budget Meeting:


In addition, Cllr Fraser has received an update that two zebra crossings are to be installed at Balfron Campus by the end of July.


8)  Treasurer report


Sue updated the meeting. An application has been submitted for funding for new lights for the Christmas tree at the Tontine; a decision is expected on 13th March. The asset list has been agreed by BCC. Insurance cover for this year includes public liability insurance for Community Council activities, asset insurance, and public liability insurance for community groups activities; the community orchard, the phone box food exchange and Balfron in Bloom. Unfortunately, the admin grant received from Stirling Council can no longer cover the cost of public liability insurance for community group activities.


9)  Planning report (including Local Place Place process)


Three applications have been received. Erection of a new dwellinghouse and garage including drainage arrangements (23/00634/FUL, Old Manse Stables Station Road Balfron G63 0SX. Note that even though this was a 2023 application, the application was not validated until the 31st January 2024. Comments have been submitted on this application relating to:

  1. Orientation of the proposed building not been aligned with the main road;
  2. Increased traffic and the need for a safe route to school for residents of the new development;
  3. If this proposed new dwelling could be considered as an affordable house, as this is the fourth house in the new development at the Old Manse (3 houses having been built already).


There will be a planning appeal scheduled for the 19th March relating to an application (22/00384/FUL) we have previously commented upon in 2022. This is for the erection of 8 number cylindrical tanks and installation of associated shipping containers for the purposes of forming an algae manufacturing facility and associated works at Claylands Balfron G63 0RR. The planning appeal relates to just one aspect of the proposed development, which is the hours of operation. The developer is of the view that the hours of operation as proposed would make the development unviable, so the appeal is to propose that the condition on restricted hours be removed. Stirling Council Planning Officer is of the view, following discussion with the applicant, that the condition on restricted hours is not necessary in this case.


Lastly, an application has been received proposing replacement of Antennae to telecommunication mast at Hill of Balgair near Fintry (24/00135/NSM). BCC has no comment.


Local Place Plan


Online meeting to be convened for BCC to discuss the process of preparing a local place plan.


10)  Chair’s report

Stuart received a report of increased speeding at the bottom of the village from a resident.


11)  Ownership of bus shelter outside Balfron Health Centre

BCC agreed that the ownership of the bus shelter does not belong to BCC and it does not appear on the asset list.


12)  AOB

Alison attended the recent Donaldson Trust meeting. BCC agreed to gather ideas from the community on enhancements to the playparks. There is a small amount of funding available for spending in the upcoming financial year.


Presentation by Ewan Prentice, Strategic Energy Coordinator at Stirling Council to be rescheduled to an alternative date. The format will be online as there isn’t guest wifi at the meeting room in Balfron High School.


  • Next meeting 4th April 2024 at 7:30pm in Balfron High