April 2024 Minutes

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Minutes of meeting 4th April 2024


Present: Stuart Freckingham (Chair), Craig Potter (Vice Chair), Sue Bell (Treasurer), Claudia Duncan (BCC Member), Laura Shaw (minutes)

Apologies: , Alisdair Street (BCC Member), Fiona Shaw (BCC Member), Alison Limbert (Secretary)

In Attendance: Cllr Paul Henke, PC Matt McCammon (Police Scotland, Visitor), Hamish Taylor (Visitor), Stuart Duffy (Visitor)


2)  Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting

The Minutes from the meeting on 7th March 2024 were proposed by Craig Potter and seconded by Claudia Duncan.


3)  Matters Arising

Local Place Plan

A subgroup has been set up to establish the Local Place Plan. Craig has spoken to Planning Aid Scotland to discuss the initial public consultation. The Local Place Plan is designed to influence decisions on land and buildings (e.g. what the community would like to protect, what would the village look like in 10 years). Other matters could be considered in a Community Action Plan. There was a suggestion to contact other community councils to understand their consultation process and involve the high school, Brownies, Cubs etc during the consultation process to hear the voices of young people in the community.


4)  Declarations of Interest



5)  Projects

Active Places

The resurfacing of the carriageway at The Clachan has been finished. The road markings are to be redone. The flowerbeds at the war memorial have been damaged due to driving. Craig has asked whether bollards could be installed at the crossing on Spoker’s Loan. There will be opportunity to discuss any snagging issues with SusTrans before the work is deemed fully complete (e.g. painting double yellow lines). It was


asked who is responsible for enforcing the ban on parking on pavements; this is the responsibility of the council.



We have a small value fund available for enhancements to the play provision at the parks. Ideas we have heard are buying toys for the sandpit, signage for a nature trail and we are interested to hear more suggestions. A replacement for the vandalised basket swing has been ordered by Stirling Council. You are welcome to suggest ideas both big and small in scale. Please send ideas to hello@balfroncc.org.uk.



We have received funding from the Co-op of approximately £850 for the phonebox.


6)  Police Report

PC Matt McCammon updated the meeting on reports from the last month. The report will be published on the BCC website.

Anti-social behaviour

A person has been arrested for entering Balfron Police Station while brandishing a knife and issuing threats. They were taken to Falkirk Police Station and Cautioned and charged with the offence. The person appeared at Court the following day.

A report has been received of a person shouting, swearing, and issuing threats of violence towards another. Efforts are still ongoing to trace the person responsible.


A vandalism has been recorded in relation to a vehicle being ‘keyed’. This is the second time the vehicle has been targeted. Enquiries are ongoing to trace the person/s responsible.


A bogus workman type scam has been recorded after two persons attended at an address in Balfron. They advised the occupant they had carried out work in the local area and that the occupants’ roof needed work done. The occupant agreed to the work and paid the cost quoted. The suspects returned the next day and advised the occupant that further work needed to be carried out to another section of the roof. The occupant agreed to the work and paid a larger sum of money via bank transfer. The suspects thereafter left and didn’t return. One of the suspects has been identified (Eco Property Care) and a warrant has been sought for his arrest.


7)  Elected Councillor’s report

Cllr Henke updated the meeting. There has been no decision made about the future of the registry office and whether or not the building will remain as a registry office. The council has suggested that the community initiate ideas for its potential use; the Local


Place Plan could inform this decision. Cllr Henke is awaiting response from the Council regarding the future use of Strathendrick House; currently, there are no proposed plans. Stirling Council confirmed in November 2023 that their housing department initiated a feasibility study on the site which will presumably be made publicly available in the future. Cllr Henke also made the meeting aware of the funding available from the Clackmannanshire & Stirling Environmental Trust for community projects (e.g. the war memorial, Christmas tree lights etc); this will be explored by the BCC.


8)  Treasurer report

Sue updated the meeting. We are awaiting the funding grant for the Christmas tree lights; this funding is due imminently. Sue will be reviewing the end of year accounts ahead of the AGM.


9)  Planning report

One application has been received for a dwellinghouse at Hillhead Brae (24/00194/FUL). The application is for a first floor extension to the dwellinghouse including new dormer windows and rooflights to front and rear and new window on west gable end at Hope Hill. BCC does not have any comments currently.


There have also been two applications approved with conditions, including the change of use from Business Use (Class 4) to Community Gym (Class 11) with mezzanine floor at Unit 5 Balfron (23/00735/FUL). The erection of 8 number cylindrical tanks and installation of associated shipping containers for the purposes of forming an algae manufacturing facility and associated works at Claylands (22/00384/FUL) has also been approved with conditions.


10)  Chair’s report

Stuart updated the meeting. William Derrick, chairperson of Stirling Tenant Assembly (STA) has contacted the BCC to help him reach out to local council house tenants who may wish to join this group. The STA act as a collective voice for Stirling Council tenants and is made up of tenants from all over the Stirling Council area. If this is of interest to you please contact William Derrick directly on william.derrick56@gmail.com or the BCC at hello@balfroncc.org.uk and we can pass on your details.


Stirling Council has also contacted Stuart regarding the anti-violence against women ‘White Ribbon’ campaign. They have coasters/beer mats available that promote the campaign. Stuart will contact the landlords of the two pubs.                                                                              Action: SF


Stuart attended the ‘Informed Communities’ meeting for community councils in Stirling. These are held quarterly and help to inform the council on how they can help community councils.


11)  AOB

There was discussion about the booking system at the recycling centre and whether it is still fit for purpose. Cllr Henke will ask the council whether the booking system can be removed, however it was noted that this is unlikely due to additional booking measures put in place at other Stirling recycling centres recently.                                                                          Action: Cllr Henke


Craig has been in talks with the council about the use of energy and carbon emissions in the village. He has received aggregated data via a ‘heat map’ on energy use in the village. Such data could be used in the Local Place Plan. It was also highlighted that in Killearn, the community council has discussed community installation of energy efficient measures (solar panels, insulation, etc) to do several houses at once instead of one house; this would be cost and time efficient.


  • Next meeting 2nd May 2024 at 7:30pm in Balfron High