September 2023 Minutes

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Minutes of meeting 7th September 2023

Present: Stuart Freckingham (Chair), Craig Potter (Vice Chair), Alison Limbert (Secretary), Alasdair Street, Sue Bell (Treasurer), Fiona Shaw
Apologies: Claudia Duncan, Laura Shaw (Minutes)
In Attendance: Cllr Paul Henke

2) Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting
The Minutes from the meeting on 1 August were proposed by Fiona Shaw and seconded by Alasdair Street.

3) Matters Arising
Strathendrick Care Home – There has been no update from Stirling Council since 6th March. Cllr Henke to follow up on previous action. Stuart to seek update. Action: SF
Cycle Training for School Age Children – Member of the community pursuing having Stirling Bike Club deliver skills training at Donaldson Park. Contact details passed to him for Donaldson Trust.
Equipment owned by Balfron CC – the staging owned by Balfron CC was recently used at the Balfron Bash. This is no longer required by the CC. Suggestion is to gift the staging to Balfron Rovers for their events. Ladders owned by Balfron CC to be returned and a location sought to store them at. Action: SF
Big Conversation –There was a consultation event held at Balfron Library on 5 September. The Big Conversation is to inform how the Council can achieve £13m of savings from its budget. Next local event is at Strathblane Library on 18 September between 3-5pm. Details at . Cllr Henke to follow up how the community is consulted on these savings: Action: Cllr Henke

4) Declarations of Interest
Sue Bell declared an interest in the matter of the invoice for the storage container (item 8). Paul Henke declared an interest in the matter of the path at Lane (item 5a)

5) Projects
a. Balfron Active Places
Yellow lines still to be placed outside of hairdressers (opposite Cotton St). As we were discussing the issue someone made a complaint about the new parking arrangement outside the post office/hairdresser and the new V shaped pavement. Craig B said he would look at it with his team to see if any improvement could be made. Craig B agreed that a small 'No Parking' sign will be placed on the wall next to the entrance of the Tontine Corner.
Bin still to be moved and Millenium Benches to be placed at Tontine Corner in the next few weeks. They will be in touch with Peter Craig directly to move the benches. Christmas tree hole and electrical connection still be completed. Marco could not explain why trees at back of Tontine Corner (conifer and cherry tree had not been removed). Marco will contact contractor to find out and then complete the work in due course. Equally he is unclear why birch tree at corner of spinner street was not trimmed. He will get back to us. Line marking outside the coop to be improved. Zig Zag lines to be extended outside Coop to prevent parking and improve safety. Middle zig zag to be removed to indicate only one lane traffic at Pedestrian crossing point. Balfron Community Council sign wobbly and to be redone. Ramp to Buchanan Street leading to Greek Thompson Road to be looked at to prevent damage to cars and roadway. Marco or Craig B to contact Fire Station to discuss the issue. Bin outside library to be moved from centre of the area. To be moved toward lower planter ensuring continued use by schoolchildren. Sustrans still to make decision on Donaldson Lane path. Marco to push for a decision before contractors leave. Craig B has some concern on permission to complete path at top end. I said I would liaise with Colin Cameron/Tim Edwards to find out what legal arrangements are in place for this area. Work looks now as if it will be completed by mid-October (final work will be the resurfacing and remedial work at the Clachan). Bollards at the lower entrance to the village have now been reinstated. Orange temporary barriers have been removed.
b. War memorial
No update
c. Phone box
No update
d. Community orchard
See update appended to the minutes.

6) Police Report
An update on various anti-social behaviour primarily involving young persons, road safety violations and the welcome news of no reported thefts this month in the Balfron area.

7) Elected Councillor’s report
Speeding – Cllr Henke suggested the implementation of Community Speed Watch ( ) to reduce the speed of cars travelling through the village. The scheme requires volunteers to purchase and be trained on
the use of a speed camera. Anyone interested to investigate the feasibility of a scheme for Balfron, email

8) Treasurer report
It was agreed to continue this year with the storage container service that holds Balfron CC and community groups’ equipment.
Balfron CC to seek funding to pay for refreshments for the Christmas tree light switch on event.

9) Planning report
a. Shearers Garage, Buchanan Street – There have been four comments received on the application (including BCC's). Two objections focus on disturbance, increased usage and potential effects on nearby housing.
b. New Veterinary Practice (Balfron Business Hub), Dunkeld Court – There have been two comments received on the application. One was from the Transport Development Team in relation to the potential impact of increased traffic use; they are is satisfied that the increased traffic use can be accommodated. Scottish Wildlife Trust submitted a comment in relation to Bats, but it is not relevant given the structure of the building.
Planning Applications can be found at

10) Chair’s report
No update

11) Defibrillators
There are 5 defibrillators in Balfron (inc Balfron Station). They are located at Balfron High School, phone box in Balfron Station, Coach House pub, Balfron Bus Station, Balfron Bowling Club. There is no ownership of those at Balfron Station and Coach House Pub. Balfron CC to seek funding to cover the cost of replacement pads for these two defibrillators. Action: SF and AL

12) AOB
A mini-festival is taking place next month to celebrate Balfron’s 720th anniversary. Details of the events can be found at

13) Next meeting 5th October 2023 at 7:30pm in Balfron High School.