October 2023 Minutes

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Minutes of meeting 5th October 2023

Present: Craig Potter (Vice Chair), Alison Limbert (Secretary), Sue Bell (Treasurer), Fiona Shaw, Alasdair Street, Claudia Duncan, Laura Shaw (Minutes)
Apologies: Stuart Freckingham (Chair)
In Attendance: Cllr Rosemary Fraser

2) Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting
The Minutes from the meeting on 7th September 2023 were proposed by Fiona Shaw and seconded by Alison Limbert.

3) Matters Arising
Balfron CC owned ladders have been returned.

4) Declarations of Interest

5) Projects
Balfron Active Places
The works are now largely finished, with final work expected to be complete this month (e.g. resurfacing at The Clachan, replacement of the speed bump, and fixes to kerbs). It was suggested that BCC to draw up a ‘snagging list’ to make note of issues such as the road markings at the Coop carpark exit and dismantling of the old noticeboard. Craig will ask the project team to remove the noticeboard. Action: CP
Enabling work is scheduled for this month, to allow the fence to be removed on the route between Buchanan Street and Endrick Gardens. Discussions are progressing with Sustrans on funding a new surface for this path (funding available to be spent this financial year). The meeting also discussed that this path would come to an end onto a grassy area near Endrick Gardens. Craig is to investigate the ownership of this grass to see if a path can be added through it to connect with the existing path.Action: CP

6) Police Report
The police report is available on the Balfron Community Council website and noticeboards. The September 2023 report details that one person was issued a recording police warning in relation to threatening and abusive behaviour. There are two further reports relating to threatening and abusive behaviour; there are ongoing enquiries to trace the suspect. Vandalism to a vehicle was also reported (smashed side window); enquiries are ongoing. There was a two-car road traffic collision; two people were treated for minor injuries. There was a road traffic collision between a car and motorcycle; no injuries were recorded. No thefts were recorded.

7) Elected Councillor’s report
Cllr Fraser updated the meeting. Note of the Big Conversation consultation to inform Stirling Council budgetary decisions. There is an ongoing waste collection and
disposal review (e.g. bin collection days and booking systems for recycling centres to ensure local resident use only). Stirling Council is also reviewing current pathway connections to understand what is currently fit for purpose, keep existing paths maintained, and develop new links.

8) Treasurer report
Since last meeting BCC have made payments to Endrick Trading for the storage space and paid reimbursements for wood for the Millennium benches and a hosepipe for Balfron in Bloom. Stirling Council have agreed to pay for the Millennium benches repair, but we have yet to receive any payment from them. We have also received a £350 donation from Balfron 10k for maintenance of the defibrillators at Balfron Station and the Saffron. Many thanks to the Balfron 10k committee for this generous donation. It was also suggested that the BCC draw a list of core business expenditure and another for projects. Concerns were raised regarding the asset insurance premium for this year. Cllr Fraser to seek advice on this. Action: Cllr Fraser

9) Planning report
No applications received. There has been no decision made on Shearers Garage. The conversion of business units (Dunkeld Court) to a veterinary practice has been approved.
Planning Applications can be found at https://www.stirling.gov.uk/planning-and-building/planning/view-and-comment-on-planning-applications/.

10) Chair’s report
Craig updated the meeting. He received a report of trees at Dunkeld Court blocking a resident’s view. There was also a report of blocked drains; the resident was directed to the Stirling Council website to report the issue. There has been no update received concerning the Strathendrick Care Home from Cllr Henke.

11) Community Christmas tree lights switch on
The community council has received confirmation of funding for refreshments at the community Christmas tree switch on. The switch on of the lights will take place on Saturday 9th December at the Tontine Corner. Another tree will be located by the library. Programme to be developed.

12) Ideas for reducing speeding of motorists
See appendix for update.

13) ‘Big Conversation’
The Big Conversation is to inform how the Council can achieve £13m of savings from its budget. Suggestions thus far include asset sharing (e.g. dual-purpose buildings) and better use of existing resources. More information can be found here: https://www.stirling.gov.uk/council-andcommittees/budget/big-conversation/

14) McLintock Hall open event on 21st October 2023
An open event hosted by the trustees of the McLintock Hall will take place between 12-2pm on 21st October to showcase the hall’s clubs and societies.

15) AOB
A mini-festival is taking place this month to celebrate Balfron’s 720th anniversary. Tickets for events can be purchased from the library (cash or cheque only). Details of the events can be found at https://balfronheritage.org.uk/720-years-of-balfron/

16) Next meeting 2nd November at 7:30pm in Balfron High School.