November 2023 Minutes

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Minutes of meeting 2nd November 2023

Present: Stuart Freckingham (Chair), Craig Potter (Vice Chair), Alison Limbert (Secretary), Sue Bell (Treasurer), Fiona Shaw, Alasdair Street, Laura Shaw (Minutes)
Apologies: Claudia Duncan, Cllr McGarvey
In Attendance: Cllr Paul Henke, Laura Elder
2) Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting
The Minutes from the meeting on 5th October 2023 were proposed by Fiona Shaw and seconded by Craig Potter.
3) Matters Arising
Strathendrick Care Home – Cllr Henke updated the meeting that he has lodged a request to meet with the planning department at Stirling Council to discuss Strathendrick Care Home. Cllr Henke is to arrange a meeting with BCC and Stirling Council. A resident raised concerns over status of property, antisocial behaviour, deterioration of the building and land ownership. Action: Cllr Henke
Stirling Council budget savings -
The next round of drop-in sessions for Stirling Council’s Big Conversation is happening through November. There will be a drop-in session at Balfron High School on Wednesday 15th November, 6-7:30pm. Craig will attend and update the December meeting. More dates and details can be found here:
4) Declarations of Interest
Cllr Henke with the path discussed in item 5b.
5) Projects
a. Christmas lights – A resident has suggested that Balfron could have Christmas lights on lampposts (as seen in other villages). BCC will contact Stirling Council and investigate feasibility surrounding permission for installation and connection to power the lights. The resident suggested that the Christmas lights could be paid for through a
fundraiser/crowdfunding for Christmas 2024. It has been noted that support from residents has been voiced on Facebook. Action: SF
b. Balfron Active Places – The Clachan work is due to commence on 13th November. The Donaldson Loan path (between Buchanan Street and Endrick Gardens) has received a promise of funding. There were concerns raised around timelines ahead of the funding ending in March 2024. SusTrans are to make a decision around whether the work on the path will go ahead. Craig will maintain communication with SusTrans and will update the BCC accordingly. Action: CP
c. War Memorial - Alisdair updated the meeting on the repairs required to the war memorial. Discussion to be held on reviewing the scope and price of the quotes received. Action: AS
6) Police Report
Report received regarding a male shouting and swearing on Buchanan Street, Balfron this has been recorded as Section 38 of the Criminal Justice & Licencing (Scotland) Act 2010. Enquiries are still ongoing.
A local resident transferred a large sum of money to an unknown person in an attempt to purchase an item over Facebook marketplace. The item never arrived and the seller subsequently blocked the victim and relisted the item for sale. Enquiries are still ongoing.
Report received regarding antisocial behaviour occurring in and around the old Strathendrick care home, Balfron, whereby persons were gaining access via an insecure fire door. The council have now secured the door and placed additional locks/fencing which appears to have acted as a further deterrent and no further reports have been received. Officers have patrolled this area and no further issues have been noted.
The police report is available on the Balfron Community Council website and noticeboards.
7) Elected Councillor’s report
8) Treasurer report
The admin grant has been received. The phonebox food exchange has received grant funding from Co-op Local Causes Fund for next year (Nov 2024-Nov 2025). Lights were purchased for the phonebox from funding from the Balfron 10k, however it was noted that two have gone missing. Asset insurance paid for by BCC currently covers the stone bus
shelter, however this is using up a large proportion of the admin grant from Stirling Council. Sue will continue to enquire with Stirling Council about ownership of the bus shelter and liability to pay for any repairs to it. Action: SB
An interim meeting will take place to review spending and fundraising of BCC. Action: SF
9) Planning report One new application was received. Change of use of the unit from Business Use (Class 4) to Community Gym (Class 11) at Unit 5 Balfron Business Hub, Dunkeld Court, This is a retrospective application. The application has included several statements of support from clients. BCC agreed that it is a business that is an asset to the village.
Planning Applications can be found at
10) Chair’s report
Stuart to send introductory email to identified list of local groups and organisations. Action: SF
“Stirling Council, Children and Young People Committee, made the decision in March 2023 to remove all School Crossing Patrol Officers as a budget saving. It was agreed that, prior to removing these services, that an alternative crossing system would be installed if one wasn’t currently present.” Stuart to discuss with headteachers at Balfron Primary School and Balfron High School. Action: SF
11) Events: Community Christmas Tree Lights Switch on December 9 and Remembrance Sunday
Christmas trees to be installed at the Tontine and library. The Christmas tree light switch on will be held this year on Saturday 9 December at the Tontine at 4pm. This will also be an opportunity to celebrate the Active Places works and the lights will be switched on by Balfron in Bloom.
Stirling Council has provided a wreath for laying at the war memorial on Sunday 12th November. The roads around the Clachan will be closed to allow safe pedestrian access at 11am.
12) Update on defibrillators
The battery and pads on the defibrillator outside the Saffron have been replaced with funding from Balfron 10k.
13) Google Drive for storage of Community Council documents
A Google Drive has been set up. Discussion was had regarding organisation of documents (e.g. boundary maps, policies, minutes, handover notes, etc.). Alison will give a tutorial at an interim meeting on how to use it. Action: AL
14) Gender based violence week
Every year, from 25 November to 10 December, 16 Days of Activism events are held across the world to call for an end to gender-based violence and highlight the support and resources that are available to women and girls who experience violence. There are sessions/resources arranged by Forth Valley:
Alison to be the link person with any events in surrounding villages. Action: AL
15) Millennium benches update
There is one outstanding bench to be restored and is likely to be finished in Spring 2024. It was suggested that a survey could be conducted on the position and condition of the benches for ongoing maintenance. Craig to produce a map with the locations of the benches in the village. Action: CP
16) AOB
Alison is to speak with Transition Stirling regarding the possibility of a roaming repair cafe in Balfron.
17) Next meeting Thursday 7th December at 7:30pm in Balfron High School.