May 2023 Minutes

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Minutes of meeting 4th May 2023

Present: Stuart Freckingham (Chair), Craig Potter (Vice Chair), Alison Limbert (Secretary), Sue Bell (Treasurer), Fiona Shaw, Claudia Duncan, Alisdair Street, Laura Shaw (Minutes)

Apologies: None

In Attendance: Cllr Gerry McGarvey, Cllr Paul Henke


2) Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting
The Minutes from the meeting on 6th April 2023 were proposed by Alison Limbert and seconded by Sue Bell.

3) Matters Arising
Strathendrick Care Home – There has been no update from Stirling Council since 6th March. The building is fully vacated. Cllr McGarvey understands that there is significant community desire to repurpose the building and suggested there has been discussion of its use as a community hub. Cllr McGarvey to follow up with further detail on this and an assessment of the building condition. Action: Cllr McGarvey

4) Declarations of Interest

5) Projects
a) Balfron Active Places – The work on the Tontine and the library areas is proceeding well and on schedule. The work team plans to start work on the build-out and crossing at the Co-Op next week, by which time it is hoped that Cotton Street will be reopened. The Millennium bench at the Tontine will be removed for refurbishment before being re-sited. There was an issue with a ramp at the residents’ access lane behind the Tontine meaning cars were grounding on exit, but that will be resolved. Once the Tontine work is complete then a planting plan will be agreed with Balfron in Bloom and any damaged plants replaced. The original plan for some ten planters the length of Buchanan Street has been abandoned as Stirling Council proved unwilling to maintain them. The money saved from that will be redirected to planting low-maintenance trees and shrubs in existing beds and spaces. Balfron Pathways and Stirling Council are holding a site meeting at the end of May at the lane between Endrick Gardens and Buchanan Street with a view to reinstating public access. The Community Council will be represented. If successful we hope to divert funds released by the deletion of the planned footway across the Tontine to rebuilding the path. This would complete the ‘green circuit’ around the village, which has long been an ambition.
b) War memorial – No update.
c) Phone box – No update.
d) Community orchard – No update.
e) Eco activities – Seed planting activity planned for Sunday 7th May.

6) Police Report
The police report is available on the Balfron Community Council website and noticeboards. The new report format includes incidents from the local ward. On 7-8th April 2021, there was an incident of anti-social behaviour that included vandalism to licensed property and school and damage to a car; enquiries continue. On 21st April an adult male was identified purchasing alcohol for under 18s; the man has been identified and will be charged when traced. There were a further two driving incidents.

7) Elected Councillor’s report
No update.

8) Treasurer report
Sue updated the meeting. The annual independent review into the community council expenditure 2022-23 is due to commence.

9) Planning report
The meeting was made aware that a planning application is being drafted to request that the Little Drumtie property is certified; this will mean that any timber that comes out of this property comes from a well-managed and sustainable forest. Planning Applications can be found at

10) Chair’s report
No update.

11) Community Council Elections
The former Community Council ceased on Friday 14th April. On Thursday 4th May, the inaugural meeting was held. The new Balfron Community Council was elected and members were successfully appointed by the Community Development Officer (Stirling Council). Office bearers appointed include Stuart Freckingham as Chair, Craig Potter as Vice Chair, Alison Limbert as Secretary, Sue Bell as Treasurer, and Craig Potter as Planning/Licensing Correspondent. Additional members include Fiona Shaw, Claudia Duncan and Alisdair Street. The meeting agreed to maintain the current meeting schedule of the first Thursday of each calendar month at 7:30pm in Balfron High School (except January and July).

12) AOB
Alison has been contacted by Balfron in Bloom regarding the Co-op Local Causes Fund. They have asked the Community Council to apply for funding on their behalf. Alison has suggested that the same could be done for the phone box fruit and veg exchange. The meeting agreed to both proposals. Action: AL

13) Next meeting and AGM Thursday 1st June 2023 at 7:30pm in Balfron High School.