February 2023 Minutes

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Minutes of meeting 2nd February 2023


Present: Colin Cameron (Chair), Alison Limbert (Secretary), Sue Bell (Treasurer), Claudia Duncan, John Nicholson, Alasdair Street

Apologies: Robert Young (Vice-Chair), Alison Lamont Chalmers, Craig Potter, Donna Dutch, Cllr. Gerry McGarvey, Police Scotland

In Attendance: Cllr. Paul Henke, Luci Rooney


2)  Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting

The Minutes from the meeting on 1st December 2022 were proposed by Alison Limbert and seconded by Claudia Duncan.


3)  Matters Arising

Balfron Christmas lights - the switch-on at the Library by Pat and Jim Thomson, with carols from the Primary School, went very successfully. Our thanks to all of them, to Duff’s Christmas tree farm for the donated trees, and to the volunteers who erected the trees and sorted out the lighting.

Donaldson Park - work is now underway on the new baby swings.

SUDS at Endrick Gardens - Scottish Water have completed the pipework taking water underground and re-landscaped the surrounding area to get rid of the pond. They have created a 2m pathway which will allow Balfron Pathways to complete a route from the existing footpath at the north through to Endrick Gardens. The condition of the SUDS, which frequently flooded neighbouring gardens, has been a long-running dispute for many years, and we are delighted to see it resolved to the benefit of the community.


4)  Declarations of Interest



5)    Projects

  1. Balfron Active Places - due to ownership conflicts within Stirling Council the proposed pathway across the middle of the Tontine land cannot be As designed it was also non-DDA compliant. This does not affect the redesign of the Cotton St/Buchanan St corner or access across it. It does however release funding from the project for other environmental improvements in the village, and the Active Places working group is meeting to discuss options.
  2. War Memorial - Alasdair updated the meeting on progress towards securing quotes for necessary repairs. The meeting agreed he should pursue as many options as possible.


  1. Phone Box - Luci updated the meeting. The company responsible for the refurbishment has been contacted as there is a problem with the phone box door We also need to find an electrician who can fit solar or battery lighting for the interior and shelving. The food collection from the Co-Op continues 5 nights per week. Luci requested permission to approach MarketFresh for weekly deliveries. This was approved.
  2. Community Orchard - Colin reported that after much argument with the insurers, the necessary fee had been paid and signed paperwork returned to Stirling Council. The community now has formal permission to use the land as a community orchard.
  3. Eco activities
    • The meeting planned for 20th January was cancelled due to lack of
    • AlisonL reported back on a meeting in Killearn designed to create a ‘hub’ for local communities and businesses to share experiences of community climate action, and to bid for funding for projects. She will report on any progress.
    • ‘Together For Our Planet’ has agreed that the balance of funds we received for the Eco Festival can be carried forward for future work addressing the climate crisis.


6)  Police Report

The monthly Police report is available on the BCC website and notice boards along with warnings on how to identify fraud and scams. https://balfroncc.org.uk/.


7)  Elected Councillor’s Report

Work to relay sections of Station Road will begin on 20th February.

The community is reminded to log road/pavement issues with Stirling council. See link: https://stirling.gov.uk/online-forms/potholes/


8)  Treasurer’s Report

Sue submitted the Treasurer’s Report for February. In addition to food for the phone box, payments have also been made for phone box signage; the insurance increase for the community orchard; and refreshments for the Eco Festival follow-up meeting and the Christmas lights switch-on. The phone box restoration budget is now complete and the project closed.


9)  Planning Report

There have been 3 new applications since the last meeting, all awaiting decisions, but none requiring a response from BCC. The application for the erection of a dwelling house on land 130m west of Old Manse Stud, Station Road was rejected on the grounds that it convened elements of the Housing In Countryside policies. Planning consent for the MiAlgae development at Claylands Farm was approved.

Planning Applications can be found at



10)  Chair’s Report

  1. Elections for Community Councils are due in May As a number of long-serving members of Balfron CC have indicated they will not be standing, there is an urgent need to attract new members. Colin urged members to redouble efforts to identify potential candidates and spread the word. The meeting agreed to mount an information campaign through our various social media outlets. Anyone interested can contact Colin at chair@balfroncc.org.uk.
  2. A complaint has been received about missing public bins at Weavers Winnel leading to an increase in abandoned dog waste. Colin will investigate further and get information to Cllr. Henke. Action: CC
  3. A resident has offered a child’s bike available for Ukrainian children in the village. It was suggested this should be passed to the Primary School for allocation.

Action: CC


  • Strathendrick Care Home

Residents have expressed concern about the stripping of the Care Home contents by contractors, and the lack of information from Stirling Council as to their intentions for the building. Cllr. Henke has been trying to get clarity from the Council, but to no avail up to now. He said that its potential use as a home for Ukrainian refugees has been rejected. A very constructive proposal has been received from Balfron Heritage Group to use the building as a hub for local facilities including the Library, the Registrar’s Office, the Community Council, and the Heritage Group amongst others. The meeting urged the Council to address this seriously and asked Cllr. Henke to pursue constructive solutions.

Action: Cllr. Henke


  • AOB

Alasdair raised the poor and inconsistent quality of broadband reception in the village. This seems to vary wildly depending on where in the village it is used. Attempts will be made to get a representative of Digital Scotland to address the meeting.                                                                                                      Action: CC


  • Next meeting Thursday 2nd March 2023 starting at 30pm