April 2023 Minutes

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Minutes of meeting 6th April 2023

Present: Colin Cameron (Chair), Robert Young (Vice-Chair), Alison Limbert (Secretary), John Nicolson, Alison Lamont Chalmers, Claudia Duncan, Craig Potter, Laura Shaw (Minutes)

Apologies: Sue Bell (Treasurer), Alasdair Street, Police Scotland, Claire McIlvenna In Attendance: Fiona Shaw, Janice Rankin, Katie McKie, Lynn Phillips, Mark Withers, Jackie Grieve, Sandy Grieve


2)   Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting

The Minutes from the meeting on 2nd March 2023 were proposed by Alison Limbert and seconded by Alison Lamont Chalmers.


3)   Matters Arising

Strathendrick Care Home – Colin received an update from Stirling Council on 6th March. They stated the building has been fully vacated, they are in active dialogue to explore operational need and are pursuing areas of interest. Colin is awaiting further detail.

Stirling Council Budget – Colin received an update regarding the Stirling Council 2023- 24 budget. The update includes:

  • No change to the opening times of Fintry and Aberfoyle nurseries
  • No increase in non-statutory childcare fees of MECS charges
  • No change to removal of Springkerse park and ride bus service
  • No reductions in the budgets of the Smith Museum, Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise, Stirling Community Enterprise and Events including book and science festivals
  • No removal of the 100% bulky waste uplift for over 60s
  • No full cost recovery for the Bridge of Allan allotment site
  • No reduction in universal youth provision

Local awards – A resident contacted Colin about organising local awards that could align with the King’s Coronation. The resident is pursuing this.

Wildflower planting – the meeting thanked the local Cub Scouts for planting wildflowers beside the new path in the former SUDS area at Endrick Gardens.


4)   Declarations of Interest



5)   Projects

  1. Balfron Active Places

Colin and Robert met with Stirling Council’s project manager and site agent on Tuesday 4th April about the significant community concern of the intended 16-week closure of Cotton Street. All parties agreed to move the site base, probably to Highland Fuels site on Buchanan Street. Cotton Street is to close for approximately 2 weeks from Tuesday 11th April; access to the properties of the affected residents will be


maintained. Concerns remain regarding bus route that will be diverted via Hillhead Brae. Residents raised a number of objections to the proposed route, including overhanging trees, ‘sleeping policemen’ that are too high for the buses, and potential damage to parked cars. Some suggested using Spoker’s Loan as an alternative diversion due to concerns of visibility issues when exiting Hillhead Brae onto Buchanan Street. Colin will contact the project manager and site agent with these concerns.                                  Action: CC

Lynn raised issues concerning the maintenance of the new planned planters. The current bed outside the Registration Office is not upkept by Stirling Council despite its obligation to do so. Balfron in Bloom has rightly made it clear that it does not have the resources to plant and maintain them. The meeting discussed possible options for maintenance. It was agreed that it would be foolish to rely on Land Services to maintain them, and the community should seek more reliable sources. Suggestions included upkeep by community groups (e.g. Scouts); sponsorship of individual beds by local companies; or an appeal to local landscaping businesses.

Mark raised concerns regarding the eroded kerbs at The Clachan. Colin advised that repairs to kerbs will be undertaken as part of the forthcoming works.

  1. War memorial

Alistair to provide update (not present).

  1. Phone box

The phone box is due an annual maintenance check. Robert is awaiting a response from the contractor responsible for annual maintenance check.

  1. Community orchard

No update. A bin is missing from beside community orchard (Weaver’s Winnel). Colin will contact council for replacement.                                       Action: CC

  1. Eco activities

Seed planting activity has been organised for 7th May; posters are up in Co-op with details. Initiative between Balfron and Gartmore Primary Schools to collect batteries during May to raise awareness about appropriate battery recycling. The Noticeboard has been updated and Alison is awaiting materials from Stirling Council with recycling guidance. Robert had been contacted by a resident in Fintry who had organised a repair workshop in partnership with a Glasgow-based organisation and wanted to set up the same in Balfron. Robert to provide details to Alison.


6)   Police Report

No update. PC Graham has retired and PC McNulty remains our sole Community Officer. He has proposed to change the current individual reporting to cover all community councils in one monthly report. That report has not been received at the time of the meeting.


7)   Elected Councillor’s report

Not present.


8)   Treasurer report

Sue (not present) updated Colin prior to the meeting with her monthly report. The meeting approved the request to spend approx. £60 to rejuvenate the area around the phone box.


9)   Planning report

There are two new applications but no interventions required. Planning Applications can be found at

https://www.stirling.gov.uk/planning-and-building/planning/view-and-comment-on- planning-applications/


10)   Chair’s report

Colin has been contacted by a resident with a plea against pavement parking. John proposes to ask Stirling Council to paint double yellow lines on the junction of Cotton Street, Spoker’s Loan, Moat Road and Roman Road to prevent pavement parking. Colin will propose this to Stirling Council.                                                                                                    Action: CC Colin has received an update from the Co-op property agent regarding a refurbishment of the Co-op. This is due to take place in 2025. The initial proposal to demolish and rebuild the Co-op will not go ahead.

A question was raised over the timetable for the redevelopment at Shearer’s Garage. Robert will check the Stirling Council website to check if the building warrant is available.                                                                       Action: RY


11)   Community Council Elections

Notice of the Election was published on Monday 3rd April. Hard copies of signed nomination forms must be submitted no later than 4pm on Wednesday 19th April. All current members seeking re-election must resubmit a nomination form. The current CC will cease on Friday 14th April until an Inaugural Meeting is held on Thursday 4th May (TBC). Colin, Robert, Alison LC and John gave notice that they would not be standing again. A minimum of 7 nominations are required to form a new Community Council. This is a vital part of local democracy and will be increasingly important given the budget pressures on local councils. Members are encouraged to persuade others in the community to nominate themselves.


12)   AOB

As this was his last meeting after 10 years as Chair, Colin thanked all members past, present and future for their time, commitment and creativity. The Community Council consists not just of the elected members, but a wide range of other volunteers who give of their energies to the betterment of the community. As Chair, there had of course been some challenging times, but much has been achieved, and he had derived a great deal of enjoyment and satisfaction from the role. He gave particular thanks to those office-bearers who have served with him.


  • Next meeting Thursday 4th May 2023 (TBC) starting at 7:30pm attended by Stirling Council Community Development team to constitute new Community Council, subject to election results and to be confirmed.