October 2022 Minutes

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Minutes of meeting 6th October 2022
Present: Colin Cameron (Chair) Robert Young (Vice Chair), Alison Limbert (Secretary),
Alison Lamont Chalmers, Alasdair Street, Craig Potter, Donna Dutch (Minutes)
Apologies: Sue Bell, Claudia Duncan, John Nicholson, Cllr Paul Henke, PC Steven
In Attendance: Councillor Rosemary Fraser
2) Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting
The Minutes from the meeting on 2nd September were proposed by Alison Limbert and
seconded by Alasdair Street.
3) Matters Arising
a) Eco Festival - feedback is being collated and analysed it will be shared at a later date.
Alison Limbert proposed a meeting in November with the wider group of volunteers to
discuss the outcomes and agree on next steps.
It is already evident that food waste is a high priority and AL has spoken with local
businesses to see if workshops could be set up for the community to explore ways of
reducing food waste.
AL has been in contact with Killearn sustainability group to see if there is opportunity to
work together. Action AL
b) Alison Lamont Chalmers attended a meeting re the RSPB proposal to introduce beavers
to their site at Gartocharn. Feedback from attendees was mixed. The RSPB will be
submitting an application to Nature Scotland for consideration.
4) Declarations of Interest
Craig Potter noted a personal interest in one of the planning applications to be discussed.
5) Projects
a) Balfron Active Places - Colin met with new project manager Kayleigh Webster and gave
her a tour of the village and discussed proposals. Estimate for work to begin is January but
this could change due to the priority of the bridge repairs. Minor changes to the plan were
discussed. The steering group will meet next week before meeting with Kayleigh on
Wednesday. Colin is also pursuing the Co-Op on their plans for redeveloping the store -
this was last discussed in 2021 but seems to have gone quiet. Any plans would have an
impact on Council plans for improving the carpark. Action CC
b) Phone box - Luci Rooney reported a slight problem with littering around the area, this is
being monitored. The phone box is being well used and donations are still coming from
Co-Op and from lots of fruit donations. Action LR
c) War Memorial - Christine Wilson has received one quote for repairs and is waiting for a
further two quotes and for the licences to be agreed by Stirling Council. Action CW
d) Community Orchard - this is being looked after by volunteers and fruit is being harvested
Funding for mulch is being sought. Cllr. Fraser noted that Dunblane community orchard
had received free pruning training and she would supply a contact. Action RF
6) Police Report
The Police report is available on the BCC website and notice boards along with warnings
on how to identify fraud and scams. https://balfroncc.org.uk/
7) Elected Councillor’s Report
a) Branshogle Bridge work is still in progress and on schedule for opening at the end of the
month. Catterburn Bridge is still in progress but completion is unlikely before June 2023. It
is suggested that a review of all Stirling’s bridges should be carried out. It was noted that a
burst on the Scottish Water pipeline has closed Ballochruin Road for up to 12 weeks.
Robert Young noted that he had visited the Branshogle Bridge and thought that given the
amount of work still to be done, an October opening was optimistic.
b) RF spoke about her role on the committee for the environment and zero carbon. She is
particularly interested in rewilding and creating edible planting within the communities.
c) Stirling Council is introducing new legislation targeted at short-term lets and AirBnB
owners requiring them to register their properties with the Council.
The community is reminded to log road/pavement issues with Stirling council. See
link: https://stirling.gov.uk/online-forms/potholes/
8) Treasurer’s Report
Luci Rooney has asked to spend a proportion of the Phone Box funds on non-perishable
goods for the food exchange. This was approved by the meeting. Action LR / SB
9) Planning
a) One new application awaiting approval. This was accepted as uncontentious.
b) Claylands farm application is still pending. A number of concerns have been raised. BCC
has submitted its views. RY has spoken with the CEO of MiAlgae and is awaiting their
written response to the concerns raised. Community consultation meetings will then be
organised. Action RY
c) CC noted a letter from David Ferrie thanking BCC for the gift to mark his retirement from
Shearer’s Garage. Highland Fuels will take ownership on 31st October. They are expected
to continue to trade as a filling station while seeking permission for a possible rebuild as a
shop and filling station in the New Year.
10) Chair
a) CC has been assured that the recent jet-patching of Station Road was a temporary
measure and that a contractor is being sought to resurface two sections: one at the
Cemetery and one from Ballochruin Rd to Balfron Station.
c) Balfron Cubs and Scouts would like to plant trees in the community - relevant sites will be
identified and confirmed. Action CC/AL
d) Balfron Heritage Group is mounting an exhibition on the Balfron Radicals at the Library
from 14th - 29th October. This was delayed from 2020 by the pandemic.
11) Remembrance Sunday 13th November - Cllr. Henke has a wreath to be given to BCC
for placing at the war memorial. ALC is negotiating with Stirling Council and Police
Scotland over planning for the event. Action ALC
12) Killearn - Balfron Path update - Proposals are for a pathway to connect the two
villages. CC and RY met with the paths consultant to discuss ideas for possible routes from
the Endrick Bridge to Printers Row. There are many obstacles to be overcome and
progress is slow.
13) AOB
a) Claudia Duncan will be asked to secure Christmas trees as last year. Colin will
contact the Primary School to agree a date for the switch-on of lights. Action CD/CC
b) Donaldson Park - concerns were raised about campervans using the carpark
overnight and leaving waste. To be monitored. Action CP/CC
Next meeting Thursday 3rd November starting at 7.30pm