March 2021 Minutes

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Meeting on 4 March 2021 via Zoom


  1. Welcome, recording of those present and apologies

    Present: Fraser Allan, Colin Cameron, Alison Lamont Chalmers, Laura Gormley, Carsten
    Mandt, John Nicholson, Bill Noblett, Christine Wilson, Robert Young

    In attendance: Councillor Alastair Berrill, Councillor Rob Davies, Claudia Duncan, Christine
    Glass, Alison Limbert, Fergus McFarlane (Loch Lomond Fisheries Trust)

    Apologies: Pam Campbell (Stirling Council), Luci Rooney

    Colin noted with great sadness the recent passing of Councillor Graham Lambie. He was a
    great friend to Balfron, a very effective and respected councillor and advocate for the
    interests of the people in the Forth and Endrick Ward, and he will be sorely missed.

  2. Recording of Declarations of Interest

    Fraser Allan declared an interest in agenda item 12.

  3. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting

    The minute of the previous meeting was proposed as an accurate record by Robert Young
    and seconded by Laura Gormley.

  4. Matters arising

    Fraser informed BCC that Jacqueline Douglas has joined the Balfron Resilience Group.

    Colin had a call from Bank of Scotland regarding the phone box/Food Exchange. While they
    are not offering funding for refurbishment, they will provide some food donations.

  5. Co-option of new Community Council member

    Co-option of new BCC members: Christine Wilson nominated Alison Limbert, seconded by
    Laura Gormley. Bill Noblett nominated Claudia Duncan, seconded by Robert Young.

  6. Covid-19 Response

    The Balfron Covid-19 Support group reported that demand for support had been quiet
    recently but the rota for delivering prescriptions from the pharmacy was working well. The
    Lunch Club had operated continually since the start of the pandemic and volunteer
    engagement had been consistent throughout. The Club is aiming to take a break in the

    It was agreed to set up a gardening and seedling exchange next to the Dunmore St phone

  7. Projects

    1. Space for Living: Colin reported that plants had now been ordered for the new beds at the
      Clachan, as specified by Balfron in Bloom. Discussions were ongoing to consider additional
      landscaping with bark to stop vehicles driving over the new roadside beds. Colin will be in
      touch with Balfron in Bloom to check they are happy with the arrangements.

      BCC noted ongoing issues with local residents continuing to park on the new paving at The
      Clachan and the War Memorial.

      Colin also reported that Stirling Council had confirmed plans for works on the Buchanan St
      North site. Sustrans money was now in place and Stirling Council are awaiting approval for
      their contribution to spend this year. The aim is to carry out the works in late summer.

    2. Small Playpark -Donaldson Park: Bill Noblett and Christine Wilson had received
      confirmation from Stirling Council that the work should start in the next week. Stirling Council
      are looking for a BCC contribution of £2,000 to the project.

  8. Loch Lomond Fisheries Trust

    Fergus McFarlane of the Loch Lomond Fisheries Trust informed BCC about the Trust’s
    Endrick Legacy Project, funded by NatureScot. The project is focussed on battling invasive
    plant (giant hogweed, Japanese knotweed, American skunk cabbage) and animal (American
    mink and signal crayfish) species. Further information about these species is available from The project also includes works to enhance and secure habitats
    through tree planting and improving access to burns and other waterways for fish. Anyone
    who would like to report any issues or incidents e.g pollution can do so by email to Further information will also be available shortly on our
    website and Facebook page.

  9. Health and Social Care Partnership Consultation

    Bill reported on a recent consultation held by the Clackmannanshire and Stirling Health and
    Social Care Partnership. The consultation on how services should be provided in the rural
    south-west remains open until 15 March 2021 and can be accessed at:

    BCC agreed that the consultation process appeared superficial and expressed
    disappointment over the lack of more meaningful and effective community engagement on
    this important issue. It was agreed that BCC will submit a consultation response, raising this
    point with the Health and Social Care Partnership.

  10. Police Report

BCC noted a written report by Police Scotland.

  1. Elected Councillor's report

    Discussions at the most recent Stirling Council meeting were reported:

    • The Stirling Viewforth link road project is to be shelved

    • National park by-law is to be amended to allow charges being brought for having an
      open container with alcohol

    • A new Stirling Makkar has been appointed

    • A motion to delay changes to waste collection services for 6 months was defeated

    • The Council budget will be discussed at the next Council meeting.

      Ongoing issues with inappropriate behaviour such as inconsiderate or dangerous parking,
      sheep worrying and littering by visitors to Dumgoyne were noted.

      Emergency repairs to a bridge on the B818 Fintry road were noted. Concerns were
      expressed about drivers ignoring or moving ‘road closed’ signs. Repairs are due to be
      completed by 15th March.

      Concerns about suggestions of variability in online learning provided by the High School
      were raised.

  2. Treasurer report

    Bill confirmed that he had returned unspent funding to Stirling Council.

    He will seek guidance from insurers about BCC’s insurance requirements going forward to
    ensure adequate cover for the bus shelter at the clinic (owned by BCC) and other
    commitments not previously covered by BCC insurance. Repairs to the bus shelter should
    be carried out in April.

    Bill has purchased high-vis vests for Balfron in Bloom and litter pickers that can be used by
    local residents who volunteer to pick litter.

  3. Planning report

    Robert reported that four new applications had been registered on the planning portal since
    the February BCC meeting.

    Regarding the Drumtian development, Stirling Council had received 13 messages of support
    from local businesses and residents and 18 statements of objections from 11 parties. It was
    noted that the application had support from roads and environment officers at Stirling
    Council and from NatureScot.

  4. Chair including Correspondence

    Colin highlighted warnings of a recent series of punctures in the area, urging motorists to be

    He has learned anecdotally that the ‘Bunker’ building has been sold. He has asked Stirling
    Council for clarification.

    He also noted that Scottish Water informed that they would be installing bottle refill stations
    in Balmaha as part of their Top Up at the Tap campaign, and questioned whether we could
    get one in Balfron. Alison Limbert will explore further.

  5. AOB

    Claudia raised the absence of a compost collection point at the recycling centre this year.
    Cllr. Davies offered to investigate further.

    Suggestions for possible summer festivities in the village were discussed. It was agreed that
    any event would need to maintain social distancing and be organised in such a way that a
    short notice cancellation was possible.

  6. Next meeting

Thursday 1 April 2021, 19:30 by Zoom