June AGM

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Present: Colin Cameron (Chair), Fraser Allan, Claudia Duncan, Christine Glass (minutes),
Laura Gormley, Alison Lamont-Chalmers, Alison Limbert, John Nicholson, Bill Noblett,
Luci Rooney, Christine Wilson
In Attendance:
Councillor Rob Davies (Stirling Council)
1. Recording of those Present and Apologies
Apologies were received from Councillor Alistair Berrill (Stirling Council), Councillor Jane
Hutchison (Stirling Council), Robert Young
2. Recording of Declaration of Interest
No interests to declare.
3. Minutes of 3rd December 2020 AGM
Christine Wilson proposed the minutes as an accurate record, seconded by Bill Noblett.
4. Chair’s Report
Due to restrictions resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic our last AGM was held in
December 2020, so this report covers the last six months to May 2021.
Covid-19: The Community Council, alongside Balfron Community Resilience and Covid-19
Support Groups, continued to monitor the impact of the pandemic on our community,
identifying areas of need and offering support and advice. A volunteer rota was set up with
the pharmacy to deliver prescriptions to those housebound or sheltering. The communityowned
phone box in Dunmore Street continued to prove a vital resource as a Food
Exchange and has been very well used throughout the crisis. During the first lockdown this
also served as a book exchange but this was abandoned due to the poor condition of the
phone box. Our thanks go to all those who have kept it well stocked throughout, including
the deli Hewitt & Aker, and the Balfron Co-Op.
Balfron Active Places: Work on The Clachan and Printers Row was completed in late
December. The new flower beds around the War Memorial have subsequently been planted
out by the volunteers of Balfron in Bloom working in partnership with Stirling Council. Plans
for the work on Buchanan Street North are being finalised with the work due to start
towards the end of the summer.
Bank of Scotland branch closure: Despite continued pressure by the Community Council on
the Bank to meet its public obligations for proper consultation, the branch was closed on
23rd March 2021. It has been replaced by a mobile service which visits “every second
Monday” for two hours. The building is now on the market, and the Community Council is
working to persuade Stirling Council to invest in the property as a Community Learning
Centre encompassing the Library, the Registrar Office and a range of community
Donaldson Park Play areas: Following the successful installation of new playpark
equipment for older children in 2018, our focus turned to the wee playpark, where the
equipment was ageing and the fencing surrounding the play area unstable. Using
community funding due from the White Yetts development, two new units were ordered as
replacements. Despite delays due to the pandemic they were installed in March 2021. The
old flying fox area was also re-landscaped and planted with grass, tidying up an eyesore. The
next stages due for completion in 2021, include replacing the playpark fence with metal
fencing in the style of the Spokers Loan park gate, and the installation of a sandpit.
Phone Box refurbishment: We are actively seeking funding for a complete restoration of
the phone box as an historic and ongoing asset to the village. There has been an excellent
response to a Crowdfunder appeal, and various bids to funding bodies have been submitted.
Planning and Roads: a number of planning issues came before the Council, including
proposals for glamping pods at Drumtian to which the Council submitted an objection on
the grounds of road safety and concerns for the local environment. The closure of the B818
Fintry Road due to a collapsed bridge was noted as causing considerable disruption for local
businesses and residents. Despite the presence of a new 20mph village-wide speed limit,
speeding continues to be an issue in parts of the village. The state of road surfaces
continues to be a concern, with dangerous potholes in many places. Residents are
encouraged to report these to Stirling Council.
Other matters: Despite the pandemic restrictions, the village Christmas trees were once
again erected at the Tontine and outside the Library, with the switch-on being done by both
the oldest and youngest pupil from the Primary School. A mobile Christmas concert toured
the village on Christmas Eve thanks to Luci Rooney, and Balfron 2021 calendars were
distributed to housebound residents. Thanks to the hard work of a volunteer team led by
Lachlan Cameron, the community-owned bus shelter outside the surgery was completely
refurbished. We have been supporting the work of the Loch Lomond Fisheries Trust in
identifying and eliminating invasive plant species along the Endrick Water. The Community
Council is supporting efforts to complete the cycle track and pathway between Killearn and
Balfron and exploring the possibilities of extending it to Buchlyvie and beyond. We
submitted a response to the Health & Social Care Partnership Consultation, expressing
disappointment over the lack of more meaningful and effective community engagement on
this important issue. A local resident presented a proposal for the seeding of the approach
verges to the village with wildflowers. This was well received and will be supported.
Your Community Council: We were saddened to hear of the untimely death of Councillor
Graham Lambie. He was a great friend to Balfron, a very effective councillor and advocate
for the interests of the Forth and Endrick Ward. We also said farewell to Pam Campbell, who
for the past 14 years served as the Stirling Council link officer for the Community Council.
The membership of the Community Council has also changed with Laura Elder and David
McGowan resigning after many years of loyal service for which we thank them. We
welcomed new members Laura Gormley, Alison Limbert, and Claudia Duncan. Carsten
Mandt stood down as our Minute-taker and has been replaced by Christine Glass. Sadly,
after seven years as our Treasurer, Bill Noblett has decided to stand down from the Council
after this meeting. We’ll miss his dedication and commitment and thank him for the many
ways in which he has contributed to the progress and wellbeing of the community in that
Due to the lockdown all Council meetings have been held via Zoom. Balfron residents are
welcome to join these by contacting the Secretary by email: secretary@balfroncc.org.uk. All
information about our activities is available on the Balfron Community Council website,
including Minutes of past meetings and dates and times of future ones.
5. Treasurer’s report
Bill Noblett submitted the audited accounts for BCC covering the fiscal year ended 31st
March 2021. Bill advised that there had been sundry purchases made within the year, e.g.
annual zoom subscription, high-viz jackets for ‘Balfron in Bloom’ and litter pickers, toys for
play park, replacement notice board outside Doyles.
Bill Noblett advised the meeting that Tom Yuill will not be available to audit the accounts
next year and we will require a replacement auditor.
There were no further questions, and the accounts were proposed as an accurate record by
Christine Wilson, and seconded by John Nicholson.
6. Re-Election of Office Bearers
Colin Cameron was re-confirmed as Chair.
Robert Young was re-confirmed as Vice-Chair.
Christine Wilson was nominated and approved as Treasurer.
Alison Limbert was nominated and approved as Secretary.
7. AOB
8. Date of next AGM tbc