Aug 2021 Minutes

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Minutes of Meeting on 5th August 2021 via Zoom


Present: Colin Cameron (Chair), Christine Wilson (Treasurer), Robert Young (Vice-
chair), Alison Limbert (Secretary), Alison Lamont-Chalmers, Luci Rooney (Minutes)

In attendance: Councillor Jane Hutchison

Apologies: Claudia Duncan, Laura Gormley, John Nicholson, Fraser Allan

The community council expressed its thanks and good wishes to Christine Glass for
taking the minutes of recent meetings. She has had to resign for personal reasons.


  1. Recording of Declarations of Interest

    Cllr. Hutchison declared an interest in item 9c.

  2. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting

    The Minutes from the meeting on 3rd June 2021 were proposed as accurate by
    Christine Wilson and seconded by Alison Limbert.

  3. Matters arising

    1. Bank building – Colin met with Graeme Leak as minuted. No immediate
      proposal was forthcoming. Colin noted at least one further commercial
      expression of interest in the building. Our proposal for a Community
      Learning Centre has had no support from Stirling Council as yet. Cllr.

      Hutchison offered to follow up. ACTION: Cllr.Hutchison

    2. Millenium benches: repair is in progress, further info to follow on this.

    3. BCC assets: those previously stored in the “bunker” have been moved to a

      Portakabin at the Balfron Business Hub, some staging still to be moved.

    4. Health and Social Care Partnership: a letter has been received confirming
      the closure of Strathendrick Care Home.

    5. Small Playpark: most snagging issues on the new equipment have been
      resolved. Stirling Council is aware of what remains to be done. There has
      been very positive feedback on the changes made.

    6. Litter: the High School has confirmed that they use compostable containers
      for food supplied to pupils. The chip shop continues to use polystyrene
      containers for some items but has said that they will explore alternative
      types for their next purchase. The bakers say they use cardboard containers
      wherever possible.

  4. Covid-19 Response

    It was agreed to drop this as a standing item but to revive it if the situation


  5. Projects

    1. Space for Living: There is a meeting on 25th August with Stirling Council to
      scrutinise the detailed plans for the Buchanan Street North development. Work
      is expected to start in October. Additional waste bins around the Tontine will be

    2. Phone box refurbishment: Robert has contacted two companies about the cost
      of replacement phone boxes and the associated timescale. Following a
      discussion it was agreed that it is preferable to retain and restore the existing
      phone box. Robert will research the implications of that. He will also contact
      the landowners of area to the left of phone box with regards to some hard
      standing display and exterior shelving. ACTION: RY

    3. Donaldson Park: Laura Gormley has volunteered to be BCC representative on
      the Donaldson Park Trust. There remains some funds available for possible
      further development.


  6. Police Report

    The meeting noted a written report from PC Steven Graham. This is available on the
    BCC website and noticeboards.


  7. Elected Councillor's report

    Bins: Councillor Hutchison noted the adverse reaction amongst all communities
    to the changes to the bin collection programme. Following a meeting with Stirling
    Council it was established that residents can have extra bins (blue and green) at
    no extra cost by applying through the council website. Cllr. Hutchison believes
    that recycling more is to be encouraged but this is not the best way to achieve it.
    Branshogle bridge repairs: the council now has a plan which still requires to be
    signed off. Scaffolding will be required, and the location is a difficult place to
    work. They have promised a Public Meeting (on Microsoft Teams) but no date as
    present. Communications with those affected are frustratingly delayed as is. A
    timescale for the work is expected shortly.

    Grass Cutting: maintenance been resumed in many green spaces, local residents
    are encouraged to report any that may have been missed.

    Stirling City cycle paths: an engagement platform is now available on SC website
    and the public is encouraged to participate.


  8. Treasurer report

    Recent transactions include payment to Balfron in Bloom for planting at The Clachan;
    purchase of wood for the Millennium benches restoration; and the confirmation of
    grants towards the restoration of the Dunmore St. phone box.

    Accountant Ruth Ronald has kindly offered to independently examine our accounts
    after year end: our thanks go to her.


  9. Planning report

    Robert reported 4 new planning applications since the CC met last, nothing


  10. Chair - including Correspondence

    1. Colin has received a letter from Historic Environment Scotland concerning
      a cycle ramp at the motte at the top of Dunmore Street. The community has been
      reminded through Facebook, Balfron Pathways and Balfron Heritage Group that
      this is an historic monument and should be treated with respect.

    2. Fraser Allan has asked if anyone is willing to take over administration of the
      Freebay Balfron Facebook page. – please contact Fraser or Colin.

    3. The pathway running between Endrick Gardens and Buchanan Street is
      reported to have been permanently fenced off at both ends. This is ground
      owned by Stirling Council and would create a valuable circuit through the
      village. Although the path is not a core path, Robert questioned whether
      there is a “deemed” right of way. Colin has written to the Council about the
      fencing and will talk to the Access Officer about the right of way.

      ACTION: CC

    4. Killearn to Balfron Link path: the meeting was reminded of the online consultation
      and encouraged to complete it. The links can be found on the BCC website and
      Facebook page.

    5. The King’s Highway: on behalf of BCC, Colin has written to MPs, MSPs and
      councillors in support of this ambitious initiative to provide a cycle and walking
      route between Killearn and Stirling through the local villages.


  11. Annual Data Protection Check

    The meeting reviewed our Data Protection documentation and confirmed they
    are up to date.

  12. Changes to household waste collection services

    Luci attended the first of the Council engagement sessions and had provided a
    report on Facebook. AlisonLC will attend the next on 17th August and Colin the
    final one on 30th August. The scheme, which is intended to improve recycling, was
    greeted with scepticism as to whether this was the way to achieve those laudable
    aims. Luci offered to research the actual usage of the recycling percentages as
    opposed to those determined by the Council. ACTION: LR


  13. Community survey – communication and projects

    It was agreed that AlisonL would draft a community survey to ensure that BCC is
    connecting effectively with community needs and priorities. This could include
    questions on the possible demand for an e-bike hire scheme; best methods of
    communication; and a listing of local clubs and organisations.


  14. AOB



  15. Next meeting - Thursday 2 September 2021 at 7.30pm