April 2021 Minutes

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Minutes of Meeting on 1st April 2021 via Zoom.


  1. Welcome, recording of those present and apologies


    Present: Colin Cameron, Alison Lamont Chalmers, Claudia Duncan, Laura Gormley, Alison
    Limbert, John Nicholson, Bill Noblett, Luci Rooney, Christine Wilson, Robert Young
    Christine Glass (Minutes)


    In attendance: Councillor Alastair Berrill, Councillor Rob Davies, Lorna Gault, Lee Rooney


    Apologies: Fraser Allan, Pam Campbell, Police Scotland


  2. Recording of Declaration of Interest

    No Declaration noted.


  3. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting


    The Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed as an accurate record by Robert Young
    and seconded by John Nicholson


  4. Matters Arising


    Christine Wilson noted the theft of 300 saplings from Drumtian planted by Loch Lomond
    FisheriesTrust. Treelink Stirling stepped in to provide replacements, but this is a worrying


    Colin previously circulated to BCC the response to the consultation paper issued by
    Clackmannanshire & Stirling Health and Social Care Partnership. The response reflected the
    views expressed at the previous meeting that this was a superficial exercise and missed the
    opportunity to have worthwhile community engagement. To date there has been no response.
    Colin will pick this up with Pam Campbell when she returns from holiday.


    Alison Limbert had approached Scottish Water regarding the ‘Top Up at the Tap’ campaign
    and the possibility of installing a refill station in Balfron. This has been rejected due to
    insufficient footfall to justify it at this stage. A number of local businesses have agreed to
    provide free water-bottle top-ups to their customers.


    Cllr. Davies will update a future meeting on the possibility of a compost collection point.


  5. Covid-19 Response


    There was no recent update from the Covid-19 Response group.


    The Food Exchange: The Dunmore Street Phone Box is operating well and Luci reported
    that the Easter eggs donated by the Bank of Scotland had been well received. Proceeds from

    an Easter weekend raffle to be held by the Balfron Co-op will go to the Phone Box-Food


  6. Projects


    Space for Living: Colin has secured agreement with Stirling Council that the planting plans
    for the War Memorial area be amended to accommodate the requirements specified by
    Balfron in Bloom. This will be monitored to ensure that any future problems are dealt with.


    Phone Box Refurbishment: Robert Young had circulated an overview of the Bank of
    Scotland Foundation criteria to BCC. From the options available the ‘Reach’ programme
    appeared to be most relevant but we would need to satisfy the charitable status, which we
    don’t. A separate SCIO would need to be established. Alison Limbert contacted the Lunch
    Club and Balfron Pathways - neither organisation requires a further umbrella organisation
    and are able to access funds using their current status. It was felt that currently the Phone Box is
    safe to use but repairs are required before the winter months. The costs of refurbishment and
    replacement were discussed. Bill and Colin will explore the Paul Trust and other funding sources for
    discussion outside the meeting.

    Small Playpark – Donaldson Park: Christine Wilson said all the equipment had been
    installed and the bark was in place. A lot of positive feedback had been received and it was
    proving very popular with the children and their families.


  7. Rural South West Forum: John Nicholson informed the meeting that Elaine Nichol, the
    newly appointed Team Leader, is keen to establish a more holistic approach and improved
    communication between Stirling Council and local communities regarding repairs and road
    closures. Items of concern to be emailed to Pam Campbell for submission to the Rural South
    West Forum meeting to be held in May.


  8. Balfron Business Hub: Lee Rooney reported that 7 out of the 8 units were now
    tenanted. Positive feedback had been received from the unit users and there had been no
    adverse comment from neighbouring residents. Access traffic did not appear to be a
    problem. Lee thanked BCC for their help at the outset.


    Colin confirmed that The Bunker is in the process of being sold to a window cleaning
    company, ATC. BCC material is still stored in the building and ATC will liaise with BCC
    directly to get these either stored or cleared. Colin will write to Stirling Council to ask for a
    progress report.


  9. Killearn/Balfron Pathways Steering Group: Robert reported that the Steering Group
    meeting had been well attended. Land designated for the pathway is in place, access has been
    agreed with landowners and an environmental survey had been completed. The path will be a
    substantial, all access, 3 metres wide pathway with fencing on both sides. Construction
    contracts will be put out to tender by the end of this year and work is planned to begin in
    2022. A Survey Process Consultation exercise will be ready in a few weeks and the on-line
    questionnaire will feed into the design process. The possibility of a cycle link between
    between Killearn and Blanefield, as part of a bigger network of pathways, was also discussed
    by the Steering Group.

  10. Police Report:


    BCC noted a written report by Police Scotland. This will be available on the BCC website
    and noticeboards.


  11. Elected Councillors report: Cllrs Berrill and Davies reported no significant
    developments since the last meeting.


  12. Treasurer’s Report: Bill reported that the Financial Report for the year had been
    completed and will be available in the next few weeks.

    Keegan & Pennykid, insurance brokers, have been updated with regard to BCC requirements.
    If anyone is required to travel on behalf of BCC business they are covered by this insurance,
    but they should also inform their own insurance company.

    Lachlan Cameron and team will begin the bus shelter refurbishment next week.


  13. Planning Report: Three planning applications have been approved since the last
    meeting. There were no updates on the Drumtian Wood application. The application for
    constructing yurts at North Ballochruin appears to have been approved.


  14. Chair including Correspondence:


    Bank of Scotland: Colin asked to be contacted if anyone expressed an interest in purchasing
    the building or leading a community buy-out.

    Summer Event: Alison Limbert is prepared to contribute to a working party but is unable to
    lead the event planning. Bill noted a Community Pride grant might be available. Colin will
    look into other funding options. Some scepticism was expressed about the chances of
    holding an event in the face of potential Covid restrictions.


  15. AOB


    Lorna Gault told the meeting about various initiatives to supply wildflower seed for verges to
    address the depleting number of bees and other wildlife. She sought support from BCC to
    launch a similar initiative for our local verges. She has sourced supplies of free seeds. Alison
    Lamont Chalmers said she would contact surrounding villages to see if they would be
    interested in joining this project. Colin will contact both Stirling Council and Balfron in
    Bloom to seek their support. He thanked Lorna on behalf of the meeting for her presentation
    and the meeting agreed it was a lovely project and worth supporting.


    Stirling Council’s Climate and Nature Emergency Plan: Luci will attend the online meeting
    on 8th April and will report back.


    Parking: Robert raised the question of parking restrictions and the concerns of local
    landowners.Illegal parking was a problem but cognisance of people’s desire to visit the
    countryside should also be taken into account. The meeting agreed there was a delicate
    balance to be struck and there was no obvious answer without the agreement of local


  16. Next Meeting: Thursday 13th May at 19.30 by Zoom - NOTE THIS DATE HAS