June 2024 Minutes

Arnprior Community Council


Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting held at 8:05pm on

Tuesday 4th June 2024 at Arnprior Nursery


Present: Iain Breakenridge (Chair), Morag Sheppard (Secretary), Sheena Adam

(Treasurer), Margaret Pitkeathly, Duncan McEwen, Wendy Weir.

In Attendance: Councillor Rosemary Fraser (SNP)

Apologies: None

Residents: 1 resident was in attendance.

  1. Welcome and Apologies

The Chair welcomed the attendees to the meeting.

1.1 Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

1.2 Approval of Agenda

The Agenda of the meeting was approved having been proposed by Margaret

Pitkeathly (MP) and seconded by Sheena Adam (SA).

  1. Approval of OGM Minutes and Matters Arising

The unconfirmed minutes of the OGM held on 16th April 2024 were approved having

been proposed by Wendy Weir (WW) and seconded by Duncan McEwen (DM).

  1. Matters Arising

3.1 The Chair (IB) noted that he and Morag Sheppard (MS) had attended the

Buchlyvie Community Council meeting on 25th April, at which the results of

the public brainstorming session to generate ideas for the future of the

community (Imagining the Future) were presented. There are some areas

where it might be beneficial for the communities to work together, including

road safety (speeding problems) and lack of a complete path between the


3.2 Thanks were given to Sheena (SA) for arranging to have the seeder (found

recently during building work) refurbished so that it can be installed/secured

in a suitable place in the village.

3.3 MP noted that a special key is needed to replace the bulb in the Defibrillator

housing. WW will find out whether she can locate a suitable tool.

  1. Cardross Bridge

IB and MS met Gary Neill (Divisional Manager – Roads) (GN) on 8th May. SC are

about to send out tender documents, looking to get responses by end June, including

proposed timescales. After that SC plan to communicate regularly with the CC and to

hold a local event for residents. Funding of the work will be part of the capital budget

for Infrastructure. GN noted that the weight limit after work completion is proposed to

increase to 18T. GN also noted that they would be looking for ‘Public Good’ ideas to

be considered for funding. WW suggested a temporary bridge; RF noted that this

should form part of mitigations in any case.

SA noted an issue with a culvert under the A811 at Hill of Arnmore farm collapsing.

This had been reported and subsequently inspected but no action taken as a result.

SA remains concerned about detriment to field crops, and also highlighted potential

risk to vehicles (in particular to missile vehicles). WW supplied RF with a pindrop

location of the culvert. [Action: RF]

  1. Roads

WW, IB and MS met with the Team Manager and another representative from the

Roads department in Arnprior on 21st May. The TM noted that the latest speed

census showed a vast drop in numbers. CC members responded that this sample

may not be representative for various reasons including timing (end

January/February in winter conditions) and the presence of the Road Safety van. CC

will consider asking for police speed van data so that the relevant days could be

excluded from analysis.

The TM advised that she has applied for funding to implement a 20 mph zone in

Arnprior and a few other villages not included in previous work. No other traffic

calming measures would be appropriate owing to the width of the road.

In the CC’s view the most effective solution would be average speed cameras. The

CC will consider funding its own census after the 20 mph limit is in.

The CC noted the problems caused by vans/cars parked by builders working on the 2

properties being refurbished. The TM noted that SC has not yet made it illegal to park

on pavements, and is now in recess because of the forthcoming election. She noted

that nonetheless, CC should report if there is hindrance being caused by vans

blocking the pavement.

  1. Charitable Trust

IB reported that the sub-committee had its first meeting today. IB is an ex officio

member and will keep the CC updated.

  1. Your Stirling You Decide

The successful opening event for the new Canopy was attended by various Arnprior

residents. IB, WW and MS attended from the CC. The Canopy will benefit both the

residents and the Nursery.


‘Big Conversation’ Stirling Council Budget 2024/5: Public Services including

Public Transport etc.

IB reminded the meeting of the approach made by Kilmadock CC to all Stirling CCs

re the relationship between CCs and SC, and in particular the timescales for getting

information. IB will distribute proposal when received from Kilmadock CC.

[Action: IB]

  1. Arnprior Community Storage Project

Noted as ongoing.

  1. Police Report

The report received by WW was noted.

  1. Councillor’s Report

RF noted that although the Council is in recess, RF is still available to contact. She

reminded the meeting of the need for ID when voting in person in the forthcoming

General Election. SC can supply suitable documentation for anyone who doesn’t

have ID; or postal voting is available.

RF advised that all 3 Recycling Centres now have the same appointment booking

process for 10 minute slots. The process is straightforward. Feedback is that

Polmaise is working a lot better.

There is now no single use plastic in schools.

  1. Finance Report

IB gave the finance report. The balance of No. 1 account is £4,972.80 (payment for

the container has been made). The balance of No. 2 account is £4,613.20.

  1. AOCB

13.1 Trees along A811

WW noted that 3 trees beside the path previously marked 2 years ago to be

reduced or felled had not been attended to, and should now be regarded as

high priority. The Estate has advised WW that it has documentation to show

that the trees are SC’s responsibility. An enquiry will be made via SB.

[Action: MS]

13.2 Members discussed where a tea set being donated by a resident might

best be used; and that MP is making Diamond Art items with proceeds to

go to CHAS (MP has Facebook page).

The meeting ended at 21:15.

  1. Date of Next OGM

The next OGM will take place at 19:30 on Tuesday 20th August 2024. It is intended to

take place at Arnprior Nursery.