Arnprior Community Council
Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting held at 7.30pm on
Tuesday 20th August 2024 at Arnprior Nursery
Present: Iain Breakenridge (Chair), Morag Sheppard (Secretary), Sheena Adam
(Treasurer), Duncan McEwen, Wendy Weir.
In Attendance: Councillor Rosemary Fraser (Scottish National Party), Esther Lim
(Minute Taker)
Apologies: Margaret Pitkeathly
Residents: One resident was in attendance.
- Welcome and Apologies
The Chair welcomed the attendees to the meeting and gave the apologies.
1.1 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
1.2 Approval of Agenda
The Agenda of the meeting was approved having been proposed by Sheena
Adam (SA) and seconded by Morag Sheppard (MS).
- Approval of OGM Minutes and Matters Arising
The unconfirmed minutes of the OGM held on 4th June 2024 were approved having
been proposed by Wendy Weir (WW) and seconded by Duncan McEwan.
- Matters Arising
3.1 Defibrillator
Wendy Weir (WW) has purchased the bulbs and Wallace will replace them in
due course.
3.2 The door is showing signs of weathering and is in process of being repaired.
- Cardross Bridge Update
In response to their enquiry, Arnprior Community Council (ACC) received confirmation
in July that Stirling Council (SC) expected to be in a position to appoint a contractor by
the end of the month after which they would issue ACC with an update on the
proposed programme and on community consultation events. So far, no update has
been forthcoming. IB has submitted a further request for an update. Members
expressed concern that the proposed repair work has been pushed back from June
2024 and is likely to be pushed back until next year, as the weather worsens.
- Roads
5.1 Stirling Council Plans – 20mph Speed Limit
In May 2024, Angela McGibbon of SC Roads Department informed MS, IB
and WW that SC is going to implement a 20mph speed limit in Arnprior. As
yet, ACC have not received a copy of the Prior Proposal Notice. IB asked
ACC members if they were in favour of the change.
Members discussed the speed limit and expressed approval of the limit in
principle but concern as to whether it would solve the speeding problems in
the village. Members also expressed concern at the large amount of
overtaking on the road that goes through the village and concern that this will
continue, or even become worse, once the limit is introduced. Angela
McGibbon has confirmed that no other traffic calming measures, including
speed cameras, will be implemented. Members agreed to ask SC for
reassurance that the implementation of the speed limit will be monitored and
that, if it doesn’t calm traffic sufficiently, SC will work with ACC to find another
solution. IB will write to Angela McGibbon explaining the situation and
concerns of ACC and asking for reassurances. He will copy Councillor Fraser
(RF). [Action: Iain Breakenridge]
ACC members were also concerned that the police camera van may not be
used in the village once the 20mph limit is introduced. ACC will contact the
police, share their concerns and ask them to continue to use the speed
camera in Arnprior. [Action: Iain Breakenridge]
RF reassured ACC that councillors will continue to review the implementation
and can ask for a review after 6 months. [Action: Councillor Fraser]
WW highlighted that the speed tests usually monitor speeds in the middle of
village but requested monitoring take place at the ends of the village where
they see the fastest speeds.
5.2 Trees
Following the closure of the A811 to permit felling of dangerous trees, ACC
contacted SC regarding 3 dangerous trees at the end of the village that had
not been felled. SC have confirmed that the trees are scheduled to be felled
and members noted that these trees have now been marked. Members noted
that there are now additional trees that need felling. ACC will contact SC
advising them of this. They will copy their correspondence to RF who will
follow-up. [Action: Iain Breakenridge and Councillor Fraser]
- Charitable Trust – Sub-Committee Update
The Community Development Trust (CDT) Review Group met last week and
recommend that ACC work towards setting up a CDT with charitable status. This will
enable them to access and administer funds and will ensure that monies generated by
the setting up of the Windfarm will be distributed equitably for the benefit of the
community. ACC members agreed to progress with this. [Action: CDT Subcommittee]
- Your Stirling, You Decide Update
The canopy is now in place and in use. ACC need to request the combination for the
key lock. [Action: MS]. ACC will ask for an update from the Nursery on how the
canopy is being used. [Action: Iain Breakenridge]
- Big Conversation Update
Kilmadock CC has invited other CCs, including ACC, to form a group with the purpose
of improving their relationship with SC. Representatives from Kilmadock CC are
arranging a meeting with SC and will keep other CCs updated.
- Community Storage Project
The container is in position and shelving made from pallets is being installed. The
paint for the floor and surface of the pallet has been purchased. IB has notified Jean
Cowie and Stephen Fox of SC and the Lottery who expect a completed report by the
end of month. [Action: Iain Breakenridge]
IB confirmed that they have not yet been contacted by the purchasers of the bus
shelter regarding clearing out the shelter. IB asked members if anyone is interested in
organising a BBQ to mark the opening of the facility. No members volunteered.
- Public Transport
Member discussed recent service issues with McGills buses, particularly the
cancellation of the early and late buses. WW highlighted the difficulty for residents
caused by cancellation of the last bus. SC have advised bus users to call a taxi if the
last bus is cancelled and SC will reimburse them but taxis will not come out to rural
areas which leaves residents stranded. IB agreed to contact Val Brand for more
information and clarity. [Action: Iain Breakenridge]
- Police Report
No report was received.
- Councillor’s Report
Councillor Rosemary Fraser (RF) informed members that Councillor Paul Henke had a
stroke a few weeks ago but is expected to make a good recovery.
In addition, she highlighted:
SC has been in recess since May while the governance team have been
focussing on the general election and by-election. The next council meeting will
be held in October.
A new Chief Executive, Caroline Sinclair, has been appointed, along with a
Chief Finance Officer.
Chris Kane and a number of other labour councillors have been elected as
MPs. They will be standing down in a staggered process leading to a further
Re: SC Maintenance of Flower Beds. Councillor Fraser expressed her
frustration at the appearance of the area and will be bringing this up at the
Environment, Transport and Net Zero Committee. She highlighted that some
areas have had no planting this year. SC have said they will grass over some
areas if the local community do not take these over. RF is against this as not
enough notice has been given to communities who might want to take this
over. Members felt this did not affect their area as they do not have any SC
SC have a new back office system to pull data together which means
councillors should be able to find data more easily.
RF asked how the booking system for refuse is going. Members were unable to
comment as they had not used the service. RF was aware of no evidence of
increased flytipping.
RF was unable to confirm if there would be big cuts this year.
RF confirmed that the new cycleways in Stirling had been financed by
Sheena Adam (SA) asked if SC are considering introducing a low-emission zone. RF
confirmed that air monitoring is in place around Stirling, readings are low and there are
no plans to introduce this.
Members highlighted that the cut-down transport timetable is a problem as both the
number of late trains has been reduced and the last bus keeps being cancelled.
- Finance Report
The Chair was unable to find the information he had gathered for the finance report.
He will forward this to members when he can find it. [Action: Iain Breakenridge].
ACC’s application for an administration grant has been successful.
14.1 Shelloch Wind Farm
ACC have been informed that Vantage RE are now responsible for leading all
pre-construction workstreams. They are expected to be the mainstay for the
duration of the life of the wind turbines. Connection to grid is expected to take
place in 2029 but Vantage are pushing Scottish Electricity to see if connection
can be made earlier. ACC expect to be involved in conversations with the
construction company to ensure that Arnprior priorities are considered
regarding the access road.
14.2 Planning Application – Drummarnock
A planning application has been submitted for four 180 metre wind turbines at
Drummarnock farm. While this is outside the Arnprior planning area, ACC will
review this application to see if there are implications for Arnprior. IB is in
process of reviewing the non-technical report.
14.3 Recent Deaths
The Chair informed members of the deaths of local residents, Mr Stirling and
Mary Begg who both contributed significantly to the community in their
different ways. A memorial service for Mr Stirling is expected to be held at the
end of month.
15 Date of Next OGM
The next OGM will take place at 19:30pm on Tuesday 8th October 2024. It is intended
to take place at Arnprior Nursery.