April 2024 Minutes

Arnprior Community Council


Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting held at 7.30pm on

Tuesday 16th April 2024 at Arnprior Nursery


Present: Iain Breakenridge (Chair), Morag Sheppard (Secretary), Sheena Adam

(Treasurer), Margaret Pitkeathly, Duncan McEwen, Wendy Weir.

In Attendance: Pamela Barnes (Development Trusts Association Scotland), Margaret

Bennie (Buchlyvie CC), Alison Moffat (Buchlyvie CC), Ed Carrick (Former

Arnprior CC Chair), Esther Lim (Minute Taker)

Apologies: Councillor Rosemary Fraser (Scottish National Party)

Residents: 2 residents were in attendance.

  1. Welcome and Apologies

The Chair welcomed the attendees to the meeting and gave the apologies.

1.1 Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

1.2 Approval of Agenda

The Agenda of the meeting was approved having been proposed by Wendy

Weir (WW) and seconded by Margaret Pitkeathly (MP).

  1. Approval of OGM Minutes and Matters Arising

The unconfirmed minutes of the OGM held on 20th February 2024 were approved

having been proposed by MP and seconded by WW.

  1. Matters Arising

3.1 The Chair thanked members who had stepped in to run the meeting on 20th

February when he was unable to attend.

3.2 Morag Sheppard (MS) confirmed that her appointment as keyholder is

working fairly well, with some teething issues.

3.3 MP confirmed that the information regarding phishing and gaming safety

forwarded by the police had been added to the ACC facebook page.

3.4 The information on CSET projects has been passed to Arnprior Community

Council (ACC) by Councillor Henke.

  1. Charitable Trust – Pamela Barnes, Development Trusts Association Scotland


The Chair thanked Pamela Barnes (PB) for attending the meeting to brief members on

Development Trusts (DTs). He thanked MS for arranging the meeting.

Iain Breakenridge (IB) explained that one of the reasons ACC are looking into forming

a DT is to be able to manage any monies given to the community through the

proposed Shelloch Windfarm development. PB confirmed that the windfarm would be

looking for an organisation it can trust and which has the benefit of the community as

its priority.

Pamela Barnes explained that DTAS represents a network of over 300 DT in Scotland.

Her presentation covered 3 main areas:

What is a Development Trust?

 DTs vary in size and location and can be both urban and rural. They are

community led and owned. They combine community led action with an

enterprising approach. They work to find out what a community wants done

and how they can make it happen.

 A DT is not a legal entity in itself. A DT needs to choose what sort of entity it

wants to be.

 There are 4 characteristics of a DT:

o Independent (community owned and led)

o A geographical community

o Committed to working in partnership

o Enterprising

Why Form a Development Trust?

 A DT provides the structure to obtain funding and engage with a community to

make the most out of community money.

 In response to questions from the floor, PB explained that Community Councils

(CCs), as statutory bodies, do not have the same grant getting ability and

flexibility for administering grants as a DT. They cannot employ staff and buy

assets etc. PB suggested that a DT could potentially negotiate with the

windfarm to get beneficial terms for the community. DTAS is trying to get

shared ownership as standard as this seems to be the best way to get the

most money for the community.

 A DT can help get engagement from the community and promote local

democracy. Some DTs use the Local Place Plan to feed into a Community

Action Plan, which focuses on what the community itself wants to do.

How to Become A Development Trust

 There are 2 main steps to becoming a Development Trust: stimulating local

interest and thinking about governance.

 Prior to setting up a DT, ACC need to consider what they want to do with any


 A DT can take 2 forms:

o A company limited by guarantee. This is the quickest to set-up and the

most flexible.

o A Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO).

 PB can send ACC notes and model rules for these. The model ensures you are

eligible to purchase assets and register interest. Having a Community Action

Plan would provide evidence to enable a DT to do this.

Examples of What Development Trusts Can Do

 In 2018, three rural CCs in Dumfriesshire set-up a joint DT run by volunteers to

distribute windfarm money. They focused on core paths and the natural

environment, tackling the poor wifi, refurbishing the village hall, community

transport and affordable housing.

 In Fort Augustus and Glenmoriston, the DT have bought land and built

affordable housing as well as renovating old housing. They run 3 community

larders and own and run the village hall. In partnership with other DTs they run

an apprenticeship scheme to keep young people in the area and they have

built a medical centre which they lease to the NHS.

 PB informed members that there are a lot of DTs in their area and emphasised

the benefits of communicating with other DTs even at this stage in the process.

She explained co-operative working with other DT creates bigger opportunities

and sharing of costs. She gave the example of 2 DTs who worked together to

build a road between their communities.

What Does DTAS Do?

 The DTAS network shares knowledge and expertise enabling organisations to

learn from what other groups have done.

 PB works with aspiring organisations. The rest of the team work with

established DTs.

 DTs can become members after 1 year of being established once they have

had their first AGM and filed their first accounts.

 A DT needs a minimum board size of 3-4 members.

 If ACC want to set up a DT, PB recommended:

o setting up a steering group, including members from the CC.

o having someone responsible for communication and holding a public

meeting early on.

o deciding what the DT wants to achieve and how to spend monies

before receiving funds.

o Applying for a grant from the Community Learning Exchange to visit

DTs in similar areas to learn from their experience. PB would be happy

to help ACC identify a suitable DT.

PB distributed printed information to the group and agreed to send copies of her slides

and a start-up toolkit to MS. MS will share these with ACC members and the

representatives from Buchlyvie CC. [Action: Pamela Barnes and Morag Sheppard]

After PB and representatives of BCC left the meeting, members discussed potential

benefits for local residents. They noted Fintry DT give out heating and insulation

grants and are involved in other energy saving projects.

Members discussed the advantages of working with other CCs to set up a DT. (Other

potential funding recipients are: Carron Valley, Fintry, Kippen, Gargunnock and

Cambusbarron.) They suggested that creating a DT independently but working with

other DTs on specific projects might be the way forward.

The Chair asked members if they would like to move forward with setting up a DT.

Members agreed and formed a sub-committee comprised of Ed Carrick, Duncan

McEwen and Kate Brodie. MS agreed to request the steering group remit from PB and

to get the contact details of Ed and Kate. [Action: Morag Sheppard]

  1. Meeting with Buchlyvie Community Council (BCC)

MS reported on the recent ‘Imagining the Future’ community meeting hosted by BCC.

The meeting was well attended. They set up tables covering areas of interest.

Attendees circulated around the tables and provided feedback on what they thought

was going well and what was missing. These responses were captured, combined and

attendes voted on the priorities. Outcomes will be shared at a meeting scheduled for

25th April.

Among the priorities identified were getting decent broadband and completing the path

from Arnprior to Buchlyvie. Members recognised there would likely be joint interests for

both CCs MS agreed to attend the meeting on 25th. [Action: Morag Sheppard]

  1. Cardross Bridge

IB submitted an enquiry (no. 2307449) to SC expressing disappointment that ACC had

not been informed of the repair and closure of Cardross Bridge prior to the publication

of a newspaper article about it.

SC apologised for the oversight and confirmed that they are in process of appointing a

principal contractor. They offered to attend today’s ACC meeting but this was not

convenient due to the number of visitors already scheduled to attend. IB is in process

of setting up a meeting. [Action: Iain Breakenridge]

  1. Your Stirling You Decide / Planning

The Canopy is now in place. Elaine is hoping to have a grand opening and invite

Elspeth to cut the ribbon. WW will co-ordinate this with Elaine. [Action: Wendy Weir]

  1. Roads

In response to an enquiry (no. 2309586) submitted on behalf of ACC, IB has received

the latest Sensor survey information. This includes the information that Arnprior is one

of a number of villages in which SC intend to replace the 30mph limit with a 20mph

limit. ACC were unaware of this decision. There is no current budget for the work or

scheduled date. Representatives of the roads department agreed to schedule a

meeting with ACC in May. IB and WW agreed to form a roads sub-group and to attend

the meeting. IB will arrange the meeting for 21st or 22nd May. [Action Iain

Breakenridge and Wendy Weir].


‘Big Conversation’ Stirling Council Budget 2024/5: Public Services including

Public Transport etc.

The impact of the budget cuts is not as bad as had been expected, however, IB

expressed concern that the library service and public transport are still facing viability

reviews. IB enquired what the guidelines would be for these reviews but it appears

there are currently no meaningful criteria in place. He expressed disappointment that

SC had not learnt from the unsatisfactory information sharing process during the Big

Conversation. IB will continue to monitor this. [Action: Iain Breakenridge]

WW informed members that mobile library visiting time has changed from 10:20am to

12pm every other Thursday. She encouraged members to use the library service to

keep it operating.

  1. Arnprior Community Storage Project

The container pack has been delivered and is currently stored at Sheena’s farm. It

was noted that the flat pack is not shrink wrapped and was not delivered on a pallet.

There appear to be loose fittings. IB and MS agreed to look at the delivery and to

organise payment. [Action: Iain Breakenridge and Morag Sheppard]

  1. Central Scotland Environmental Trust (CSET)

WW passed to IB the information forwarded by Councillor Henke on successful CSET

projects. IB will review this and then get in contact with CSET. [Action: Iain


  1. Police Report

WW confirmed that a police report for the period had been sent to ACC but there was

nothing to report for the area. The police noted that there had been incidents of

housebreaking in neighbouring areas.

  1. Councillor’s Report

There was no Councillor’s Report and no Councillor was present.

  1. Finance Report

IB gave the finance report. The balance of No. 1 account is £7,892.60. The balance of

No. 2 account is £4,613.20.

  1. AOCB

15.1 Alterations to Kepp Cottage

Members discussed the alterations to Kepp Cottage. Concerned members

were advised to check out the details of the planning application on the SC

planning portal.

15.2 Community Council Property, Kepp Cottage

WW asked if the owners of Kepp Cottage are aware that ACC property is still

stored in the cottage and the bus shelter. She suggested ACC contact the


15.3 Rolling Turnip Drill / Planter

MP informed members that an old rolling turnip drill had been found when the

shed at Kepp cottage was cleared and the owners want to give it back to the

community. MP shared photographs and suggested adding a box and

planting it with flowers. Members suggested painting ‘Arnprior’ on the side

and siting it along the road behind the wildflowers. Sheena Adam (SA) agreed

to get a quotation for refurbishing the drill and IB agreed to look into funding

through CSET. [Action: Sheena Adams and Iain Breakenridge]

15.4 Arnprior Sign

WW suggested ACC contact SC to find out when they will install a new sign.

15.5 Defibrillator

The defibrillator pads have been replaced. It was noted that the bulb in the

defibrillator box is not working. MP agreed to have a look at this and try to get

the bulb replaced. [Action: Margaret Pitkeathly]

15.6 Defibrillator Training Certificate

WW passed the Certificate to MP for her granddaughter.

15.7 Christmas Raffle

WW confirmed that the money raised at the Christmas raffle has been

donated to Trossachs SAR.

16 Date of Next OGM

The next OGM will take place at 19:30 on Tuesday 4th June 2024. It is intended to

take place at Arnprior Nursery.